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Community gift subs killed my community; A warning.

Hi y'all I'm here to share an problem I have faced and after speaking to a few other female streamers, it seems to be a normal problem. There shall be no links or sales pitches and this is on a throwaway. This is also going to be a very long post.
To begin - If you are doing twitch solely for income, there is nothing wrong with that and this warning will not apply to you. If you are trying to build a community please read on. This is also mostly directed at female streamers, I am one myself, but good knowledge all around.
I'm a mid-20's part time streamer while I go to school during the day. I started streaming over a year ago. Things went well; I had an active community both on and off twitch. My twitch income was low but it was never the main focus of my stream. Unfortunately I'm a poor college student so every sub and every bit warmed my heart. I got pretty close to partner, just shy of an average number of viewers. I started a push with some goals and incentives to hit partner!
I never hit partner.
During a personal celebration stream I had someone come into chat and after posting come cute animal emotes from the other women he's subscribed to, I welcomed him in with open arms as I would anyone else. Then he gifted 100 community subs. He spoke altruistically about how my community seemed fun and he wanted to support me and my community. Everyone was hype! In my stomach I felt strange that someone came in and spent that much on my stream but gift subs were normal in my stream and even an inside joke to a degree.
I kept an eye on this new person wondering what would make someone spend that much on someone they'd watched for only a few hours. He spoke about his job and he was very open about exactly what he did. In an effort to not doxx myself or said person, let's just say it was one of those jobs that the general public assumes anyone working in makes fat bank. He had spending money and seemed to be an adult not spending his last few dollars for attention. He never made any overtly creepy comments and we often spoke about adult things. No boundaries were ever crossed.
It got weird after a few months. Around the beginning of each month he'd gift another hundred or so subs. He'd sometimes treat me like a dancing monkey asking "what is your favorite drink" "what is your favorite pizza" "what's your favorite meal" "what games have you been wanting", all innocuous questions but then he would almost always immediately donate through paypal to cover the costs for any of these things. It reminded me of when I'd be out at a bar drinking with friends and a man would come up to me and ask me nearly the same thing as an ice breaker to then buy me a drink or meal. I would often tell these men no but these are usually the type of men to not take a stern no for an answer. This isn't a flex by any means. I don't want to be someone's sugar baby, I came on twitch to build a community and maybe make money.
I believe Community subs were built for big streamers, the streamers with hundreds if not thousands of viewers. Community gift subs are not really that great for someone with less than a hundred viewers. As a celebration or one-off thing they can be fine but they were almost all handed out to bots or people who had likely opened my stream and closed it. Even worse they were often handed out to people who had followed and unfollowed. I can't begin to count how many times we had people follow and unfollow only to follow again (presumably out of guilt) when they were gifted a sub.
Long gone were the days that I'd had people making friends in chat anymore. All of my regulars slowly disappeared and all the newcomers sort of worshipped this guy. They called him generous, they called him epic, they thanked him and acted as if they were friends.
Nobody was friends with this guy. Not even me. I realized far too late he'd basically forced his way into my community. He started suggesting games for me to play and just like the men at the bar who didn't know how to take a soft no as an answer, he'd offer to pay for them. I'd naïvely added him on steam so I was constantly gifted games he'd love to see me play.
How do you say no to any of this? This isn't someone outright giving me money asking for nudes back. This isn't someone who is afraid to talk about how much he makes or spends. He was always telling me how many subs he gifted in other channels. Maybe as a brag or maybe an attempt to make me jealous. Or even worse maybe in an attempt to make me beg for those subs myself.
Streaming albeit profitable is no longer fun. Do you remember in old movies when there was often a woman singing alone on a stage and a man would walk into the jazz club and start flaunting his wealth an an attempt to woo her? That's what streaming feels like now. I no longer know anyone in my community. My dreams of reaching partner are dead as I have no desire to stream anyway. Whenever I do stream I feel more like this guy is now my pimp and he's never done ONE actual bad thing.
I've reached out to a few other female streamer friends and quite a few have very similar stories. I've come to realize a lot of these men talk like dads in chat. RANDOMLY.......capitalizing WORDS.....and using.....A LOT.....of ellipses. Once they stop using the cute animals or cute girl emotes from the streamers they subscribe to. I could theorize all day long if they have some sort of father-daughter fetish where they really want to take care of a much younger woman, but it also may just be someone who is socially dumb and believes money will solve everything.
Community gift subs alone have scared off all of my regulars. Now my chat is constantly full of people asking me who I am, following me, then thanking the very generous man who gifted them a sub and pulled them into my stream. I'm constantly getting notifications that I was gifted a sub from the same man to another woman's stream. Another common thread I found was they love to intertwine their favorite streamers. In the same way they'll push hard for you to play their favorite game and they're often not really gamers themselves, at the end of a stream when you start looking to raid someone they're quick to pipe up with a few names of people who they do the same thing to.
Beyond killing my own community, I can no longer recommend my friends who were often female as this same guy would go into their chat and gift their community another hundred subs. To see that unawareness and excitement upon getting that breaks my heart. If this guy stays and does the same thing to me as he did to them, I'd never wish that on a friend. It's not like I can pass him off to someone else either as he already seemingly does this to a handful of other women.

So now I write this as a eulogy for my streaming dreams on twitch. I'll never make partner. I can't just outright ban this man as he's given me so much money and I have no real reason to ban him. My discord is bare and any time I post in there to liven it up he hits back with some caring type message. I cannot talk about anything without some overtly nice input from him. I was naive in the beginning and didn't have a business paypal so he knows my full name. I've deleted my social media accounts under my real name as I never want this man to follow me off the platform. I tried to remove different aspects from my stream that even remotely incentivized money. Turned off hype train, got rid of paypal, even turned off on stream notifications. Nothing worked. He just wants to give me money. Which from the outside doesn't sound like much of a problem but it is. No longer do I have friends in chat jokingly giving bits or subs to friends. My entire stream is under his thumb and if he decides to leave then I'm back at square one as my community has been gutted. I suspect this guy with his job that you have to be pretty intelligent to partake in knows all of this too. My stream is now his.
So my only option is to quit and maybe someday stream under a new name and without a webcam. I only want this to serve as a warning to anyone else who finds themselves with someone like this in their stream. Maybe you can nip it in the bud, lest you find yourself as a dancing monkey for one wealthy man.
After reaching out to friends we realized a few things as well. Gifting 100 subs will give an affiliate around $250 in revenue and cost the gifter around $550 dollars. Whereas they could buy 25,000 twitch bits which will give the streamer $250 but only cost the bit-gifter around $350. These are already insane amounts but why would you spend $200 more dollars to give the streamer the same amount of revenue. In most cases it's a celebration of community and gives back and helps build a community.
In this case, it killed my community and made this man the one and only OG of my stream and he's likely fully aware of it. All while never actually doing anything wrong. Lots of love and be safe XOXO
submitted by RIPcommunitygiftsubs to Twitch [link] [comments]

Will0fthePeople's EXTENSIVE Challenge Recap week 7

I'm back and I'm ready to rock exactly 13 of you luck reddit users with my completely unbiased summary of last weeks shenanigans. Quick insight to how I write these, I take notes when I do my first watch of stuff I think - foreshadowing etc. and then do the write up around this time of the week with the full episode on stop and start. So if I think somethings significant or have an opinion I'll only mention it if I've included it in my first watch notes. (to make the summary seem live I guess?) ANYWAY. Last weeks summary: https://www.reddit.com/MtvChallenge/comments/l6dpl0/will0fthepeoples_extensive_challenge_recap_week_6/
And without further ado, week 7:
The recap has me BRICKING IT. Teresa my queen (I’m not biased I’m just in charge) is in deep **** and by proxy Jay, who just wants to do competing and things. “The Killers are home” says Queen Kam. RIGHT. I’m putting my foot down. Until further notice no more contestant generated nicknames. Frankly, it just makes me look lazy.
“The double agent scorecard is a big fat F” Devin lets us know that angering that many teams was pretty stupid. I’ll be honest, I think it could be a smart move, but only if the subsequent manoeuvring is smart - unfortunately I don’t think Jayresa have it in them to get it right. We will see. (Also interesting note, Devin is clearly the narrator of this season which is surprising given I think half the community thought we might have seen the last of him.)
“A swing and a miss, a swing and a miss” The big bad wolf tells Jay with Cori in tow. I don’t want to insult their intelligence, but I think the world knows that Jay wasn’t trying to get rid of them. More sensibly Cori and the Wolf point out that if it had been a guys day then it would have been the two of them. Valid - and Jay acknowledges that “he was putting them at risk”. Cori does a pitiful confession complaining he can’t trust anyone. Given his best friend literally sacrificed himself for him last season I’m going to offer him zero sympathy points at all.
Quasimodo (Nam) says “Jay is my closest friend in here, he has a target on his back, this is really bad to see, really bad to see”. It’s a confessional but it’s such an earnest cry for help I nearly tear up. Have yourself 200 points I think I love you Nam. “Jay it’s just common courtesy” LeROY companies to Jay. I’m sorry but I’ve watched every season since 15 and common courtesy has had little to do with multiple seasons. LeROYs alliance in WOTW2 would regularly blindside players and throw their own US team in to further their goals. Teresa, piles in, tells them “this was my move”. The boys don’t know what to say, they seem perplexed someone has the Ordacity to interrupt their merciless verbal execution of Jay. “Get over it” says Teresa. I agree. Jay also owns it in confessional “I don’t owe anybody an apology”.
Queen Kam is doing her complaining, in her confessional she looks GREAT (short hair vibes it’s cool). She lets the audience know she plans to throw in Jayresa again and again and again - which besides being impractical for the sake of the gold scull twist, it’s also just weirdly vindictive. (Can you tell this mafioso vibe makes me feel uncomfortable - the only points I’ve given out are too Nam!) Teresa tells us that a day in the challenge house is many in the real world and that Jay just needs to lay low. So, a) I think she underestimates how much KamRoy want her head and b) I don’t think she has the calm vibes to pull this off - sorry Teresa I still love you.
Morning time and Fuzzy bunny and Teresa are chatting. “What’s everyone crying about” bunny says. We all agree. Teresa throws out the Darell name and Bunny is on board, knowing full well how solid he is in finals. This made the edit so clearly this will come up later. JUDAS is chatting to Cori and he’s trying for the apology. “Sometimes I come across as arrogant and Cocky” nah JUDAS you literally tell everyone you can take them, you ARE cocky. Still, he talks about being introverted and struggling to talk to people and it’s not a million miles off what we see on screen so I at least think this is an honest attempt at dialogue. The big bad wolf comes in with a confessional “You CANT trust him, he’s screwed you over”. Cori is… half sold.. but also not really. I was about to reward JUDAS with a half point or maybe even a pat on the head when he pipes up with “I feel like I’m a misunderstood player in this game” NO JUDAS, you literally physically assaulted your friend and eliminated him from the game despite claiming you could beat anyone in an elimination. Devin, being Devin uses this to bring up the sneaky Big Bother alliance and how he wants to break them up.
Challenge time! they’re on a beach. There’s a helicopter. The Challengers get needlessly excited. The challenge is called Ariel Takedown. 5 contestants on a Cargo net suspended from the Copter over the sea. The last challenge remaining wins - if there are teams with equal numbers of wins it’s down to time (To be clear I hate challenges like this that reward speed of win as the winning always feels random - anyone remember back to the Rivals era when Daily wins felt…. won? Like certain teams were able to dominate dailies because the challenges actually measure skill and physicality. Clear MTV don’t. ANYWAY - as a spectator sport this should be good viewing, buckle up.
“Y’all gotta go in the water so: goodbye” says Queen Kam. 50 points, no explanation required. So it’s: Kaycee, Kam, Nany, Aneesa and The Eagle. Not much physical happens but Aneesa is off. The Eagle is somewhat persuaded off. Kaycee “wants to let Kam know” that she’s strong and takes her out. Nany and her crush Kaycee are left. Nany pretends that she has a masterplan to toss Kaycee but then rather predictably Kaycee just tosses her.
The MEN are here. Darell is very scared - for those out of the loop he’s always hated height challenges. It’s Devin, Kyle, Fessy, Darell and Nam. Literally nobody does anything. They all realise that if they do nothing they are all equally disadvantages. Nam is very sad about this. Teresa is pursuading her allies that because the challenge is speed based it makes sense for people to jump off and give a quick win to someone. Amber B, YES SHE EXISTS, is having none of it and wants to keep control. Amber M, Lolo, Gabby, Teresa and Amber B are up. One by one Teresa persuades them to jump. Amber is like nah, and Amber and Teresa have to go at it physically. it looks pretty tight but eventually Teresa gets her off using the momentum of the net hitting the water.
Final up, it’s **Jay, LeROY, Mechie, Fuzzy Bunny and and ANNOY******TM . Jay goes straight for LeROY and is going at him full throttle. The rest of the boys are doing fuck all. Mechie falls off of his own volition. Jay despite valiant efforts fails to knock ROY off. Challenge over. TJ Acknowledges that Jayresa and LeROY and Kaycee were great and he calls out the boys for the simple fact that they “F***ing sucked”. 1 Second separated our two top teams. And… (Jay in a confessional refers to Teresa as Mother Teresa the holy one, have yourself 100 points) and… LeROY and Kaycee win. “one second… ONE SECOND” says Jay. I feel you bro I feel you. He knows he’s screwed.
Back at the house Teresa isn’t a happy bunny with Amber B. Nany - not to be confused with Tera's arch nemesis - is interviewing Amber and tells us she likes Amber B. It’s important to note that Nany - not to be confused with Teresa's arch nemesis - likes anyone who crosses Teresa and it’s hilarious. We’re in the dome club. Teresa is cutting a lonely figure. Gabby tells Teresa she thought the plan was to throw in Darell. This sets off Teresa and she’s on a rampage, she has a go at Darell then Amber. It’s Messy. *Flashbacks to when she told Jay to lay low*. THIS is the Teresa I tune in to watch. Devin correctly notes that this is pretty bad news for Jay.
Devin, classic Devin, goes to poke the bear and tells Judas “We don’t want you to win” and The big bad wolf double teams straight in to wind him up. We’re back in the house and Fessy is drunk and trying to intimidate. Devin and the Big Bad Wolf can’t stop laughing. AMAZINGLY **ANNOY******TM breaks it up and relocates JUDAS to their room. **ANNOY******TM enters the room and Devin tells him he’s now allowed in because he was “mean to me”. Having literally just calmed down JUDAS, **ANNOY******TM throws water on the big Bad Wolf. words are thrown. “Don’t bother, he’s just a big man child” Fuzzy bunny advises the big bad wolf. *multiple CT fight flashbacks*, chuckle. Devin in the hallways asks if they can have an adult conversation and **ANNOY******TM tells him he has 3 seconds to get away and having ignored the countdown Devin summarily gets a hard shove on to the couch. I mean, I’m calling it, if that push had been onto anything other than cushions, that’s an exitable offence. “Josh, I’m a layup but at least I own it, you’re a bigger lay up” says Devin in a confessional and earns an automatic 100 points for owning his layup status. It all quiets down and our angry challengers slip off to bed.
It’s morning and Kaycee is worried about her tempestuous alliance. She wants an “Alliance of Kaycees” no no no no, we can’t deal with those levels of boredom. Lose yourself 100 points Kaycee for trying to ruin this show. Devin apologises to Gabby for causing more stress than required. It’s suggested they are the alternate vote. Amber B and Teresa have patch things up chat with Jay in as witness. Teresa admits that only one conversation she’s had even mentioned Darell - one with Fuzzy Bunny and that it was “coffee banter”. Jay then suggests it must have been CT who spread it, “Yeah, I had the notes, I know what I was wearing, a Lulu lemon shirt between the hours of 9 and 10.” OMG this is iconic. 200 points to Teresa and the Laurel Stucky cosplay award. Teresa says she’s going to bring it up in deliberation. To what end I’m not sure.
Deliberation. Devin apologises.. interesting. Jay puts his plug in, that he doesn’t have a mastermind plan. The Killers are having none of it. Teresa goes straight at for Fuzzy Bunny. He isn’t pleased and uses his energy to shut her down. There’s a lot of mess, Kam and Darell accuse the girls of throwing the challenge. “Having a partner who’s trying to save me as much as Teresa’s trying to save me right now is super dope. But please stop” says Jay. Wisdom earns you 100 points young sir. I’M NOT BIASED OKAY. Queen Kam makes a clear argument that now LeROY is the double agent he gets to call the shots and that Teresa needs to accept that. 50 points. Lines are drawn. Teresa is having a wee confessional cry - mostly because of the Darell situation.
Voting time, some votes for Devin but mostly for Jay. Kaycee and LeROY learn that it’s… Jayresa going in. Having said that last week the Itty bitty small committee (IBSC) had the control of the game with Jayresa I now look stupid. That said: Amber M, The Eagle, Amber B and Gabby and their respective partners ALL vote in Jayresa in an attempt to protect Gabby. I said this at the start of the episode, but there WAS a way out of this, if Teresa had identified a target the IBSC wanted to vote in, and avoided all the name throwing, the distraction of Devin (aka forcing the Big Bother alliance to vote for him) would have left them an open goal to put in who they want. ANYWAY. Rant over. Jay is going in. LeROY is wondering if he should go in. It seems likely.
Rudolf is prepping Quasi that if LeROY doesn’t want to go in then he is the likely other candidate as Jay’s best bud. LeROY wants his scull and lets Kam know. Challenge Bingo +1 for a chess board making it into the shot. Queen Kam isn’t 100%.
Elimination time! and we’re down in the Crater. TJ gives the one and only warning for the physical altercation from last night. TJ lets the guys know that any guys that didn’t try in the Daily lose their votes for elimination…. I’m pretty sure that has no effect on the Elimination so I’m a bit nonplussed. “This challenge proves that the girls are braver and stronger and here to compete” says Nany - not to be confused with Teresa's arch nemesis. Fair play, 50 points gal. Jay and Teresa are down. “There’s two people responsible for my girlfriend getting her scull, so it’s only fair they be responsible for me getting my scull too” says LeROY (calling himself down) WHAT A SPEECH. Power move and 200 points. The elimination is the same as the girls elimination from week 1 “Fire escape” Where contestants hang from ropes off a beam and have to move themselves along the beam, over obstacles, to the end and back. This is twice as long as the girls elimination and for those out of the loop it’s identical to an elimination LeROY bossed in Exes 2. That said, Jay is a climber and should also be his sort of thing.
This is going to be big. AND WE’RE GO. They are BOTH fast, like fasttt, and it’s neck and neck as far as I can tell until half way through the leg out. In classic challenge fashion the edit is super stop start and confusing (Challenge produces lose 100 points) and it’s hard to get a read. It looks like maybe LeROY is shading it? Ad yep, he hits the end and half way with a solid 2m lead. At which LeROY f***ing MOVES. He is soooooooo fast. and Jay is no slouch. Having pushed the lead to 3m LeROY briefly gets stuck on an obstacle, but having cleared that gets his win with a good 2m clearance. IMPRESSIVE. “HOW? I was hauling ass” says Jay. and rightly so. I think if Jay had competed against anyone else he’d have won and he knows it. They both know how good that was and Jay leans in and tells LeROY he wants him to win the whole thing. 500 Points to LeROY for being exceptional.
TJ in his goodbye tells Jay that he expects him to be back. Jay in his exit interview tells us “I just want to compete” and he sheds some tears. Respect, there’s a reason we like him. LeROY chooses despite wanting to switch to Kam to stick with Kaycee and promises to get her a scull. Cori and Teresa are therefore together. “Welcome to the cursed side” says Cori, she’s so very aware that Cori has so far burned through all his partners.
So despite my dislike for the slightly mafioso turn in this episode it was pretty solid. I promise I’ll get back to being slightly less biased and awarding more points next time. As ever It’s been a pleasure, Will0fthePeople xoxo
EDIT: dyslexia
submitted by Will0fthepeople to MtvChallenge [link] [comments]

Transition can be really, really good! (or "How I learned to pretend like I wasn't depressed and love the bomb") Part 2.2. Or part 4. whatever... It's a continuation of my way too long story. With pictures and stuff.

Welcome back to my rambling, aphasic story about my transition!! Here’s the previous part (which also links to the previous, previous parts). So where were we? It’s May something or rather. There was Something about me being bi and how I’d discovered that boys and girls are both hot. And there was this whole thing about me trying to deal with that and how I even got to that point. Well not to skip ahead too much, but I am so very bi. Or pan or whatever. I like bi as my label, mostly because I LOVE the bi flag. Bi pride!! Anyway, I think boys are cute. And girls are cute. And enbies are cute. And just… everyone. Everyone is cute. Especially the person reading this: you’re adorable and amazing. I just honestly don’t care at all about the gender of the person I like, only that I like them, and they are a consenting adult person. But I was still figuring all that out back then; just dipping one terrified toe in so to speak. Also, I have to get back into a sort of bad headspace to write this. In May I was really falling deeper into depression and not pushing away from it. I was very confused by the way I felt about my sexuality “shifting” and was still trying to figure out what that all meant. I try to make it all seem fun, but for serious it was rough for me and a lot of the things I did and thought were influenced by how depressed I was. Sorry if that’s a bit of a downer. Just hold out with me till about August and things get better, I promise.
So, hopping back in, I was rather recently separated and in a position to be dating again (at least physically, mentally is a WHOLE ‘nother thing). And I was at least tangentially aware that I was probably, maybe, attracted to men as well as women. That being said, I really wanted to be alone forever and wallow in misery. But my wife actually encouraged me to make profiles on Tinder and Bumble. I was heavily of the opinion that I was manish, undatable and unlikable. It had taken me AGES to find and have all of my previous relationships, so I figured that trend would continue. It took me a bit to feel comfortable with it all, but eventually I gave in and we made some profiles together. I put in that I was looking for women, of course, and (on a lark) men too. I was met with… mixed success... Okay, not so mixed, lol. I got SO many matches!! I was so very not prepared for it… Lots and lots of guys and a handful of girls.
So I’m going to take a quick moment here to talk about some of the guys that contacted me. I’m going to call them chasers because that feels like the most appropriate name to me. Yeah, diving right into that controversial shit today. Cool. For reference, I don’t mean this to be political or controversial, but I know there’s some differing opinions and thoughts out there about this topic. So let me make it clear that these are my opinions. I have never claimed to be either right, or a good person. Maybe I’m a shite person (I make that exact argument several times in fact), and my opinions are garbage. But They’re still my garbage opinions and my shite personality, so I’ll just have to deal with the fact that that’s who I am. /shrug. Anyway; chasers. Fuck chasers. Those people never even saw me as human, and it really messed with me at first. No… it still messes with me. Their desire was for me as essentially an inanimate object. They just wanted to fuck me like I was some sex doll, and then throw me away. I was a disposable, subhuman thing to them, good only for fulfilling their imagined pornographic fantasies and desires. And some, I assume, were good people.
I got contacted by so many guys that wanted me to top them. Btw, that, in and of itself, is not a terrible thing mind you. Not a thing I like or will ever do, but by no means bad. That’s exclusively down to preference and comfort. It’s just that these guys did not actually give any fucks about me as a person, despite how it seemed at first, they just wanted me for that one part of me. like I was a porn video they could get off to once then discard. Literally all they cared about was the fact that I had boobs and a girldick, and that they wanted that girldick used on them. In their asses, presumably. A thing about those guys; a lot of them seem really sweet at first. They seemed so interested in me and so genuine! They wanted to know how things were going, and they were SO complimentary. It was really the first time anyone had acted head over heels for me, so I was a bit entranced. But inevitably, we’d start texting about more… explicit things (because they led me there). And eventually, they’d ask me about my OEM equipment. Did I have my **** and would I use it on them? Was I ****? Would I *** on their ****? Could I bend them over and **** them in their ***? Or let them **** my ****?? Needless to say, I was creeped out. I was wildly unprepared for this at first… It takes some work to figure out their tack. To figure out what they’re into and where their interest lies. Once you see it though, the pattern is clear as day; There’s a preamble of quick conversation where they ask you surface level questions, but never anything too intense or deep… nothing designed to really know you as a person, just what they think is the minimum small talk they can engage in before shifting to whether I’ve had “THE SURGERY” yet. Then all they care about is sex and they only want me if I’ll use my girldick on them. (Okay, I’ll stop posting memes. Sorry. Kinda.) But If you push back, tell them you need time, that you don’t do one night stands, don’t top, or that you want to get to know them more before talking about that stuff, they ghost you. Because to these creeps I was NOT a person, and any amount of continued effort was too much.
For however disgusted I was by the way some of these guys treated me, I did figure out that I was very, very into men. Provided, of course, they were willing to engage with me under MY conditions, and not some weird porn fantasy. Ugh, again, fuck chasers. But in and amongst the garbage chasers, I did actually find a few decent guys and gals. I will very briefly and in much less detail than is necessary or right, talk about Tyler (not his real name). Ty was a decent fellow and seemed interested in me as a person. Mostly at least. We had a few good conversations on tinder and then decided to meet up for a cup of coffee. Gods, I was sooooo nervous!! Like crawling out my skin!! This was my first date with a man… and my first date as a girl. Omfg I was like all over the place!!! He turned out to be a sweetheart and a gentleman, honestly. He bought me a cup of coffee and we went walking for a while. After a few hours he asked me if I wanted to go hang out at his place for a bit and “play video games”… Yeah, that’s gotta be code, right? So we went over to his place and… he made me watch him play Fallout 76 for like an hour and a half. No lie. I’d have never thought that anyone would want to subject a date to that… but here I was, watching this reasonably sweet and pretty cute guy play one of the worst videogames ever. For HOURS. I don’t have enough faces or enough palms to palm my face enough times to properly express to you all how bad and stupid it was. Now eventually he kissed me and we did… stuff and things that I thoroughly enjoyed. Or I guess I did stuff and things to him that we both thoroughly enjoyed. I guess I’m bi and a whore. Good to know.
I don’t have a good segue here… I can try though I guess. Uhhh… So speaking of Tyler, and how I dated him for like 2 weeks then unceremoniously dumped him, it was June! See? Awful. I don’t really want to talk about my dating life too much, but I also briefly dated a girl I’ll call Abby. Abby dumped me after like 2 weeks much like I dumped Tyler, and for similar reasons, so I guess karma evens out (sort of like how my Karma count on reddit evens out from all the downvotes I get arguing with TERFs in news or thisubisnotabouttransissues.) I guess I should be all introspective and serious again now. As a recap, it was June, less than 2 months after my wife had ended our 10 year-long marriage, and I had blown through 2 relationships already. Clearly, I was not ready for this kind of thing. I am about to be scathing in my review of myself: I was relying on other people to be my source of happiness. Tyler was too into the idea of me to be actually into me and so I didn’t feel validated enough, and I was too clingy with Abby and demanded far more of her emotional resources and attention than was fair. At that moment I needed someone who could shower me in genuine attention so that I could focus all of my internal insecurities onto an outside source and use that as my primary fount of happiness. Which, in case it’s not super obvious, is just a really terrible thing to do to someone.
So faced with this situation where I desperately wanted external validation, but clearly could not handle the responsibility of that, I made the only decision I could: be alone. Oh, and cut my bangs. Btw, that’s my real hair. I was wearing a wig in public at that point still, but this was my real hair I cut. Anyway, I turned off my dating apps ending my brief experiment. I needed to figure out who the hell I was. Ugh, I need to wax poetic again. Is that getting tiring??? I bet it is. Well, bear with me a few more times while I pretend myself to be a Greek philosopher. I had to figure out who I was without relating that self-perception to other people. Who am I in a vacuum? If I am alone and have no one to bounce off of, what is the… me that exists there? Cause if my problem is that I seek too much external validation, then the solution is that I need to find internal validation, and then project that outwardly as confidence and leverage that into making better relationships; both romantic and platonic. So I tried to do what I had done before and kind of look back at the most recent save file for my base identity and work from there. Except I’d corrupted my save files by modding in the gender switch, and now I couldn’t use any of that data. Crud.
I’m not gonna lie, I felt lost. Like REALLY lost. I was this essentially new person who I barely knew and I had just lost a huge portion of my identity with the separation. I had been referring to my marriage and wife as “Anchors”, because I realized just how much of myself I’d rooted in her and our relationship. That and being a mother were pretty much all I had at that point in my life, so when I lost her and the relationship (and the 2 more that followed) I was kind of screwed, existentially speaking. My problem was that I was essentially floating free. No anchors anywhere in sight. I’d need to make a new one… Or several.
I think that this is a good time to bring up my friends, though honestly they’re really more like sisters. I’m going to use their real names because I love them and they deserve all the recognition that a minor reddit post will bring them (plus I specifically asked all of them and they all consented): Julie (and her wife Luna), Saoirse (pr. Se’er- Shuh), Olivia(Liv), Alexandria(Lexi), and Aeris. Anyway, through a series of ridiculous coincidences I met all of them and we formed a group together. All being trans and in somewhat different stages of transition, we’ve been able to help each other and talk through anything that any one of us is dealing with. They are a friend group, therapy group, meme exchange, venting channel, political discussion group, and other stuff. I’ve leaned on them a lot. When I said earlier that I talked to my chosen family, it’s these girls I’m talking about. They are amazing and I love them all. I’m bringing them up here because I think that it’s easier to do this now so that I can reference them all later. I don’t have anything else specific to say at the moment. Just that my girls exist, and I love them xoxo.
So… Anchors. I needed to figure out what in my life made me, me. I decided that I would take this in two steps. Step 1: figure out who I am alone (I’d need at least a few months to do this). And step 2: figure out who I am in relation to other people (my girls, mentioned above, helped out with this as well as future dating partners). I started with just focusing on step 1 by itself, but have moved on to doing both more or less concurrently. I want to be able to pass down some answers from on high about how I figured out my existentiality and reached nirvana, but I’m just not that cool. I think that I’ve gotten closer to figuring myself out irrespective of my relationship to other people, and I am learning a LOT about my “self” as it relates to others right now. About my interdependencies and self actualization, and blah blah blah. This is all just a sort of self-discovery, right? Btw, doing this in month or 2 is a laugh. This is gonna take me years, I think. Maybe when I’m done I can go be a famous you-tuber passing along my proto-philosophical wisdom to the masses ala our Dark Mistress Contrapoints. But for now, I’ll settle for a middling reddit post.
Anyway, let’s move on. I don’t have any answers about my existential crises for now, but just know that I was kind of floating blindly and trying to figure myself out. June is also the anniversary of my coming out. June 22 specifically. I’d left my ex the letter on my computer exactly one year prior on that day. She’d later given me this really cute print out of the position of the planets in our solar system that day. My first day being honest with myself and her. I’d framed it and hung in the hallway. I took it down when we separated because of what it represented to me and how it had felt like this amazing thing before and now felt… tainted I guess. I still have it down. I’m not sure if I’ll ever appreciate it the way I used to, but I will absolutely acknowledge just how sweet that picture is. I did not feel like celebrating my coming out day this year… Maybe I’ll feel like it next year. I felt the same way a month later on my 1 year hormone anniversary on July 28, 2020. I just didn’t want to celebrate it at the time. I hope that my 2 year anniversaries are significantly better.
My wife ended up moving out in mid-June or so too. She went to go live with her mom and we started to work out a way to split up our time with the kids. She was planning on doing one of those tech boot-camps to give her some new workplace skills and move into a better career (a thing that she has since done and enjoyed a lot). But the gist here is that I was now alone at home for extended periods of time for the first time since before I’d met my wife about 12 years prior. I was ALWAYS with her or kids or something. I had an hour or two here or there, maybe a day or weekend, but not like this. Not LIVING alone. It was crushing in its emptiness… What I really needed to be able to get more human contact in. What I needed was to be able to go out and have fun. See my friends. Get a little drunk and give out my number at a bar. Buuuuutt… COVID. I couldn’t really even leave the house. Ugh, what a year 2020 was… In lieu of being able to go out though, I did the very next best thing, which I still do to this day, and talked regularly with my girlfriends.
I think maybe one of the best ways to make sure that you can stay grounded and not get lost in that despair is a good friend group. And in times like this, that can be just so important to have that contact and companionship. Going through all of that turmoil and discontent alone probably would have pushed me to a different result… Having my girls to talk to and bounce off of was a really great thing. There were a few times when I would talk to them late into the night about whatever was ailing us! It was cathartic and helpful in a way that few things are. There was one night I remember distinctly that Julie, Luna and I all stayed up till like 1 in the morning drinking wine and champagne together over discord till we were all drunk and rolling around on the floor laughing together (me alone in my empty house and them in their place in California). They are some of my best friends and I have no idea what I would do with out them!!! We would all of us meet up at least once a week too, and have a zoom call. Just talk for hours and discuss the problems of the world, our individual problems, HRT, emotions, good stuff, bad stuff, stupid stuff, whatever. It was, and is, a blast and something I look forward to every week. Get yourself some girls like this. Trust me.
But as you may be able to tell, I have this whole sadness that’s still sort of worming it’s way into my life here. I was still not on my anti-depressants at this point, that wouldn’t happen till August, and I was struggling to cope. My friends and my kids were keeping me around and engaged, but I was not doing well. Everything felt so suffocating. And I was avoiding my therapist too. I’d had one session with her in like early May and was now verging on 2 months of not talking to her. Not a great thing to do when you feel this bad btw. And then it was Father’s day... Do I celebrate Father’s Day? I’d had people tell me happy Mother’s Day, and that felt appropriate, though perhaps not… deserved? I was super confused about what I should do here… We decided to kind of half celebrate it… We went up into wilderness and did a hiking trail. It was nice!! I just felt so… weird about it all. There’s this super interesting shift between celebrating Father’s Day last year to feeling like that’s inappropriate this year. Ugh, it feels so jumbled up… Mother’s Day, Father’s day… blah. There should just be 2 nongendered parent’s days. All I felt was like I was in between and didn’t deserve either day anyway, so that made it even worse.
There’s I think a lot to address in that last paragraph… See, there was this period where I felt like I didn’t deserve to be called a mother, or even a woman. Like it was something I had to earn. It was this feeling like I had to be worthy of being a woman and that I was somehow falling short. That’s crap btw. I “deserved” it, whatever that even means, whether I thought so at the time or not. I am a mother through and through and I do deserve to be celebrated on Mother’s Day. I am a woman in every sense and that is not something that has requirements other than just being one. Like, being a woman is a state of being, one which I am in, and not something that is a question of desert. People simply are their gender. TERFs and other pieces of shit contribute to the notion that there is something unworthy about trans women. That they are women* and not just women. I‘ve even rather recently argued with a TERF who basically told me this exact thing. And fuck her. Don’t internalize any of that bullshit if you can help it. Whoever you are that’s reading this, you are valid, and amazing and uniquely you!! Never lose sight of that!!
Anyway, back to me being an upside-down depressed girl. I was sinking into this boredom and malaise and I wanted out of it. I needed to do something. I needed to get out and be reckless and try something interesting and new. I needed to be alone… kind of. I just needed something to change and get me away from all of the depression and melancholy that I was wallowing in. So after going around on a few different things, I decided that I was going to go to California! To Napa, specifically, and to go get drunk for a few days with my girlfriends. That felt like JUST the thing I needed. Girlfriends and wine. God I’m such a basic white girl. I did some research to try and get the emptiest airport I could so that I could avoid as much COVID as possible, we got some hotel rooms, scheduled a driver in wine country and we were off!!
Primarily I met up with Julie and her wife Luna. We had rooms in the same hotel and spent a few days together in Napa. We went to nice restaurants and sat outside all done up in our best makeup and prettiest dresses. Everywhere we went we were greeted with “Hello ladies,” which I thoroughly appreciated (proper gendering euphoria ftw, yo). It was a BLAST!! We went to 4 different wineries, all with something different and unique to offer us. We spent way too much money on bottles of wine. We absolutely spent the entire day, and then some, pretty drunk. A waiter lightly hit on me in a rooftop bar. It was amazing!! I feel like I could write a whole thing on just my few days in Napa. Maybe I will for my poorly reviewed self-published book that I’ll release in 2025.
The following day, Julie and I drove back to her and Luna’s place (which was also in CA) while Luna took their car back. We tried to visit Saoirse, who was on the way, but unfortunately she was having a super rough week and wasn’t really up to it. We dropped off some wine and well wishes, waving at her through the window, and continued on. At Julie and Luna’s we played video games and ate wonderful homemade food and generally relaxed. It was really nice. I was SOOOOO not ready to go home at the end of my 3 days. I’m not sure what else to say here honestly… I probably could, but like, do I keep just going on about it? Nah, seems good to stop here. And it was definitely what I needed. A distraction, and comfort. A way to let go of all the crap I was dealing with, even for a few days. Forgetting about all the tribulations and the hectic slowness of my life. Back to the grind I guess! I came back to my home and just sort of sunk back into things. I want to tell more interesting stories about things that happened, but when you’re depressed there just aren’t any. I was just sort of… there. I was able to get out of bed every day and I didn’t die due to self-negligence. That’s really all I can say here. I was playing a lot of FFXIV too. That was fun at least.
My one year HRT anniversary came and went with little fan-fare. In my journal I apologized to myself for how trash my entry that day was. It was lamenting the fact that I had nothing good or inspirational to say. And that, plus the fact that I was slipping back into a heavy malaise, is what drove me to FINALLY call my therapist again and set up a new appointment. I talked to her and I cried through the entire session. I told her that I felt inhuman. That I wasn’t in control of my emotions and I was sad all the time. That I needed to be severely distracted or drunk to not feel lonely and awful. That I wished I was dead. That I needed help. She gave me a recommendation for anti-depressants, and I set an appointment with my GP that same day. I really should have done that a LOT sooner. I’m going to repeat the lines that I put in the previous section discussing this. They bear repeating:
For anyone who needs to hear this; YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!! And it is NOT your “fault” that you are trans. There is no fault and no blame to be had anywhere. Your existence is not “wrong” and you are not “bad” for existing. You are being true to yourself and working on being the best you that you can be. And that’s exactly what we should all do. Work to be the best self that we can be!! Find a place where who you are and what you’re doing makes you happy. That’s what’s important. But please, please, please, if you’re having a rough go of things, don’t be afraid to reach out to friends, family, therapists or dumb bitches on reddit giving you unwanted lectures about your mental health. (here’s the number and website for the Trans Lifeline, in case anyone needs this right now: (877) 565-8860 / https://translifeline.org) And legit, please feel free to DM me if you want.
August was a big month. I stopped wearing my wig because I finally felt like my hair was long and femme enough to present femme reliably. I’d get extensions in September, but we can talk about that later. August is also when I started taking Prozac. And I do want to talk a bit about anti-depressants and the stigmatization that I think many of us still buy into. One of my girls was feeling pretty down for a while and she told me that she didn’t want to start on anti-depressants because the HRT should be enough. Let me say this very, very clearly – Being trans and being depressed are not the same thing - You can be trans and not depressed and you be depressed and not trans. Or, and this is important, you can be both. They are NOT mutually exclusive. When I first started on HRT I felt AMAZING. It really did lift my depression! And for a bit, for months really, I felt like I didn’t need to take anything else because the HRT should be enough. I bought into that crap too. But the more depressed I got, the more I realized that my HRT had nothing to do with depression. Depression is usually to do with a lack of sufficient serotonin (more or less). It has nothing to do with primary sex hormones (I mean… it does… but lets not get TOO into endocrinology and neurology here). And please, don’t get me wrong: HRT is a life saver!! It made me feel so much better and more human!! But it did not cure or treat my depression. That was independent of my transness and required a different treatment. Prozac, to be specific.
It took a few weeks on my anti-depressants before I started to feel better. I’d been crying hard every single day and was totally losing myself. At first, it sort of turned me off… I wasn’t sad, but I certainly wasn’t happy. I was a little… nothing. I didn’t like that, but I kept on. For like 2 weeks I couldn’t cry. I almost stopped because I wasn’t willing to give up my emotions, but they did return. And here’s what I felt when I started to feel what I’d describe as normal again. I found that I had a bit of a volume knob on my emotions now. Not like complete control, but it was like I could tune it between the nearest 2 notches or so. Like if I was feeling 9 sad, I could let it creep up to an 11 if I wanted or hold it back to a 7 or so. I still felt it all!! I just had some control over it. That really let me understand just how badly I was letting my emotions run my life. I had lost control and it took regaining some of it to see just how much. E is a ride!! It’s sort of like riding on the air drifts around those huge dragons in Breath of the Wild. I was just drifting along, running out of stamina, losing control and about to careen into the spikes on it’s back. Riding the dragon is such a trip. It takes practice and determination, and sometimes, help. Don’t be afraid to ask for that help.
Alright, I think I’ve imposed on all y’alls time enough for today! Know that things start getting better from here on out. This is more or less the end of this depressive phase I was going through. Not to say that things are rose petals and rainbow poptarts after this, but the Prozac saved my life and really turned things around for me. By September I was trying to date again. I have a one hell of a story about a wonderful woman I met whom I’ll call River, both as a Dr. Who reference and because it’s a bit of a pun on her real name. I met a few guys too. I made new friends and did more interesting things. Relationships ended. Elections happened. I got an RTX 3080. I think on the next entry I should probably get pretty well caught up to real time so that I can take another 9 month long break from writing this. I hope all you wonderful folks have the best weekend or week or day or whatever. Be happy and go forth into the world with confidence and vigor!! Be yourselves and be your best self. Bye-bye lovelies!!
submitted by pocket_of_posies_ to MtF [link] [comments]

Will0fthePeople's EXTENSIVE Challenge Recap week 5 🔥🔥🔥

Greetings Earthlings,
I'm back and after a new low in readership I'm back with a bang. (Literally nothing has changed). I've been in hospital having a wee tumour removed from my left sinus. Is the main benefit of this the increased air circulation in my nose? No. It's the time off work I've had to get this out more on time and with a few more details. I will be tallying the points totals so far in the comments and linking my previous write ups at the bottom so keep an eye out 🤞. Without further ado, my detailed summary of last weeks episode of the challenge:
And we are back! Cori tells us he’s lost two friends but he’s going to be smart - but also chat to JUDAS (Fessy). Wise man Darrell confirms in his wisdom that Cori has every right to go at him. “You know why that move was made” says JUDAS - yes we do JUDAS, because you’re a punk. After referring to Nelly as a friend Cori quickly and rightly tells him to “stop using that term friend”. “I would never say his name bro” says JUDAS as if that’s any worse than physically assaulting our boy Nelly. “Oooooooh FESSYS in trubbbleeeee” exclaims Fussy Bunny. Excellent confessional work from the old timer.
Essentially JUDAS comes up with a load of punk ass excuses and Cori calls him out for only thinking about himself. Have 200 points Cori.
ANNOYTM gets involved calling JUDAS selfish. As ranty and stupid as ANNOYTM sounds he’s essentially saying - sure, I don’t like eliminations but I wanted something physical because I’m big. Which is kind of true. JUDAS points out that Nelly is NOT an easy physical win. Neither are correct and both are chatting out of their asses (We know from previous info ANNOYTM had in part been campaigning not to go in and we also know he’d at least mentioned to JUDAS he wants something physical). “Am I a target?” asks Kaycee, I’m not sure, but your two biggest allies definitely are at this point.
“Obviously we’re targeted because we’re so called the weakest girls” tells Amber M to other Amber, The Eagle and Gabby. Gabby articulates how ignored/undervalued she feels by Tory and Aneesa. Amber M makes a plan: to get out an experienced player. The Eagle is on board - she wants rid of Tory. Amber M names them (Amber B has now left the room because she is too tall for this) the Itty Bitty small Committee. I am A FAN. 300 points and the queens writ of naming to Amber M and 150 points to the other two gals.
Tory is apologising because she realises she’s fucked it. Correct. She didn’t realise JUDAS would switch. Has she not ready my summaries and not know he's called JUDAS?? Tory loses 50 points for being silly. Does anyone else find this Tory, Aneesa friendship weird and out of the blue?
Bunny and the Eagle are chatting. Eagle wants Tory. She wants to put her against Aneesa. Bunny enjoys the scheming. “Ooooooh TORIS IN TROUBLE” says Fuzzy Bunny in a confessional. Have 100 points for repeating the same line twice and it coming off both times. The big bad wolf acknowledges that Tory is pissing people off and that the Rookies are smart. Devin say’s “I’m going rogue”, weirdly happy to cut ties. The Chaos continues with Devin.
AND IT’s DAILY TIME. Enormous STUNNING waterfall. 100 further points to the nation of Iceland. “I’ve had some intel, and I have no choice to deactivate one of our agents” tells TJ to the group. Genuine surprise from me and the group. DAMN, it’s Nathalie, she needs to leave the game, WHY?? “This ends your time on this, season of the challenge but I’m positive we’ll see you in the future” TJ is being surprisingly forthrite with his admiration for Nat. I’m sad, but at least she get’s a proper sending off. Cori is gutted understandably to have lost one of the best female competitors.
“I have decided to trigger a security breach” says TJ. - having told us 3 agents leaving outside elimination is too much. WHO WE GETTING. It’s……. ASHLEY. TJ literally refers to her as Millionaire Mitchell which is hilarious. Cori rightly is skeptical, “Am I getting the puzzle queen or hurricane Ashley?” He asks us. Hopefully, both.
The Daily is “Agent down”. The girls will be stood on a platform hanging over the edge of the waterfall. The guys will race to pull 200m of rope through a hole in time to get hold of their partner before the platform they stand on falls. They will then hold their partners for as long as possible and the longest held will win the challenge. If the platform drops and they guys hasn’t yet pulled all the rope, the girl can try ad hold on long enough for the guy to come and get held.
Darrell tells us to google “Height shock” because he doesn’t want to go into it. Teresa is terrified of heights and Jay kisses her on the helmet. JAYRESA are ADORABLE. It’s Lio, Darrell, Jay, Bangin Bavarian, Devin and LeROY. Jay is first through the rope, NICE. 100 points. LeROY second through the rope, Bavarian third. Rudolf, says she isn't used to having to trust a man. Tory and Aneesa fall, Devin gives 0 fs. Gabby! Manages to stay on after the platform falls and Lio gets to her. Amber B falls. Lio tries his best but eventually drops. Teresa is super scared and Jay is just chill af. Rudolf is getting annoyed because she wants our Bavarian to try harder. Bavarian drops her. Jay just keeps holding her, which is impressive given how similar they are in weight. Eventually while switching grip they lose out and she falls.
The next heat is Cori and Millionire Mitchell, The Eagle and Fuzzy Bunny, Kyle and Queen Kam, ANNOYTM and Nany, JUDAS and Kaycee and Mechie and Amber M. The Eagle is nervous and sort of whimpering. Bunny tells her to do her mean face and she just sort of whimpers louder <3. The Big Bad wolf kills it and is first through the rope. Cori is the only man not to get through the rope hilariously and Ashley falls. JUDAS drops Kaycee first. Hilarious. Queen Kam calls him out for it. Mechie then drops Amber, repeat - Mechie beat JUDAS. The Big Bad Wolf knows he’s beat and eventually drops. ANNOYTM does that hilarious Big Bother thing where he’s like “CT you’re good, just drop”. Fuzzy bunny is having none of it and ANNOYTM drops. He loses 100 points for being ridiculous.
“And the team that won by 5 seconds was, CT and Big T” says TJ. DAMN, I was rooting for Jayresa. 100 points to Jayresa and Fuzzy Bunny and the Eagle for good performances all round. The Eagle is straight in the house and in the house all extra, “You’re serving me dinner” she says to Jay. Wonderful. The Eagle tells us Aneesa is probably the prudent move for the house vote.
Bunny and the Eagle have a chat and he gives her the political reigns over their alliance. She looks SO GOOD. We’re in a dome and she’s set herself up a VIP table. RUDOLF of all people is referring to her as “The Queen”, she has a literal Olympian prescribing her royalty. If that doesn’t deserve 100 points I don’t know what does. The Itty Bitty Small Committee decide Tory will be too tough for the house vote and that Aneesa will be their target. One by one the house come up and pay her respects and compliments. A little snippet but she asks Darrell if he will be voting how “Amber B” votes. Interesting, they seem to be doing a good job of keeping their intentions hush hush.
Tory comes and chats. She tells the Queen that she wants to go against smaller players she thinks she can beat. OMG she literally has no self awareness. Tory is then confronted by Amber M. Tory tells her because she wants to compete against people who she thinks are probably weaker, fgs she literally has no chill. Amber M fires out the zinger “If you’re going around telling people you think I’m weak without telling me then I take that as you being weak”. YAS. 300 points Amber.
Kaycee is trying to rally the troops in the Big Bother alliance. Good luck. Aneesa and Tory are beginning to realise thy might be in the shits. Tory goes around rallying people to vote in “Little Amber”. “Any little person you can get to vote like that” she tells people. She KEEPS saying the word little despite that getting her into the mess she’s in, it’s astonishing. Fuzzy Bunny is making a side deal with Rudolf, essentially, if you want to go in give me a nod - a pretty smart, you scratch my back I scratch yours type of deal.
Deliberation time! Ashley tells us she’s staying silent because she doesn’t want a target. Devin is excited about Tory’s demise. Big Bad wolf highlights that rudolf has worn her USA track uniform just to terrify the rest of the house. Gabby leads off: She’s calling out people for dismissing the smaller members of the house. She points out that the challenges are varied and that actually people need to just stop making assumptions. Succinct, clear. 100 points. Aneesa steps in: I have no idea what she says, just many words. Something about experience, but then a long winded explanation of everyone needing to go in. None of it makes sense. Amber M tags in “people are going around acting like they know what we’re capable of because of our size”. Once again, clear and concise. Tory tags in, “it’s all about the unknown, how can we put respect on your name”. She “You might prove yourself” really stressing the might. She continues to dig herself a monster sized grave and at this point it’s quite funny.
Vote time. Amber M gets votes form Aneesa, JUDAS and Tory for certain. LeROY “burns” a vote on himself which is classic LeROY. Cori votes JUDAS out of revenge. We learn that it’s Aneesa and LeROY who get votes from like 2/3 of the house including a LOT of their friends. The Eagle and Fussy bunny agree that it’s either Tory or Lolo depending.
Aneesa is losing it - FINALLY they realise they’re fully on the chopping block. Teresa is there in support. Teresa acknowledges she’s walking a tightrope being friends with the rookies but also supporting “My old friend” (Aneesa) “and her best friend” (Tory). 100 points to Teresa for refusing to call Tory a friend. Teresa is definitely putting herself in a tricky situation here I can feel it. If it makes the edit, it’s usually relevant.
ELIMINATION TIME. TJ declassifies the information and we learn that Aneesa and LeROY are going down. The Eagle choses not to go down. “My reign of terror is nearly coming to an end” says the Eagle, adorable. They throw down Devin and Tory. BOOM.
“Sounds like you’re making a lot of friends in the house” says TJ to Tory. Savage, 150 points. It’s a women’s elimination and it’s called “Asset destruction”. Two giant crates held at an angle of heavy balls. They’ll pull the crates with a rope until they get it past a line and then they’ll need to pull the crate to tip the balls out. They’ll have 20 targets they’ll need to throw these balls at, 13 of which will be breakable. The first to pierce the 13 breakable targets wins. The girls are very displeased.
We’re ready. AND THEY’RE OFF. JUDAS choses now to remind us that he and Tory “have a connection” and that when they look at each other they “know what each other are thinking”. I’m of the mind that unless it’s confirmed something happened JUDAS is just massively overreaching boundaries given she was engaged and he needs to pipe down. Not that it makes much differences but he loses 200 points and earns ANOTHER Chastity belt.
Back to the elimination. Aneesa gets the Crate across to her and pulls it over first time. Tory gets the crate stopped and cannot for the life of her pull it over. She’s doing a remarkably bad job of trying to pull the crate over, she’s too close to the crate and has no leverage and she has no momentum to get the crate to tip on the run. All the while Aneesa is just casually slotting balls through targets. She’s up to 7 already. Aneesa looks over and you can tell a little part of her realises Tory’s performance is so bad she almost wants to hop over and help her out. Amber M is very pleased to declare Tory a lay up in a confessional. Aneesa gets up to 10/13 targets. Tory finally realises she needs to get the crate moving to provide momentum and she finally get’s it over.
We get some fake jeopardy about Tory catching up. Aneesa is on her final target. Millionaire 🤑🤑 Mitchell, straight back in and going her best work “If you see someone’s gonna win, and you have a loud redneck voice like this, it’s a good idea to let them know you’re rooting for them, so when they come back they tell you thank you so much for helping me”. Wonderful, 150 points. Aneesa fires her last ball and wins the elimination. Tory’s chaotic journey to an end. For the best, I think she might need to take some time off.
TJ says the standard goodbyes. TJ highlights that this is Aneesa’s 10th elimination win and goes on to defend her record. Just about as partisan as I’ve heard our sexy BMX boy in a while. I suppose when you’ve seen her narrowly lose to all time great Laurel in a hall brawl, you get to feeling that way.
Aneesa in one of the funniest moments of the season, steals back JUDAS. He looks so displeased and it’s GREAT. “That’s what you get with your bitch ass” says LeROY, 200 points to HIM. Kaycee choses to take back LeROY and it’s cute. They legitimately look traumatised by their time away from each other. Devin is the Rogue agent. He loves it, and it’s worth saying it makes him ineligible to go down to elimination. He loves it.
And with that, our 5th instalment of The Challenge, Double Agents is over. Lots of Love, Will0fthePeople xoxo
Link to my instalments 1,2,3 and 4 respectively:
submitted by Will0fthepeople to MtvChallenge [link] [comments]

Housewives History Post: 2009-2011 That Goddamned Blog!

After the RHOC S4 reunion in 2009, Gretchen posted a deranged blog about Tamra. It was first posted to the Bravo site with the cast blogs but removed due to the content and accusations. Gretchen then reposted it on her personal blog in 2010. It was referenced on the show again in S6 in 2011 when Tamra attempted to make up with Gretchen during the Florida trip by asking her to, "take down that goddamned blog!" Gretchen never did which is great news for us as we can time travel back to this messy moment in Housewives History because of that.
This is the blog I wrote after the airing of the reunion show last year (season four). Both Tamra and my blog were removed from the bravo website due to unknown reasons, and therefore I found it important to make sure the truth was still heard. This is the only reason I still have this blog up. Tamra has tried to taint who I am as a person and Jeff’s and my relationship for way to long. It was about time I addressed all her lies, and set the record straight since TV only shows you want they want you to see.
I had already written my blog yesterday regarding this “lost episode” and didn’t get to send it in because I was at Slade’s son’s graduation. On my way home I received tons of calls and e-mails regarding Tamra’s blog on Bravotv.com and the “excuses” she used for her inappropriate actions on the reunion show. So of course, I read what she wrote and now feel forced to address the lies she continues to spin to the press and the public. Sorry in advance for this being long winded, but I have been QUIET for way too long, and it’s about time the truth be told as Tamra so eloquently pointed out.
First of all let me state this very clearly, Tamra changes her story according to how it best suites her in that moment. I have honestly never met anyone so contradictory in my life (or someone that just plan lies to your face) Let’s address some of Tamra’s “stories” as I like to call them.
Story #1: She states that I asked her and Simon to have a threesome the night of her infamous dinner party in the very late hours of that dinner, but contradictory to that claim, she sent me several texts after seeing that footage in season four, and stating that she was appalled at what she said about getting me “naked wasted” and that she was so drunk she had no idea she said those things at all. So if that was the case, then how convenient for her now to all of a sudden have a clear mind that night and remember that she supposedly heard me say I wanted to have a threesome? Maybe that’s a fantasy of hers, but it surly is not mine. I would never say something like that, as a matter of fact Tamra is the one who spends her time on national TV season four talking about having crazy sex, shopping at sex shops, and having to keep things better then the same old peanut butter and jelly sandwich. How miraculous that she all of a sudden pops out of her drunken state and could remember what was said, and to boot at the late part of the night (aren’t you normally drunker later?) In her own blog about that dinner party she states that Simon stayed up with me making some food while she was hugging a toilet. So when did I say this exactly again? If you ask me she wasn’t getting any response from me during the reunion show about her accusations so she needed to reach for the stars on something else hoping it might stick. (I.e. I picked up on Don, Ryan, and then the threesome comment) I mean seriously what is it? Pick one already. This is when you see me drop my mouth in amazement and say “you seriously have some balls”. Tamra was reaching even for her.
Story #2: About “J and I” involving Tamra in a love triangle. First, let me be clear! There was NO love triangle to involve Tamra in, second J, NOT me involved Tamra in this. I said it on the reunion show and I say it again now, “I cannot control what someone else does”. J was someone that I thought was a friend and it turned out he wanted something much more with me, when he couldn’t have that it caused him to do things that were not right. J calling Tamra in the middle of the night was because he was drunk and angry. He wanted to hurt me and therefore he tried to create conflict by calling Tamra and claiming he was my boyfriend. Tamra took the bait, hook line and sinker and he got exactly what he wanted. The next morning when I called to talk to Tamra about it, I apologized to her that he had called and said I was not sure how he had her number, but maybe he had gotten into my computer or my phone. At the time J was someone I considered to be a very dear friend, and he was someone that I believed had my best interest at heart. He would come to the house offering to take out the trash, or change light bulbs, or help around the house since Jeff was no longer able to do those things. He made me laugh during a very tough time in my life, and he and many of our mutual friends would go out and try to get my mind off the crap I was dealing with in the hospital, so yes it would make sense that people would see us out around town. Unfortunately, unbeknown to me he was going through my things, I believe stole pictures from my home and computer, and had access to personal information during those times because of access to my home. Now I understand and know he was planning on hurting me with those things at some point if he couldn’t have what he wanted. I later was told that he was out bragging around town he would figure out a way to make money off me.
As I said I called Tamra after J’s phone call that night to her and apologized to her, and said that he was acting “stalkerish”, because his irrational and strange actions were causing me to feel that way. I didn’t speak to him for weeks until he sent me a “I’m sorry” e-mail. He stated he was drunk and was wrong for doing what he did . I even forwarded J’s e-mail to Tamra. She said she understood and was sorry I was dealing with that because she has dealt with some of the same issues with guys from her past before, and I believed we had put it behind us. Obviously that was not the case.
And just for the record Tamra had already been on camera several times tallking crap about me long before this “phone call” to her was made (it was made half way through the season). So for her to blame her actions towards me all season on this guy calling, I believe was just a cop out. And as Lynne so brilliantly said during the lost footage episode to Tamra “So what’s your reason for being so mean to me”; proves my point even more.
Story # 3: I had no idea J continued to call her until much later, and once again him continuing to call her is not anything I was controlling. Tamra said on the “lost episode” that he kept calling every night at late hours, so if that doesn’t prove my point of him acting “stalkerish” with his behavior I don’t know what would, but again I didn’t know that he was continuing to call her until much later. J acted one way with me, but was obviously up to something else behind the scenes. I have never seen Tamra out on the town, so for her to say she saw him and I “very cozy” while out on the town is a flat out lie! I had no idea that J was talking to Simon behind my back and feeding him lies about our supposed relationship till much later. I also still don’t understand why Tamra wouldn’t have just told him to stop calling and that she has nothing to say to him. A guy will not keep calling if you shut all those doors, but obviously there is a part of that story that is missing. She says I dragged her into this but from my point of view she is the one that continued to allow herself to be involved. If that was me I would have told the guy to go pound sand, never to call again and if he continued I would get my husband on the phone and tell him we do not want to be involved and if you don’t stop harassing us we will get a restraining order! I now believe it was part of a bigger plan.
I would like to address her comments in regards to Bass Lake as well and J being up there for the day. J decided to drive up to Bass Lake for one day because he said he was sick of partying in Havasu for the holiday. I told him I would be there with my family and that he was welcome to come up to Bass Lake and hang out for the day because it was very chill. My family knew who he was, as did Jeff, and my parents would have never allowed J to be there if they believed for one second I was having an affair with him on Jeff! That’s just absurd! As I mentioned on the reunion show, Jeff had meet J, and he knew J was up in Bass Lake with us for the day because I talked to him several times throughout the day. The film crew was there that weekend as well, shooting for the show, so why in heaven’s sake would I allow this guy to be on camera if I was having an affair? Isn’t that just plain stupid? For Tamra to act like she was “calling me out” on something during the reunion show about him being in Bass Lake is hilarious because she didn’t even know any of the details. She simply was looking for an excuse to not like me and act the way she did towards me. I have realized some people don’t have the most innocent of intentions and that has been a rough lesson to learn lately.
Story #4: Tamra would just love it if she could convince everyone that I was using Jeff this “poor sick man to get on T.V.” Tamra even said to me at one of our first lunch meetings that Simon seemed to think that Jeff being ill was a big advantage for me because then everyone would feel sorry for me and like me. I found that to be a very strange statement. She knew her claims about J would help excuse her behavior as a person and possibly make people doubt me or not like me. Are you kidding me, how sick can they be? How can someone possibly say something so awful about a couple dealing with a deadly disease? And for the record again, I was approached to do the show, I didn’t audition like Tamra did through the internet by sending in a resume and picture to do the show. I had no intention of doing the show and certainly didn’t go looking for it. It was an opportunity that was brought to me, I originally was very hesitant to do the show but Jeff, who always liked an adventure, was actually the one that convinced me to do the show. So for her to say that I was using this poor man to get on a T.V. show is just ludicrous. Since Tamra never meet Jeff she could have never known any of the details about our relationship and the reasons we agreed to do the show. For her to just make assumptions based off a strange man’s phone calls to her in the middle of the night makes no sense at all. She herself said J was “trouble” and “wouldn’t stop calling”. Once again completely contradictory!
Story #5 Tamra states in her blog that “she was prepared to talk about J at the reunion show” yet in the weeks prior to the show she sends me texts saying she has no intention of talking about J because she didn’t want the drama and that is exactly what the audience and the Network wanted”. Then we attend the Virgin American event (in April 2009) and she tells me (with Lynne as my witness) she was forced to talk about J at the reuninon. Why? I’ll address that in a minute, but the point is, her story changes again. Then in her blog she states that J texted Simon just to stir things up on the day of the reunion, so if that was the case then why was she so surprised that I didn’t know what the hell she was talking about? Obviously I had no idea J was trying to stir things up because I believed J and I were friends and that he had my best interest at heart. I later realized that was not the case. Throughout the off season as Tamra and I talked she told me many times to be careful of J and that she believed he was trying to get his 15 minutes of fame. This is also when she told me about the continuous phone calls he made too them. So if she knew he was “trouble” and was only trying to get his 15 minutes of fame then why would J texting Simon affect her so much that she turned into such a mean bitch on set. I couldn’t quite understand it and that is why you see me asking her “why do you care so much about who is my friend or not, how does it effect you?” I just couldn’t understand the reasoning behind her ambush. Especially because I felt we had buried the hatchet on this issue many many times.
Well the very next morning I found out why she exploded like she did. It wasn’t about me at all, it was about the e-mail she received from her own husband, Simon, that day of the reunion show. I know she knows exactly what I am talking about here because I still have the e-mail saved and I responded to both Tamra and Simon to let them know I got CC’d on the e-mail. The most ironic part is that the e-mail came from her husband Simon because he was trying to save face with the cast and copied all of us on that e-mail, about Tamra lying to all of us about the reason he showed up in Vegas earlier in the season. Get this, the title of that e-mail addressed to Tamra from Simon was “Your B.S. and Lies” Ironic huh? Her own husband is addressing Tamra as a liar. Classic. I will get to that e-mail in a second but on another note I want to express that what really sucks about this whole thing is I really don’t think this is anyone’s business and I never brought this up because I just don’t like to be this way, but unfortunately when someone goes so out of their way to try to defame your character, at some point you have to call them on their own BS. I have let this go and go, tried to let it die, tried to not to add fuel to the fire, and take the punches and roll with them, but I am so done with this now! It’s so obvious that Tamra is out to hurt me and therefore I am forced to have to go here with all this because she continues to spin her lies to benefit herself and cover her own lies.
Simon writes this in the e-mail to his beloved wife and I quote; “So what did you say to Gretchen and Vicki at the pool? And maybe you should tell everyone the truth about Vegas and how you lied to me to get me to come up there. Or I will” The whole truth? I don’t need J’s text to prove what you told them lies about me the next day. Marriage is about being honest and loyal. Try it. I would have never done that to you. I don’t deserve it. Make it right.” End quote! Isn’t it funny how in every blog or piece of press Tamra claims she’s just “ Keeping it Real” or “The truth will set you free” Ha Ha Ha She tries so hard to convince the world she is always being truthful because every other word out of her mouth is a bullhonkey two faced lie.
As I put the pieces together in my mind I realized that the time of the e-mail sent by Simon was exactly when we were coming back from our lunch break during the reunion show, and wha-la,! I all of a sudden realized why Tamra flew off the handle with me that day. J texted something to Simon that made Simon realize that Tamra lied to all of us about why he came up to Vegas. By Simon sending Tamra that e-mail above, it sent a backlash of emotions that came pouring over onto me about how I am such a liavictim, all the while her own husband is saying “marriage is about being honest and loyal, try it” Tamra was so mad she got busted because of some text from J to Simon. No mind you, I had no clue any of this had transpired. J and I had corresponded by text that day in regards to how the day was going; he never told me he had sent a text over to Simon that day. Now unfortunately as I put the pieces together I believe that was all a part of his plan, and to get his name on T.V.
I think the only thing Tamra and I agree on to this day is that J was looking to have his 15 minutes of fame no matter what avenue he took.
I have to say though, funny how she was calling me a liar on National Television, all the while her own husband was calling her a liar in an e-mail to her. This is part of the reason you see me say “am I being set up” on the lost footage episode. It really came out of nowhere her attacking me. Let’s see her now try to explain her way out of that one. I’m sure it will be someone else’s fault, or she will say I made this up, but the good news is that Simon CC’d everyone involved in this situation so all the cast and crew know exactly what I am talking about. Even Jeana admits to this particular e-mail beginning of season five.
Story #6 Tamra having to show up in court! What a flipping joke this one is. For the record I didn’t just NOT show up for my own court case. I DROPPED the case the day before it was even heard in court. That was from advice of my attorney, as J told his own attorney he didn’t care if I got a restraining order against him, which lead me to believe all he wanted was a media circus and I was not about to allow my serious concerns to be made a mockery out of in the press. When I heard he was involving Tamra in the case I immediately texted her. The reason for the text was because I had just seen her two weeks prior at the Virgin America event. I once again believed her when she said she wanted to call a truce and she would no longer talk about me. She claimed she just wanted all this to be over.
In good faith I agreed, and was looking forward to being past all this, but once again her story changes. Tamra and I exchanged texts messages the day before court and she stated that she wasn’t happy and was very stressed about having to go into court. I understood and felt bad she had been drug into my situation by J once again and told her I was going to drop the case per my attorney’s advice. J had already violated the Temporary Restraining Order once and it became obvious a piece of paper was not going to protect me from what he was consistently doing. I not only texted her the night before, but then again the morning confirming that the case had been withdrawn. Tamra knew the case had been taken off calendar because J’s attorney called all the people that were going to be in court that day the night before to let them know. But low and behold guess who still shows up to court……Tamra. Then surprise surprise she talks to press and spins her lies again, claiming she found it very strange that I didn’t show up for this case, when she knew damn well the day before I was dropping the case and the reasons for it because I texted her, and she responded! Then Tamra goes on to say that it “shows my real character”, and all she wants to do is “tell the truth”. So where was the truth in any of that? She flat out lied again, says one thing to me and another to the press. The funniest part is she actually made me believe that she was concerned for me for a minute in our exchange of texts. I fell for her two-faced B.S. again.
Then she says to press, “That J was very apologetic” as if she is now buddies with the guy that she was trying to convince me was “trouble”. If you ask me this whole thing sounds strange. Maybe my initial intuition on the “lost episode” of questioning if I was being set up, wasn’t that far off after all. Who knows really, but then I have a flash back of the footage where Tamra is saying she was going to get me “naked wasted” at her dinner party “and she was going to make me do something stupid”. Makes a girl think.
J is not someone I choose to be around anymore or have in my life especially after the very sick and shallow things he has done to taint Jeff’s and my relationship. He is not someone I care to talk about, but unfortunately I have been forced to discuss because of the “lost episode”, Tamra’s lies, and his consistent attempt of putting his name in the media and stating lies about me. I made a poor choice to be-friend someone that obviously took advantage of my friendship by stealing from me, borrowing money he never paid back ($18,000 dollars to be exact), and using my name to bring his into the limelight. I am not sorry I had that friendship because I have learned a lot from it, but I am sorry that he had to ruin it by doing what he has done to me and the memories of Jeff.
On a personal note, as far as all the other footage on this “lost episode” it was so nice to see some of the happy moments that Jeff and I shared together and with the kids again. The footage was hard for me to see and so I am sure the kids will have a hard time seeing that footage as they no longer go to Dad’s house to have those bar-be-ques. Jeff always loved to hear the sound of all us together, it made him happy even in his darkest of days. Just laughing and giggling, and poking fun at each other. That really was a very fun day. We had no joke about 50 kids over to the house and we played all afternoon. Jeff was the “cool” dad and the kids loved to hang out at his house. I obviously got along well with all the kids and enjoyed my time with them every time we got to see them. I miss all our time together it has been a while since we all got together and had a good laugh. I talk to all of them still very often. They are all very good kids and had the great influence of their Dad to turn into great kids with a lot to offer this world. I am very proud of them and the battle they have endured over losing their Dad at such a young age. I am in a much better place now, no longer vulnerable to predators and people that want to take advantage of me. I have good people around me and I will get through this period with my head held high. As far as Tamra goes, it’s sad that she just can’t “own” what she continues to lie about, and just stop talking trash on me. I have never been able to figure out why she cares so much about my life and what I choose to do. She is no longer someone I care to be friends with and I have given that woman numerous opportunities to make amends and be sincere about it, but I guess a leopard never changes it’s spots. Thanks to all my loyal fans and friends during this difficult period. As Tamra said, the truth will set you free. Gosh I feel much better now, thanks for the advice Tamra.
Xoxo Gretchen Christine
submitted by DanaPam to RHDiscussion [link] [comments]

An ill-fated Autistic pandemic dating story: Trying to break the cycle of cynisim -> hope -> pressure -> meltdown / shudown -> devastation (Part 2 of 2?)

Part 1

Part 2: The preamble

9-12 November, we’ve been texting up an absolute storm like always. We’re sad we had to cancel our weekend trip to London, but talking about going another time. We’re tossing ideas around about a long weekend in Scotland in December. We’re upset to not get to see each other with the new lockdown rules, but thinking, well, we’ve both barely left the house, we’ll see how it goes and maybe he can see me next weekend. He’s calling me darling and sweetheart, and “Just promise me if we get married we’re not going to be one of those couples who read the economist at breakfast and discuss our quarterly capital gains!”
13 November (a Friday), he tells me he’s getting stressed with work, but it’s so lovely getting messages from me and he’ll respond soon
14 November (a Saturday), I start my usual texting pace and realise he’s not responding like he usually would on a Saturday, so I say “It sounds like you could use some space today… could you send me something to read maybe please?”
He replied, “I was decidedly NOT having a good day but thank you so much for popping up and keeping me in your thoughts!”
He told me he was feeling like he had the flu, his joints were achy and he couldn’t stop shivering, and now he feels a bit more like he’s just been punched in the head.
I’m thinking, oh no, does he have COVID? What is going on? But I said comforting and consoling things and he seemed to appreciate them.
15 November, he tells me he’s still feeling absolutely awful, and if he moves his head too fast everything seems blurry. This alarms me, I’m thinking, this does not seem like a good illness and COVID has some weird symptoms but I don’t want to freak him out… he’s always very careful but you never know if you’re going to pick it up from the pharmacy or whatever. Liverpool had a very high case rate at the time, and we had also been talking about him possibly coming to see me the following weekend.
I also have ADHD and Anxiety, several long-term health conditions and a very interesting medical family history, in addition to working in a hospital. So I sometimes tend towards the alarmist hypochondriac side, but I also know that young men often don’t seek medical help when they’re actually having a medical emergency. So I ask him,
"How will you know if you need to call NHS 111? Is anyone at home with you?"
“Ummm, no but I think I should be OK? If this bleeds into tomorrow then I’ll seek medical advice but I’m sure I’ll be fine?”
The word “bleeds” combined with his mention of the sudden intense headache and the vision blurring thing he mentioned, and that time that my otherwise fit and healthy friend had a subarachnoid hemorrhage… I don’t know they just combined to make me say
“OK but if the headache gets worse, or actually matches you vomit, or is still around tomorrow, definitely seek help because while it is probably just a headache, I mean, your symptoms sound to me like there’s a possibility it could be a stroke…?”
“Ummmm what!? I’m err, kind of freaking out right now why would you tell me that??”
“I don’t know I’m so sorry I got worried about you and thought better to err on the side of caution and encourage medical guidance? But I should have said that instead of the specifics I’m sorry I panicked!”
“OK but from what I’ve said do you think it’s genuinely likely I’ve had a stroke?? Like, feeling like shit = definite neurological damage?”
“No, I mean the Bayesian in me thinks the prior probability of a bad thing is very very low. I don’t know. I don’t have a good statistical model for this scenario. But when you say it like that I mean yeah it is probably more my neurotic tendency to fuss over the people I care about and worry about them having medical emergencies. Can I order you some soup to get delivered to you?”
“Phew! OK well that’s something at least. Nooo it’s OK we have loads in the cupboard.”
“OK, try to get something to eat, hope you feel better in the morning.” “Thank you honey xoxo.”
That evening he tells me he’s still feeling miserable, as though he had been binge drinking for days.
I give him a few more words of encouragement and apologise again for freaking him out.
And that’s the last we talked over WhatsApp. 15 November.

The shutdown and the meltdown

The next day, Monday the 16th, I see him online but he doesn’t message me all day, which is very, very unusual for him. I send him a cute picture and say I hope he’s feeling better. The blue tick marks don’t show up. He’s online but he’s not reading my messages.
Then I notice his profile picture disappears. I’m wondering, what? Has he blocked me? My heart starts racing. My anxious ADHD brain starts spiderwebbing… the pattern… it’s repeating… it’s all over… he’s going to abandon me. No, it’s definitely COVID, cases in Liverpool are super high right now. No it’s just one of those things where he’s overwhelmed and needs some space, just give him space. But why did he take down his profile picture I mean what? What is going on? Did he block me? It’s happening again he’s a ghost he’s going to ghost shitshitshitshitshit
So I send a message saying I’m really worried. And I delete it, so it shows up as
And then I do it again half an hour later.
A few hours later I don't see him online anymore.
“You OK? We OK? I worry. I try not to but sometimes I can’t help it.”
It’s still going through… two ticks... so I don’t think he’s blocked me. He’s still showing up as online… I go back and forth over whether a third deleted message would be worse, or leaving it, and then I try and I can’t delete it anymore.
The next day I see him online occasionally so I decide to try to do damage control:
“Aaaaand yesterday’s performance in terrible impulse control (I swear I’m not usually THIS bad) is brought to you by this total mindf*** of a year. Don’t mind me, feel better soon, till then "
I wait 3 days.
20 November, I’m still seeing him online occasionally, still with the profile picture down. I’m starting to get really worried and upset and send a message, “...but in all honesty, this silence is difficult for me and I don’t know what to do. I feel like I could maybe make this easier on both of us if I knew how, if I knew whether and when I might see or talk to you again. And there are ways you could make it easier too… I don’t want to push you though if you’re struggling too… I don’t know.”
Saturday 21 November. I try calling him. He doesn’t pick up. I try voice chatting him on Whatsapp when I see him online. It seems like he rejects the call. I leave one voice recording on WhatsApp just really confused and saying more of the same. I send a second one that is very upset and emotional.
Sunday 22 November, I send more of the same, which is probably getting really overwhelming for him, but at this point, I’m so distraught and one little snail emoji from him would really put my mind at ease, and I just don’t know what to do.
Tuesday 24 November, I write him an e-mail:
Subject line: Is this a "shutdown?" Can I do anything? 
Hey, I have been reading more about ASD shutdowns and I think I understand better what might be happening. It's not something I relate to, I meltdown rather than shutdown. So I'm trying to learn.
If you still need space I'll leave you to it. If you can write back and just confirm that's what you want, that would really help me.
If you want to watch a movie at the same time or do something else really relaxed, I'm free over the weekend.
Either way we can pick up the backlog of WhatsApps when we're ready. Best not to get into those until we're both in a stable emotional state. It's OK, they can wait.
If something else is going on, please let me know.
I hope you're OK. Hope to hear from you when you're ready.
Still nothing. Friday 27 November, not my proudest moment, I’m relaying all of this to a friend and she’s like, goodness so he was home alone, you thought he might be having a stroke or COVID, then he just went completely quiet and you haven’t heard from him in two weeks? Do you think you should call the police?
And I’m just going insane. Should I call the police? Is that a reasonable thing to do? Is that too intrusive? It’s probably a shutdown but why wouldn’t he say something? Why can’t he just send me a snail emoji??
So I send him another e-mail
Subject: Please please let me know you’re safe so I don’t have to call the police 
“I feel very worried about you and alarmed that I have been completely unable to contact you for two weeks now.
Please please please just let me know if you are safe because I am so worried that I don't know if I should call the police or try to track down your friends to see if they have heard from you. If you don't want me to go to those extremes please send some word.”
In less than 10 minutes, so I’m certain he must have been working on a draft that he just fired off to make sure I didn’t call the police, he writes back an extremely thoughtful and heartfelt, but kind of confusing, apology.
He said he didn't take this lightly because he felt utterly ashamed of his behaviour and can appreciate that being non-communicative will have been frustrating and upsetting. He said he owed me an apology and wished he’d offered it much sooner. He said he disrespected my time and can appreciate that it must have been confusing and seemed like I was sending mixed signals. So was deeply sorry for that.
He also said he felt he offered me an explanation, but not to seek to minimise or exculpate his behaviour. He deeply appreciated that I identified that this was a shutdown and he felt so wretched and ashamed that it was so difficult to reach out to me. He should have been more communicative with me but felt like he didn’t have the language to really parse what he was going through. So again, really sorry about that and deeply regret just disappearing on me.
Said he appreciated my checking in on him but contacting the police is not necessary and he was not in harm’s way.
Then it gets a bit confusing.. he said he didn’t know how to tell me because he was afraid I'd think it was scary or too intense but the longer he didn’t say anything it was clear that he was just going to hurt me?
Ummm... Yeah, that was clear. That was clear from the beginning because that's what I said would happen. But... He did wait, not until he thought it would hurt me less, but until he thought there was a risk of call the police.
Then he said he wanted to respect where I was. So while he hoped that at some point we could have a proper conversation about this, he still felt really awful and would appreciate some alone time. But if I thought that was too weird or difficult that’s totally fine. And that whatever I decided, he was deeply sorry for playing a role in my pain and confusion.
I just completely melted down. Sobbing, couldn't make sense of anything, couldn't figure out what to do. I called a crisis line because no one is making sense and nothing is making sense. I talked to a lovely man for about 90 minutes and he helped me come up with what I felt was an excellent response:
Thank you so much for letting me know you are safe. It's OK. We can sort out everything when we both feel ready.
Take care.

That was so much fun, let’s go around the cycle again...

I wait some more. It hurts, but I know it’s the right thing to do. I see him pop up online sometimes. Still no profile picture. He’s obviously not well. It’s so difficult, but I want to show him that when he just tells me what is happening, and what he needs, that I can meet those needs much better.
I realise we’re not taking the trip to Scotland we’d talked about taking in early December, and I desperately need a getaway. Like I said, I’m so isolated in Manchester and I needed a week off, but also needed to see some faces. So I took a trip of questionable legality and definite mental health necessity to London. Besides the time I spent with him, I had more face time with more friends (yes socially distanced, almost all outdoors, and besides I’d recently had a negative COVID test) that week than I’d had in months. If you also exclude my bubble, more face time with friends than I’d had since the pandemic started. I realised how desperately I needed that, how much my sanity is really tied to that, and how I did need to start taking a bit more of a risk-stratified approach to my mental health, even if it’s not entirely within the government’s nonsensical laws and guidelines.
I was thinking more clearly and decided, I’ve given him two weeks, and he did leave the door open to respect where I was. I think it’s time to give him another nudge and make it really easy to contact me again. E-mail worked last time, so e-mail it is again.
I hope I am interpreting right that it's OK for me to follow up now I've given you a couple more weeks of alone time and I've had a chance to process.
Thank you for your heartfelt apology. We can work through this, it will just take some time and patience with each other and especially ourselves.
In terms of wanting to respect where I am, thank you. It is difficult not hearing from you, but I'll be OK. I'm taking really good care of myself.
What I'd really appreciate when you're ready is establishing small, simple contact. Whatever you can manage is good with me. Memes, pictures of adorable animals, a photo you took, whatever. It's OK, what you're going through doesn't scare me. Silence terrified me, and I hope you can also forgive my behaviour when I was in that extreme state of mind. Now that I know you're safe and it's just a shutdown, I'm managing it OK.
I'd like to just conceptually put everything that happened in the last month in a box for now and set it aside until you're better. When we open it again, probably after the holidays, let's do so slowly and with care. I think it will be easier to do that (at least for me) if we are already in contact, just with the intensity turned way down.
I hope you’ve been able to get some support from your therapist and others, but I know that can be difficult, and seldom available around the clock. For that I have found a brilliant 24/7 Autism support line.

I also found this article that came out recently about what may be a similar experience, helpful tips, and a book about the same thing. https://neuroclastic.com/2020/11/26/is-it-selective-mutism-or-chronic-catatonia/
Take care. I look forward to anything you're able to communicate when you're ready.
PS here is a kitten with his Daddy. I might be getting him in mid-February and if so he will be named after Dr. Hermann von Helmholtz.
I wait another two weeks. I’m sure I won’t hear from him before Christmas. I’m sure that’s a lot of the trouble, the stress of his complex family and their complex uncommunicated demands, trying to negotiate Christmas arrangements with all the U-turns.
I think back wistfully to early November, before the Christmas bubble announcements, when he said his family was trying to pressure him into a four-household Christmas dinner in a local restaurant, and how he thought that was absolutely unhinged, and asked what I was doing for Christmas.
I said I was probably pretty low on the social totem pole, there was no way for me to see my family whatever I did, and there were going to be a million local and national U-turns and family meetings that anyone I could make plans with would have to manage before they could commit to spending Christmas with me.
He told me that while he was certainly one of those people, he’d like to be on my list of contingency plans, if I thought that wasn’t too forward or too soon. He suggested he’d much rather spend Christmas just hanging out with me than risking being part of a COVID super-spreader event, so if they went through with that, maybe we could just hang out, we could exchange gifts or just treat it like another weekend together.
How lovely that would have been, but that’s not what happened. I’m sure he had to navigate multiple demands, multiple calls and family discussions, when he was already kind of in shutdown mode. Plus having a blended family with half-siblings and step-parents and the side of the family he wasn’t in a bubble with having recently lost their grandmother, and, I felt like I could understand why this was really difficult for him.
But I was really suffering too, and I just didn’t understand, after everything we talked about, after the bond we shared, can’t he find any time, over a six week period, to send me more than that one e-mail? Just a snail emoji, or a picture of a cat?
I started posting to my Instagram story, and then, to my absolute shock, I see that he’s watched half of it. The next day, he’s watched the other half. I post again. Reliably from 21 December, at least once a day when I post something, he watches every one of my Instagram stories.
I spend Christmas with my friend and her family, it’s lovely but difficult in its own way. She posts the story, I repost it. He watches this as well.
Still no message. Still no Merry Christmas. I spend Boxing day sobbing in bed, wondering how on Earth I’m going to make sense of this. I get some advice from friends and support lines, and decide it’s time for one more try. I send a message on Instagram,
Hey, I sent you an e-mail. It feels good, but confusing, to see you looking at my stories on here. I hope that means you’re resurfacing. Please can you reply when you get this? You can even just send whatever comes up when you search #kitten. It would make such a difference to me.
E-mail subject line: Please reply when you get this 
Hey, maybe you're not keeping track of time, but I sent you an email over two weeks ago. It's been six weeks since you went quiet. Half the time since we met. Your email was four weeks ago. You asked for some alone time, and I've honoured that, but is this still really a need or are you just scared? I'd prefer something simple now than not knowing if I'll hear from you tomorrow, or in April, or ever.
You said you want to respect where I am - please show me that's true. Let me have a voice, let me know you're listening.
If you can't do that, I'll do my best to heal and move on, but it will be difficult because that's not the promise you made. Having a shutdown and needing a few days is something I can handle. I didn't know it could last weeks, but I have been so understanding.
I have needs too though. Radio silence over several weeks is a hard boundary for me, one that I communicated and you acknowledged. I would rather hear anything than have to interpret it from silence, and you told me I would never have to do that with you. It would be so difficult to trust anyone after that. If you leave me no other choice I suppose I'll find some way, but it will be so much more painful and it's been so hard already.
Please send anything when you get this. It would help me so much.
He changes his Instagram settings so that I can no longer see when he was last online. I suppose he thinks that means I can’t tell when he watches my story. It doesn’t. He looks at my story again.
I wait 24 hours.
And then I melt down again and send two more e-mails, and follow up again the next day.
Just to be crystal clear.. I have literally asked for a snail emoji. Or a picture of a cat. Or absolutely anything, as soon as you can. And then once a week. You can even get someone else to send it to me if you can't.
It's ok to do the minimum right now. Yes we were dating but now we can just be friends rooting for each other. Life is not OK right now, your family is taxing, you don't have your music or routines, we can't see friends, we just have to just do what we can to survive.
But right now you are not doing the minimum to sustain my regard or future friendship, and that is just devastating. I told you something so simple you could do to make a difference to my well-being, when I'm struggling too, and you're refusing to do it. An emoji. That's it. I just can't make sense of it. I want you to still be a person I hold in high regard but.. can't you do anything at all?
Ok I regret tonight's message it wasn't written well. I'm not doing well.
Last night's email though that one is what I meant. And it's ok if we can't be dating I just want communication lines again.
I have friends who can go between us Instagram (handles) - the latter you asked if he is a therapist and actually he's in training.
Also happy to go through one of your friends or family
I just want to know if you're listening, if I have a voice or if I'm shouting into the void
But I'll stop now. I've shouted enough. I'm tired. Just please let me know if you're listening, if you care about me and want to ever be friends again.
I wish I could take back / rewrite those last two emails, they were written in such distress and I'm sorry they probably caused you distress too.
I didn't mean to imply that I'm shouting.
I know it's not your responsibility to make me feel better. I know you're struggling too and this is such an extreme situation for both of us.
I just don't understand why you won't do the tiniest easiest thing that you promised you'd do, and I'm sure you saw my message.
I'm really not asking much, so much less than anyone else would in my position. It makes me feel awful that you're unwilling to do even the tiniest thing, send me a snail emoji or a picture of a cat or whatever, just every once in a while. It makes me doubt the bond we made, my judgment of your character, whether I can trust anyone to treat me with respect, because I thought you were so unlikely to do this.
This is why I warned you that I find it extremely distressing when communication lines close off and I don't understand why. I don't like who it makes me, I send too many messages that are too emotional and confusing. It just makes me feel invisible, unwanted, used and discarded.
I know you can't communicate the why right now, which is why I've asked you to send me something tiny as a holding pattern, once a week or so, just so that I know you weren't lying, that you do care about me and intend to talk to me again at some point. It really is ok if we just scale down to picking up again as friends when we are ready.
If you don't want to talk to me directly my friends have offered (I repeat their Instagram handles). They will be kind to you and neutral and just pass on your message. Even if it's just a picture of a cat.
And now I really am done writing to you. I can't keep expending energy that isn't returned.


So that takes us up to yesterday. I’m committed to not writing any more, to not sending anything more. I wish I could undo some of the messages I wrote in meltdown. I desperately wish he could undo the messages he hasn’t written in shutdown. I wanted so badly to believe in this love story. So many people think I’ve held far too much hope for it for far too long.
But right now it is a story of halves. Six weeks of a blissful, seemingly healthy budding relationship, with more hope and promise than I’ve felt in over a decade. Six weeks of mutually destructive shutdowns and meltdowns.
Him not meeting my needs that I explicitly communicated and he agreed to. Me not knowing what to do, or how to meet his uncommunicated needs, but likely inadvertently making things worse for both of us as well.
And what do I do with this? What do I do, not knowing if he’ll contact me tomorrow, or in April, or never again? How do I make sense of a bond forged so strongly, so quickly, yet shattered by the perfect storm of stress and strain of both being Autistic, trying to date and relate over the holidays in the backdrop of a year of unprecedented global crises that have affected us so intensely?
If he comes back with apologies and excuses, or at first even a picture of a cat, can I forgive him? Can I believe him? Can I trust him again?
What story is he telling himself? How do I move on, knowing I may never know?
How can I trust anyone again? How can I sort out who’s going to ghost me from who won’t? He really had me convinced that he would be the last person to ever do this to me. I thought, well, we may not work out, and I may be sad, but at least he’s committed to parting amicably and with open communication. At least he can be someone who can help build my trust in my instincts, to learn to trust the right people, and the lovely rewarding connections that can flourish from them. But I can’t tell myself that story anymore.
I also know that this is extremely rare for me, a beginning this beautiful, that feels this good, that gives me this much hope. I did everything I could to try to prevent the cycle, I had every assurance that it wouldn’t, but it happened anyway. Am I doomed? Cursed? Delusional?
I recognise that everything beautiful and brilliant in the first half, and everything tragic and devastating in the second half, is because of our Autism. Our preference and shared values for open, honest communication. Our passions and special interests and dedication that led us to our admiration for each others’ talents and incredible minds. How we bounced off each other and lit each other up with exuberance at finding a rare kindred spirit.
And yet, he is also what I now realise is very much my type, a cis-gender male with a very covert Autism presentation, and such people are prone to shutdowns. And such shutdowns tend to trigger my meltdowns. And such shutdowns and meltdowns are not conducive to the open, honest communication styles we value and strive for.
I don’t want to form new bonds. I’m grieving for this one. There will never be another like it again. It's not like it's even feasible for me to form new bonds at the moment anyway, and they would be fraught with all the same challenges. My normal bonds and coping mechanisms aren’t available, aren’t accessible. There’s absolutely no joy in my life, no reason to hope for any joy in the coming months. Sure there’s a vaccine coming, but when.. This summer? How will I cope until then? In the last six weeks, my PHQ-9 scores have been at their absolute maximum. In the last week I’ve been drinking at least a bottle of wine every night (realising that, no wine tonight, sobbing myself to sleep it is.)
The spark is gone, the light is gone. What do I do? How do I tell a story that makes sense, one that I can live with?
submitted by laurelannlucy to aspergers_dating [link] [comments]

I wrote an essay about having genital herpes for my college human sexualities class

Hey y'all! I was digging around in my laptop and forgot that I wrote a whole ass essay about having herpes, my sexual assault, etc. for a human sexuality class I took last school year. I got a B on the essay for some fucking reason, but I thought reading it might help some of you, or at least be a little relatable. Really this essay was a deep dive into my life as a child sexual abuse survivor and herpes positive. It's a bit long. Enjoy!

I received the most life altering, disorienting email of my life on a cold December afternoon. I was a freshman in college, newly 18 and enjoying the freedoms and new experiences involved in growing up and being independent. Home for Winter break, I sat in a Barnes and Noble while a friend of mine worked at Vans in the nearby mall (we had plans to go to our favorite sushi place for dinner) when my phone dinged with an email I had been expecting for about a week. I put down the book I had been reading, and opened it up: Test results available in patient portal. Please review. I opened it, unknowing that my self-esteem, love life, mental health, and future were about to be impacted dramatically after reading just one sentence: According to our lab results, you have tested positive for HSV-1. I emotionlessly stand and leave the bookstore, then entered a deserted corner of the mall parking lot and sobbed. I remember a slew of emotions washing over me, questions running through my mind like freight trains, one after the other like a busy junction. I knew exactly where I had gotten HSV, and I felt like that knowledge degraded me. I believed I was an untouchable in more ways than one, scarred from the inside and out.
I am a victim of child sexual abuse. My first sexual experience was very early in life, non-consensual, and deeply traumatic. After going to court in my early teens to confront the person who had assaulted me, I believed the impact of the event to be over. I had gone through enough therapy that I decided was efficient, believed deeply (and still do) that the abuse had not been my fault, and was ready to move forward with my life and forget the abuse altogether. Until senior year of high school.
I had not had sexual contact since my assault. Not due to an underlying fear of sex, but mostly because of a social anxiety that made that sort of contact difficult. I was distant from my sexual self, but never particularly closed to the idea. I viewed sex in an overall positive light (although I was still naïve about the concept) despite what had happened to me in childhood, and now was ready to experience sexuality in the way most teens do. Senior year of high school included a two week long course on sex, and me having gone to a deeply religious high school, I knew their vision of sex differed immensely from mine, and was prepared to disagree and move on. Then our discussion of STIs began.
I was berated by images of oozing vulvas with herpes simplex, penises ravaged by syphilis, persons with HIV on their deathbeds, all skin and bones with sunken cheeks and hollowed out eyes, hardly human. The images made one thing clear: you do not want an STI, and if you get one, you will be unloved and disgusting and a pariah until you die, so don’t have sex until you’re married and make sure your spouse doesn’t have STIs either.
During this discussion, a thought dawned on me: was I ever tested for STIs after my assault? After a long search through my medical records, I would find that I was not.
The summer after high school graduation passed in a flurry of anxiety. I remembered sores on my vulva and burning during urinating in childhood, and I knew I had gotten something from the assault. So when college started, I got tested for all the STIs that my university allowed: chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, and HIV. Negative, negative, negative, and negative. This felt too good to be true. Was I really negative despite having such genital pain? Then I decided to be tested for two more STIs with my gynecologist: HSV-1 and HSV-2.
I didn’t know much about herpes at the time other than from jokes my friends and the media made and what I had seen in the sex course at school. I knew I had to be tested for it to be sure about my sexual health, so upon returning home for Winter break, I visited my gynecologist and was tested, both IGG and IGM, for herpes simplex 1 and 2.
The days after getting my blood drawn were agonizing. I hoped I was negative, but had a bad feeling in the pit of my gut that told me otherwise. There’s no way the universe would let this happen to me, I thought to myself on Christmas. I did nothing wrong. Why should I be punished with herpes for being abused?
Lo and behold, I came back positive for herpes type 1. Having had no other sexual contact (not even kissing which can also transfer HSV-1), I knew that my herpes was genital, and that it had come from my abuse.
My physical body was in decent shape. I ate as well as the average college student, worked out occasionally, and drank enough water daily, yet I felt as though I had caught leprosy. I felt as ill and diseased as they come, despite not having had an outbreak since my age was in the single digits.
The emotional impact was far more intense. Following my diagnosis, a two year breakdown of intense emotional turmoil led me to the worst depression of my life. I suffered extreme feelings of anxiety and suicidal ideation, and truly believed that having genital herpes made me unlovable and untouchable. Who will love me with herpes? I thought to myself everyday, Who will marry me? Why would anyone want me when they could have someone who doesn’t have herpes? I called my parents and they picked me up from the parking lot, shaking and sobbing, and drove me home where I cried myself into a 15 hour nap.
I was severely depressed, and, as most teens do, turned to the internet for information and support. Turns out, there’s a sizable community of herpes positives online, which is where I discovered the writing and online blog of Ella Dawson. Miss Dawson was snarky, confident, down to earth, had the exact same STI as me in the exact same place, and still sexually active, in both casual and committed relationships, despite having genital herpes. She was smart and held her head high, refusing to be thought of as less due to a skin condition. Her TED talk entitled “STIs aren’t a consequence. They’re inevitable.” and various articles that she had published on her blog comforted me and set me down the path to recovery. Ella Dawson helped me realize that my body, although it carried a virus, was far from the disgusting diseased thing I had thought it to be when I was first diagnosed.
There are a plethora of other STI positive people online working hard to dismantle the unjust stigma surrounding not only HSV, but all STIs. Jonathan Van Ness, one of the fab five currently starring in Netflix’s Queer Eye came out as both a victim of sexual abuse and as HIV positive in his book Over the Top that came out last year. I look at him now, all happiness, joy, and unending positivity and love despite his pain and suffering, and realize that I deserve a happy life despite my trauma.
Despite being herpes positive and a victim of sexual abuse, I am thriving in most areas of my life. I am a dedicated engineering student who has accomplished a lot for my age. I am a curious, invested pupil who loves learning new skills and discovering new things. I love reading and writing and playing video games. I am a kind friend, a loving dog mom, and an overall empathetic person. I am herpes positive, but I am so much more than my skin condition!
I had a very rough introduction to sex, but my overall view of sex today is deeply positive. I educate my friends on sexuality when I hear them make stigmatizing jokes or slut shame women, and do my best to make sure that they are aware of sexuality by starting conversations and enabling my friends to talk and learn about topics too taboo to discuss in their own homes. I love having these conversations. My friends have learned a lot that they previously didn’t know, and so have I!
I am learning to claim the fact that I have genital herpes with courage and strength, and although I am still learning to navigate having an incurable STI, I am no longer in the suicidal turmoil I had been when I was first diagnosed, mostly due to extensive education and believing that no human being is ‘dirty’. Describing things as ‘dirty’ and ‘clean’ is for dishes and laundry, not people. Learning to reclaim my sexuality after trauma is a long journey that I am working hard on in therapy. I have shared my story with my close friends and will one day do the same for potential lovers. Although this thought is nerve wracking and the vulnerability and fear of rejection is scary, I have vowed to give my lovers the choice that I did not have: what to do with their sexual health, and choosing to be sexually active with someone who has an STI. I have done extensive research on how to keep my future partners safe, and with proper usage of condoms and antivirals in addition to how long I have carried herpes, the risk of a lover contracting herpes from me is very, very low, although never impossible due to asymptomatic shedding. I feel that, despite media and jokes and all of the detrimental stigma telling me otherwise, to the right person I am more than worth the risk. When it comes time for me to have my first consensual sexual partner, I’m committed to rocking their world. I hope that my openness to communication about sexuality and all its aspects, especially sexual safety and pleasure, will make me a loving and fun sexual partner who is more than worth her minor skin condition. I am educated on HSV and know how to protect my partners. I am open to instigating and having in depth discussions on contraception, protection, and pleasure. I will one day be an amazing lover thanks to these traits, and many others I will learn along the way.
Learning to love myself despite having an STI that is made fun of and feared the world over (at least in countries where the stigma is prevalent and encouraged) is a process that I am nowhere near completing. The stigma is still very powerful, although it is weakening with better education and the arrival of herpes advocates on social media. Having herpes has made me more resilient and educated than my peers. I am one of the most sex-positive people that I know, and I strive to create environments where discussion of sex is not shamed or causes disgust and embarrassment.
My point of view on others with STIs has changed as well. I think back to that sexual health class in 12th grade when I saw the person with HIV looking frail and now think about the wonderful science that can help him live a long happy life full of all the things he should have, including love, happiness, and sex if he desires it, despite his STI. I think of Jonathan Van Ness and smile. Having an STI does not mean that a person ‘deserves it’ as a consequence of sex, nor does it mean they are unlovable and untouchable. Having an STI just means being human.
I hope that hearing my story on STIs has influenced the way others think of people who have herpes. I am not ‘diseased and disgusting’, and any human who thinks of me as such is grossly uneducated on STIs. I am leading a life in the direction of happiness, and having herpes has made me more empathetic, educated, and strong. As my sexuality develops, I am looking forward to having more interesting conversations about herpes, and I can’t wait to watch the stigma dismantle as more people become educated and sex positive.
I love you all, I hope that my essay spoke to some part of you, and I hope you're healthy and happy.
submitted by sprrhire to Herpes [link] [comments]

Coco’s LDR tips & tricks for forever happiness!

Every relationship is different and has its own healthy tidbits of advice, these are just what works for me in mine! Thought I would share, please comment yours so we can have a great flow of ideas
A few different things ‘we’/I do to keep a healthy LDR:
  1. Always text good morning & goodnight, no matter what, it takes little effort, but goes a long way to better the start of your day and end a potentially long one.
  2. Any little “belly” feeling we bring up instantly, if your partner says something and your belly gets that weird feeling where you don’t feel good...bring it up! You feel for a reason and give your partner the benefit of doubt to reassure you before jumping to emotional conclusions.
  3. Keeping each other your best friend, your significant other should be the person you can cry to, confide in and rejoice with. If you are finding yourself wanting to keep secrets, hide your feelings or not share the good things-review the reasons why you feel this way (I once did myself).
  4. Understand the difference between chemistry and compatibility. Chemistry is the physical instant and non-physical things that attract you to your partner. Compatibility is when your hearts and heads are on the same page, your future desires and values are corresponding. (I say this because, I’ve dated guys that I had strong chemistry with, so I assumed we had compatibility too. Sometimes we feel such intense chemistry that we think we are compatible too.)
  5. “Lust isn’t love”, every moment isn’t going to be exciting, sexy, intense and passionate. But if you love each other, every moment will be loving, caring, listened to and well received. (I have mostly always been in lust first relationships, so when I met my LDR and he respected me and cared for me, I was honestly quite unsure of how I felt. Lust first relationship are the ones that maybe have high highs and low lows, it feels really good and then really bad, a roller coaster of emotions. This kind of relationship was something I normalized in the past until I found my boyfriend (our relationship is like a nice bike ride—less like a roller coaster).
  6. Figure out each other’s love languages, something so important to do (Google it and take the test)! This will help you understand how he/she needs to be given love and nudge them on how you need to be loved.
  7. If something doesn’t feel right, maybe in your talking habits or in responses-don’t automatically think it’s about you, before you jump to a conclusion, ask your partner “how are you?”...I can’t tell you how many times I’ve felt like my boyfriend was a little off that day, maybe he didn’t text me good morning (like he usually does) or something different...and I pulled myself together and I think, “how is he, maybe he’s had a bad day at work, having issues with a friend or a family member, maybe he is sad about the distance too.” Ask, ask, ask, it’s usually not about us, this could lead to having a conversation about the root of a problem, rather than pointing a finger at yourself without asking.
  8. Do you fall in love with them more and more everyday? I know I fall in love with my boyfriend more everyday, because everyday I learn something new about him. We are constantly growing our internal dictionaries about each other. Try this: I started making up these games. I ask him 6 questions (If you were to keep one item from your childhood, what would it be? Would you rather live in a RV or on a sailboat? Who are your best 3 friends and why?) ANYTHING...then we both answer the questions for ourselves and we both answer the questions for each other and send out answers at a certain time. Doing this has helped me understand what he thinks I want, while it shows him what I actually want/like. Then from here, we will have a deeper discussion about how wrong we were or maybe how surprisingly right we were!
  9. DREAM, dream with your partner for a better future, creative ideas about a house you two want one day, and fun things you will do next time you see each other. Stay positive, stay futuristic and put your wants and hope into fruition.
  10. Love Letters- I write my boyfriend letters/make him doodles, maybe once a week or more. I understand this isn’t possible for every couple. I often don’t sent the letters in that moment. I will date/time stamp and write everything I am feeling, maybe the things I’m not ready to share or maybe something I’m excited about and want to wait for him to see in my handwriting. My boyfriend loves this, when I come to visit him, I actually notice he keeps them on his night stand because he likes something tangible to hold and read, it makes him feel closer to me along with the idea that I took time to write something he could have have forever. (This is the way he likes to receive love, and I like to show it — we found this out by “learning our love languages”— while I’ve been writing this, I actually just got a text from him saying, “These letters mean everything” haha!)
  11. Don’t hold back, life is too short, we are not given tomorrow, heck we aren’t give the next 30 seconds. Say how you feel, feel how you feel and when you think of your special person tell them! Give that extra little “Hey, I like you”, maybe it’s not for them, maybe it’s for you. You should wake up and go to sleep knowing you are doing your best to show someone the sweetness in your heart—-relationships are work, you want results? you want forever? Then you have to constantly work and tune your way of speaking and recognize each other’s efforts.
Hope one of my little tips helps a LDR today! Xoxo - Coco
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A Lesbian Reviews the Instant Classics: Queen B!!!

Well, I wanted to do this one late and today for a reason. And I would not be shocked if they planned for the ending to be on the Friday before Mean Girls day. But like.
Let me get this out. AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love. I love. I love. Loved it. Best book on the app. Best book in choices. Best villain. Best LIs. Everything about this from top to bottom is amazing. Thematically. Tonally. Fun...nesss?
It was just top down so tight and amazing that I just. Wow.
But okay. Ahem. Hi everyone. It is a Bee and this is Lesbian Reviews. I spend a chunk of my time to just kinda flail around and ask the important question. Is this book gay? And usually find some kind of response. And maybe make a bunch of pop culture references along the way.
Today is Mean Girls' Day and the world is a little worse because the Heat are losing. Also like. Queen B ended. But we got a book two and GOOD because with MTFL I need this content to keep going.
But like. God. I don't know where to start guys. I guess plot? Plot's good.
The story of Queen B is basically this mishmash of so so so soooo many CW/YA 'mean girls' series. Of course the main one, Pretty Little Liars, Gossip Girl, the Schneiderverse shows, and essentially the heart of all the random shows that made their roll across the CW/Nick/Disney during the 00s. The big one that they take from is GG with the whole opening shtick but the plots are veryyyy PLL. And yea. That's really the key thing. And thematically they actually go a little harder than the initial premise would tell you.
The real story of this book is obsession. I talk about it a bit more in my midseason review (because a book this incredible DESERVES it), but like that's kinda the whole plot in one. Obsession. Poppy is obsessed with MC. Hell it's practically Killing Eve less murder! Hell. Ina is obsessed with her too! And then MC is also crazy obsessed with Poppy! And then Benji then takes it too far and is supposed to be the sign of the depth of crazy that shit can take you. And it all comes in to answer the big question.
What happens when you become the monster? And well, how heavy is it for they who wears that crown.
It's no secret I kinda rip on Choices a lot for how a lot of stories are well, a little barebones. And not just kinda barebones but very much that plot driven, show don't tell, flattened literature stuff. Queen B honestly had a lot of depth which surprised me. I was thinking we were going to get a super duper gay book. But I never actually thought we'd get a book that actually dives into its content and doesn't get too muddled in its own message (ES), tries to score brownie points through misery (MOTY) or barely scrapes it as the plot goes way out of control (PM). Or even RoD, a book I adore, where it kinda shoots itself in the foot with its messaging by sticking the ur-line in a misplaced spot.
QB is the rare book that actually follows through on its obsession line, shows the various faces of it. And creates a complicated mess for everyone involved because damn.
And here's the kicker.
It's actually funny about it too. It's actually fun. It does the small things right. It actually builds its world so it doesnt actually just feel like MC and their three friends like 99% of books feel like. It mentions random characters and has realistic dialogue. It treats time as a long-term thing instead of that like feeling of rushedness something like ES had where its like...am I getting married after a couple weeks what? It lets you be in the world. It takes its time. And you have to give props to the writing team and Chelsa should handedly walk out of this one as the top dog in that room because seriously. From start to finish, this was just CLEAN. Take a bow.
But okay, now that I've talked about plot. Let's talk about what made this damn book so compelling. Characters.
MC is the best. Which fits because the ILB face is 3/4 for best MC's with BOLAS, QB and ILB under their belt. You actually can dictate her personality through her racial background and her desire to overthrow poppy or be actually nice. It actually dictates things and its like wow. Not to mention she's actually smart, actually has a personality, and is a great narrator in terms of just being funny and the personality really shows.
Supporting wise. Zoey's probably the best LI/closet best friend they've done next to like Hana. What makes her I think stronger, and as someone who adores Hana is that she actually is responsive. To MC. To your choices. She's wiser and more adept and her plot is actually really damn strong. I do wish they involved her more but I'll get into that later. I know the other option being Shreya, but I like to forget ES exists.
I'll save Ina for the LI section. But.
We do have to talk about Poppy.
We have to.
Poppy is the best villain Choices has ever done. And the way they did that was they made her human. She isn't a cartoon like well, 99% of Choices villains. She has motives. Drives. And they become more and more clear as you play through the book. And not to mention they play hard into her Claire-samaness by making her a pseudo LI. And honestly probably one for Book 2. She's just compelling. The gauntlet throws. The control. It actually creates a great and compelling narrative by showing how similar her and MC are and making it clear that it only takes a little bit of a shove to get MC to her level. Plus, man that ending with her in the fountain was dead perfect. Even if I'm like, nah, fuck catfights. It was amazing. Especially the little ahem. End.
And now to the others.
The posse, well, here's kinda the thing about Posse. The guys and zeta's are amazing and there's a lot of depths and lil subplots that are around that are fun and awesome. I do wish they got some others involved more but at the same time I get the relaxedness of it too. Sometimes you just have acquaintances, thats cool. But people like Ohio, Trixie, Taylor and the football bros all play their role fantastically.
Plus you have Carter, Chloe and Veronica and just. Man, they really went hard with those characters and its amazing. Especially Chloe. I love lil mouse. I really do. She's just so great and the Miss Congeniality bit was perfect.
And just, yea. A good supporting cast just makes a world feel big. And this one felt big.
Now. LIs.
Can we talk about that this is the first book where female LIs just straight up outrank without having a gender swap other than Ina? (With Poppy being a kinda pseudo LI). This is the gayest book on the app and it shows.
The sex scenes are descriptive and accurate. It actually felt like a wlw wrote this. And okay. Let's talk about the girls.
I love that the girls have flaws. I love that the girls have problems and aren't perfect and that's perfect. And it's not like the OH THEYRE TOOOOO TRUSTING dumb not actually flaws flaws Choices LIs have. Ina is a complete and total emotionally stunted dork. Poppy is actually evil. Zoey has trust issues. It's perfect.
And they all fuck up. Ina fucks up at the end. Zoey doesn't really fuck up other than trusting MC too much. And Poppy, well, Poppy is a monster. So like that comes with the territory of banging someone horrible like her but at the same play into that wattpad fanfic enemies-lovers thing.
Which, okay, time for me to be a lil controversial and go off the quote from Princess Weekes. It's okay for us gays to have controversial lesbians guys. Or gays with flaws. Or people like Cophine who are shit and deserve each other. It's like people who are like CATRADORA ARE TOXIC and its like.
There's a billionty het ships that get to be all the flavors of the spectrum but I feel like we're too shy and are like OMG THIS HAS TO BE PERFEFCTTTTTT sometimes. And that's the app too, even in the het. That the LI has to be perfect. And sometimes it works (Hana) but a lot of the time it comes off flat. And I know. I write and its something I struggle with because I get anxious with conflict like this. But it's real. You fight. You have problems. People fuck up. And QB though unrealistic and silly, also tries to put real characters in the zany and absurd and see how they work and that's where the humor comes from. That human in the cray. It works! It's splendid! And here it even goes hard.
Like Zoey. Zoey is amazing and she is probably the most grounded LI. She is the rock. She is Janis. She's this chill person who knows it all and knows how to throw down and MC is really nothing without her. that foil to her power and stronk. You need that in a story like this and she does it flawlessly. Like seriously. Zoey is amazing.
Ina. I know a lot of people are like blerk with her. And for me, I actually am fine with it. Because everything Ina does is always in character. She is incredibly shut off. Emotionally stunted. Smart but isolated. Of course she's a fucking mess who dirty talks with cringey sonnets, gets all hot and bothered to risk it all for MC and closes herself off whenever she feels in danger. Because she's not a person who does this. She is an academic to a fault. So actually being the subject. That just. Is so much struggle.
And like I mentioned a lot with Poppy. Poppy's pseudo LI status works perfectly on a comfort level but also like. It makes sense that the two of them are attracted to each other in a 'we are two awful people who are obsessed with each other, no shit' kind of way. They live rent free in each other's heads. It's the Shakespearean romance/Victorian romance 'I'm a complete piece of shit but you love me anyways' byronic boy thing but made gay and actually aggressive instead of broody and blerp.
That's Poppy. She is a whirlwind. A natural disaster and you can't peel away. And like God. Just as a villain too. She is ruthless and yea. I digress. Favor the villainess if you must. It's great.
And I guess too, one thing to note is that they know their genre. The PLL thing with the prof. Zoey. Poppy. It's banging Regina George. It's banging the incredibly close best friend in all these where you're like wait. Blair and Serena. Hmm.
Or hell. Quinn and Rachel in Glee. That was a popular one. Or Santana and Quinn. Or. Like Glee in general. Just that aggro lesbian aesthetic and this book was all that and more. Or going to PLL. Shay Mitchell's character I can't remember and A. (Which lbr is gonna be the Poppy route book 2). This is the shit and I'm honestly for it. Sometimes you want the world to burn with someone beautiful.
Because. Yea. I know I have to answer that question but, like, I think I said it already. It's GAY. It's G A Y. SO SO SOSO SOS OSO OSOSOSOSOOOOOO GAY. The gay references. The gay vibes. The LIs. It is the book made for the wlw. It is the book to make us seen. And it's fucking perfect.
And umm yea! Just. Go play it. Please. Play. Scream with your wallet to PB to make them more like this. It's how they listen. And this is what's worth it because the writers here made it all so fucking worth it.
tl;dr: From 1 to getting that good Claire juice while watching Mean Girls (funny enough I was watching Mean Girls once with an ex and it was how she came out to me. True story) or PLL. Or any of this. And just. It goes beyond that guys. It's perfect. It's everything. I'm just so happy this existed in my life <3
OKAY. So that's done! WOO! I will do one for TNA and Witness eventually. And D&D. MW. And uhh. I forgot what else. I've been teaching so I'm swamped. Plus bubble basketball. So be on the look out.
For now?
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what does it mean when someone writes xoxo video

What To Do If You ALWAYS Text First 📲 COCO Chanou - YouTube The Top 5 Reasons Why Men Disappear on You (and What You ... What does it mean when you get a Write smart descriptions - YouTube What He Really Means: Decoding Texts - YouTube Jim Carrey - What It All Means  One Of The Most Eye ... ColeLawFirmSC - YouTube

What does it mean when a girl writes "xxx" or "xoxox" at the end of the message? Answer Save. 35 what does xxxxx mean at end of a letter. 0 0. bobbi. 7 years ago. it mean Lv 6. 1 decade ago. xxx means hugs and xoxo means hugs and kisses. 0 3. Anonymous. 1 decade ago. Hugs--o and Kisses--xx Didn't you ever write that on a card Texting is undoubtedly one of the most useful tools for flirting. It’s fun, sexy and easy to turn up the heat with your partner — whether it be a new crush or your long-term beau – just by pressing the ‘send’ button on your phone. Xoxo means hugs and kisses. It is used to express sincerity, faith, love, or friendship when used at the end of a letter, email or text message. The xoxo is a symbol of hugs and kisses. This was used before emojis in notes and messages. Some people say the x’s mean kisses and o’s mean hugs, while others will say the opposite. His behaviors are indications of his strong emotional connection with you. How “XOXO” came to mean “hugs and kisses somewhat less likely theory that’s popped up very recently is that the X simply looks like someone puckering up for a kiss, or two people kissing why do we say “hugs and kisses” when someone writes XOXO and not “kisses and hugs”? That one’s also largely still up for debate as well. Xoxo means hugs and kisses. If your question is what does the guy mean when he sent you xoxo, i think that it depends on how much you are close to him and the conversation at that moment. If the conversation was normal and he never sent you heart emoji or xoxo before then i think that he wanted to be closer to you. Why Does XOXO means Hugs and Kisses? August 6, 2010, radan, Leave a comment. Why Does XOXO means Hugs and Kisses? I always thought it was a really cute gesture when past girlfriends would write letters to me and at the end of the letter signed it with an x and an o to symbolize kisses and hugs. It could mean a lot of things: 1. He likes you. 2. He's being affectionate. 3. He thinks of you like a sister. 4. He's used to putting XOXO at the end of letters. "If you step inside a circle, it's a form of enveloping," Denasi says. "You're saying as you are hugging someone, 'I'm enveloping the aura and physical person you.' And you are actually making a circle with your arms." XOXO Variations (or Ways We Use XOXO) Today, XOXO is used so frequently that the XOXO meaning has become more nuanced. Whether you end a letter or e-mail with it—or you recognize it from the end of each Gossip Girl episode—“Xoxo” is commonly known to refer to the phrase “Kisses and hugs.”.

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What To Do If You ALWAYS Text First 📲 COCO Chanou - YouTube

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what does it mean when someone writes xoxo

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