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[Humanity Fucks You] #13.5: Physical Description Report OS-1201-T240

Hello HFY, the next in my series of what happens when humanity's special Gift in the stars is to have children with whoever they damn well please. As with the prior 13, I welcome constructive criticism.
Unlike normal, I'm writing this foreword section after writing the "story," just a document this time, because when I started I didn't realize how big JUST this document would be and that this alone would take me more than a week to write. Consider this a half-story.
Don't worry, #14 will stick to the partial story, partial document style.
As always, all you humans and mixed breeds: Keep those comments exciting!
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Physical Description Report OS-1201-T240

Translated to English by Aaron Thomson (Document OS-1201-T240) Translated to Russian by Darya Popov (Document OS-1201-T241) Translated to German by Poldi Gerig (Document OS-1201-T242) Translated to Italian by Alonzo Muraro (Document OS-1201-T243) Translated to French by Nadia Blanc (Document OS-1201-T244) Translated to Chinese by Guiying Yuen (Document OS-1201-T245) Translated to Japanese by Yori Matsumoto (Document OS-1201-T246) Translated to Itari Imperial Common by Itar'em'kan'el (Document OS-1201-T253) Translated to Itari Republic Common by Itar're'lif'il (Document OS-1201-T254) Translated to Wresh Trade Speak by Cassandra Ferrell (Document OS-1201-T255)
English Translation Updated by Cassandra Ferrell (Document OS-1201-T240)
[Translator notes added in square brackets]
For more translations, please contact either your local Unity Diplomatic Official or the Unity Offices of Organic Sciences.
Maintained by the Unity Offices of Organic Sciences, Member Species Division. A changelog can be found in Appendix 2.
Information pulled from various New Species reports, biological sciences reports, and multiple species' codices. A list of references can be found in Appendix 1.


Classification: Bipedal, Feline [the original yyyn word is based on appearance, not species family] Biological Role: Omnivorous ambush predator
Physical Description
Itari are a fur covered biped with 2 arms, 2 legs, and a head, with hands that possess 3 clawed fingers and 2 clawed thumbs, which are on opposing sides of the palm. Their heads possess 4 forward facing eyes, one pair which possess a vertically slit pupils and are adept at seeing in the dark and at close ranges with the second, higher pair having round pupils that function well in bright light, at a long distance, and that are capable of seeing the full Unity Standard color spectrum. The males average from 133 to 166 USL [~200 to 250 cm] in height, while the females average from 115 to 145 USL [~170 to 220 cm]. Itari typically have thin tails that almost touch the ground when resting, but other shapes and sizes of tails have been observed. Both sexes possess a Unity Standard Body Ratio of 0.9 to 1.1 [wiry, by human standards].
Itari fur commonly comes in patterns of two colors with multiple shades of the color across the body. The most common colors are purupu [best translation is sandy brown], red, black, and green. The most prized fur pattern among the itari is a green coat with black stripes and black swirls around the eyes.
The itari follow the Unity Standard Sexual Configuration of male and female. Hermaphrodites are common enough to mention that they occur among the itari, but seem to be formed from conditions during sexual development within the womb rather than genetics and appear to be perfectly fertile.
The itari possess the ability to determine the impact of decisions and technologies on the local environment. This is usually described by the itari as seeing the effects 0.1 cycle [~20 years] from now and then seeing the effects 1 cycle [~206 years] from now.
Human Half-Breed
Known as itarians, half-itari typically have itari hands and ears, 2 vertically slit eyes, a tail, fur on the arms, legs, and tail with hair on the head. Fur and hair color matches.
Itarians can only see environmental impacts 0.1 cycle [~20 years] into the future. Some report being able to tell if someone is going to be a good lover simply by touching them.
3 out of every 4 itarians are born as hermaphrodites.


Classification: Hexapedal, Vulpine [the original yyyn word is based on appearance, not species family] Technological Level: Advanced fusion energy, early plasma weaponry, average anti-grav, early FTL Biological Role: Omnivorous scavenger
Physical Description
Wreshanna are fur covered hexapeds with 6 legs that end in hard paws with 3 claws. Their heads have four tall, pointed ears, each of which is capable of rotating 0.375 revolutions from the resting position [comes out to 270 degrees of rotation from one extreme of rotation to the other] and two complex, forward facing eyes with horizontally slit pupils and highly flexible lenses that are capable of abnormally good long distance vision while seeing the extended Unity Standard color spectrum. They tend to stand 55 to 77 USL [~80 to 115 cm] at the shoulder and 150 to 180 USL [~225 to 275 cm] from nose to the base of the tail, which extends another half their body length out and is covered in long, soft fur that typically stands mostly straight out from the tail. Wreshanna typically have a Unity Standard Body Ratio of 1.9 to 2.3 [wreshanna have dense bones and muscles, so just because it looks thin doesn't mean you won't break your back trying to pick one up].
Wresh fur is usually solid colored with a gradient color at the tips of the tail and ears, that travels towards the center of the wresh as they age, with a lighter shade of their coat color covering their chest. Common wresh coat colors are vibrant red, dull blue, dull green, black, and purple while gold, silver, copper, and metallic blue are common gradient colors.
The wreshanna consider the coat colors red, black, and purple to be the best while silver and metallic blue are considered the most attractive gradient colors.
The wreshanna follow the Unity Standard Sexual Configuration of male and female, but also have a third sex, bearer, that is relatively rare. Wreshanna that have spent their infancy in a bearer's pouch appear to gain some of the physical traits exhibited by the bearer as well as being mentally and physically superior to wreshanna that didn't spend their infancy in a bearer's pouch.
The wreshanna possess advanced telekinesis that allows them to interact with objects as if they had 6 manipulators with 3 digits each. This telekinesis appears to put the strain of the forces involved in the manipulation on their 6 legs and only has a distance of about 5 times their body length.
Human Half-Breed
Known as wreshuns, half-wresh typically have 4 arms, 2 legs, 2 human ears, 2 wresh ears, fur covered bodies, wresh tails, wresh eyes, and density to the wresh. If a wreshun breeds with a human, they produce a kitsune which typically deviate from humans in that they have the addition of 2 wresh ears and a wresh tail.
Wreshuns also possess the ability to use ghost hands, but are limited to 4 of them. Kitsunes are limited to 2 ghost hands.

Human/Humans (Terran/Terrans)

Classification: Bipedal, Yyyn-like Technological Level: Unity integrated technology, advanced hydrocarbons, extremely advanced kinetics Biological Role: Omnivorous scavenger, endurance predator, pack hunter
Physical Description
Humans are bipedal mammals with primarily exposed skin that are easier to describe in reference to the yyyn. Humans possess smaller heads than the yyyn with eyes that contain pupils and irises, which range in color from dark brown to blue, green, and white, and a patch of hair on their heads that can have almost any color seen on any species, but variations of brown are the most common. Human skin tones span the range of yyyn skin tones, but can also be darker than the yyyn, with some being brown enough as to appear black. Humans are usually 10 to 20 USL [~15 to 30 cm] taller than their yyyn counterparts and typically have a Unity Standard Body Ratio of 1 to 1.3.
Humans place a heavy focus on the body shape, muscle mass, and fat content of an individual when determining fitness for mating.
The humans follow the Unity Standard Sexual Configuration of male and female.
Humans have the ability to successfully breed with any sapient species that has a Gift. It is currently unknown if humans can successfully breed with non-sapient species that possess a Gift, but the Unity is not eager to figure out if that is true. An odd quirk of this Gift is the consistency in the offspring when humans breed with the same species (for example, all known wreshuns have 2 human ears, 2 wresh ears, and 4 arms).
The human Gift appears to be stronger during first contact, causing a near 100% chance of successful breading, even with contraceptives. Post-first contact sex appears to fall in line with known statistics of human pregnancy chances and appears to be affected by the use of contraceptives.
A stronger version of the human Gift appears to manifest in less than 0.03% of their population. This version does not respect the species's first contact, but instead the individual's first contact with other species.
Partial Humans
Partial humans appear to retain the human Gift in stages. Any partial human who is at least 1/2 human appears to gain the full Gift, while 1/4 humans can breed with any creature that has at least 1/8 human in them, and 1/8 humans can only breed with those of the same mix as them, humans of at least 1/4 human, and any species that they are at least 1/4 of.


Classification: Quadrupedal, Lupine [the original yyyn word is based on appearance, not species family] Biological Role: Obligate rushdown predator
Physical Description
Dolvves are fur covered quadrupeds with 4 legs that end in hard paws with 4 forward facing claws and a climbing claw approximately 6 USL [~10 cm] from the paw with a typical quadrupedal lower section 166 to 200 USL [~250 to 300 cm] long and 100 to 117 USL [~150 to 175 cm] tall, a yyyn-like torso that connects to the front of the quadrupedal lower section and is 50 to 83 USL [~75 to 125 cm] tall, and a tail covered in drooping fur that is 33 to 50 USL [~50 to 75 cm]. Dolvves possess the stereotypical lupine head with slightly sharper teeth than is typical. Dolvven eyes contain a pupil and iris. Dolvves typically have a Unity Standard Body Ratio of 1.5 to 1.7.
Dolff fur is usually solid colored with a lighter color on the front of the torso and the stomach of the lower section, and is thick and coarse. Common dolff coat colors are black to white and dark blue, with white females and black males being the most prized colorations. However, dolvves judge their mates more on technical skills or combat abilities than appearance, so less prized colorations rarely have trouble competing with more prized colorations.
The dolvves follow the Unity Standard Sexual Configuration of male and female.
The dolvves possess the ability to run across any surface (liquid, solid, or [best translation is semi-newtonian]), including upside down. Their Gift does not affect them while they are walking, galloping or standing still, which testing proved can result in a tired dolff falling off of the ceiling as they stop to take a breath.
Human Half-Breed
Known as werewolves, half-dolvves can best be described as a dolff's features on a human's body. They are usually around around 166 USL [~250 cm] tall and can have fur that is black, white, or any human hair color.
Werewolves posses the Gift to travel across fluids so long as they are moving, such as walking, running or limping.


Classification: Quadrupedal, Insectile [the original yyyn word is based on appearance, not species family] Biological Role: Eusocial generalist omnivore
Physical Description
Kigkigs are chitin covered quadrupeds with 10 total limbs: 4 limbs forming a quadpod stand at its hips with 6 arms ending in hands with 3 clawed digits. The head of a kigkig is similar in shape to a rounded triangle with one tip being able to open [ant-like] with two large, round eyes with a vertical slit of a pupil with four "pinholes" with colored sclera [gecko-like] with a tuft of hair covering the top of the head. The bodies of kigkigs are made up of two distinct sections, that connect at the same spot as their legs, and are considered stout by Unity average. Kigkigs typically stand at 66 to 93 USL [~100 to 140 cm] tall and have a Unity Standard Body Ratio of 0.9 to 1.5.
Kigkig chitin and hair is typically the same color and can be black, brown, red, or white. The kigkig find colors similar to their own most attractive.
The kgikigs follow the Unity Standard Sexual Configuration of male and female, with females either being "queens" that lay unfertilized egg sacks or "workers" that are infertile.
The kigkig possess the ability to control burning flames. This includes increasing the amount of fuel and air consumed (making a hotter flame), altering the shape of the flame, spreading the flame out, shrinking the flame, fueling the fire off of their own stamina, etc. Kigkig with the abnormally potent variant of their Gift can create fire from their own stamina reserves, and may wear such flames as armor or weapons when fighting.
Human Half-Breed
Kigkig half-breeds appear mostly human except they are covered in chitin and have 4 arms. Roughly 1 in 4 half-kigkigs will be born with eyes similar to the kigkigs'.
Kigkig half-breeds possess the Gift to create, usually from their palms, either a roughly baseball (human reference) sized ball of fire or a 1 USBD [~5 meters] long and wide cone of flame.


Classification: Bipedal, Yyyn-like Biological Role: Omnivorous scavenger, thrower
Physical Description
Yyyn are considered to be the most generic species within the Unity, being bipedal mammals with exposed skin and no hair, solid black eyes that take up approximately 1/4 of their large, compared to most species, heads and gray to light yellow-brown skin. Yyyn have 2 rounded ears, hands with 4 fingers and 1 thumb, and feet with 5 toes. Yyyn typically stand between 80 to 100 USL [~120 to 150 cm] tall and typically have a Unity Standard Body Ratio of 0.9 to 1.2.
Yyyn typically choose their mates based off of personality and mental acuity.
The yyyn follow the Unity Standard Sexual Configuration of male and female.
The yyyn possess the ability to alter the elasticity, hardness, ductility, and density of an object. This alteration is not permanent, the object returning to its original material properties after the yyyn has lost focus on the intended alterations.
Human Half-Breed
Known as elves, half-yyyn appear human, except that they are on average thinner and shorter than humans and have pointed ears.
Elves have the Gift to alter the material properties of their bodies, or portions of their bodies. With proper training, these actions can become subconscious.

Yes You Must Say the Entire Name of Our Glorious Species (Namy/Namies, YYMSENOGS/YYMSENOGSs)

Classification: Bipedal, Avian [the original yyyn word is based on appearance, not species family] Biological Role: Social flying herbivores
Physical Description
[Namies] are feathered bipeds with 3 clawed digits on their hands and feet, and a beak that ranges from 1/2 the size of their heads to 1/10 the size of their heads. [Namies] are typically 100 to 133 USL [~150 to 200 cm] tall when standing straight, though they typically hunch over and let their feathery tails, which range from 1/4 to 2 times their height in length, balance their bodies. [Namies] typically have a Unity Standard Body Ratio of 0.4 to 0.7.
[Namies] feathers range almost every known color within the Unity Standard Color Spectrum, with males typically being multiple, bright colors while females are typically a single color. Females with duller feathers and males with the most colors are consider visually attractive to the [Namies].
The [Namies] follow the Unity Standard Sexual Configuration of male and female.
The [Namies] possess the ability to alter the color of metal. The [Namies'] Gift does not allow them to create patterns, as it colors the entire piece of metal a single color.
Human Half-Breed
Half-[Namies] typically resemble a feather covered human with a slight forward leaning and a large talon digit on each hand and foot.
Half-[Namies] have the Gift to color any material they touch, except themselves, but are limited to the colors of their feathers.


Classification: Immobile, Plant Biological Role: Varies
Physical Description
Lililitens are the single most diverse species in all of the unity. However, they typically "stand" at 20 to 100 USL [~30 to 150 cm], have green, red or blue stems, and have flowers that cover a range of colors wider than the Unity Standard Color Spectrum. Some Lililitens have a red or brown bark that covers their bodies. Most Lililitens have green leaves, though leaves of yellow, blue and red are possible, as are needles. Lililitens typically have a Unity Standard Body Ratio of 0.5 to 2.3.
Lililitens, themselves, do not have sexes, but their flowers follow the Unity Standard Sexual Configuration of male and female.
Lililitens possess the ability to control other plants, and typically move around using a combination of vines, or grasses, and woody plants as if they were a mix between a planter and a mech suit.
Human Half-Breed
Known as treants or dryads, based on whether they are born with woody or herbaceous skin, half-Lililitens appear as if humans with woody, bark-like skin or soft, green skin. Half-Lililitens are capable of gaining sustenance through food, which appears to be improved when they photosynthesize as well, however they do not appear to be able to comfortably live off of photosynthesis alone. It is also notable that their minds develop to adulthood in approximately 1.6 USOT [~5 years].
Half-Lililitens have the Gift to detect the state of soil around plants and understand what needs to be done to the soil to make it safe for the plant in question.


Classification: Unknown Biological Role: Unknown
Physical Description
Outside of an average height of 107 to 133 USL [~160 to 200 cm], nothing else is known about the physical description of the Ohnonono. Only 34 Ohnononos were ever seen in person and all of them have been covered in so much protective gear that their actual forms are unknown.
Some theorize that Ohnononos possess supernatural secrecy, but most scientists dismiss this theory.
Human Half-Breed
While it is known that Captain Kirk was able to produce children with an Ohnonono, no further information on the child is known.

Tut'un'erton/Tut'un'ertons (Tut)

Classification: Bipedal, Silicon-based, Stone-like Biological Role: Filter feeder
Physical Description
The Tuts resemble 127 to 160 USL [~190 to 240 cm] tall bipedal statues made of rough stone, possibly with, or without, a head outside of the torso. The outer stone of Tuts may be gray, brown, black, metallic and/or glossy. Tuts typically have a Unity Standard Body Ratio of 4.5 to 9.8.
The Tuts are notable for their liquid gold based blood and the fact that they can't survive in a Unity Standard Environment, even with protective equipment.
Tuts possess the ability to separate metals and stones into their basic, elemental forms, usually into a gemstone-like state.
Human Half-Breed
Known as Golems, only 2 half-Tuts are known to have existed. Exactly what their Gift is hasn't been documented.

Virilliam Tentacle Beast/Virilliam Tentacle Beasts (Virilliam/Virilliams)

Classification: Aberration [typically used for uncharacterizable species or living masses of tentacles] Biological Role: Ambush predator, scavenger, filter feeder
Physical Description
Virilliams are, externally, little more than a 23 to 37 USL [~35 to 55 cm] sphere with anywhere from 15 to 100 tentacles that vary in purpose from sensory tentacles contain a single, black dot style [chameleon-like] eye to heavier grasping tentacles to mating tentacles. The length of individual tentacles range from 60 to 247 USL [~90 to 370 cm] in length. Virilliams typically have a Unity Standard Body Ratio of 1.5 to 3.
Virilliams come in a pallet of 2 to 5 colors, typically bright or aggressive colors. Virilliams are known to flaunt their bright, and often patterned, tentacles, but due to the commonly held sentiment of not wanting to do any research into the mating rituals of the Virilliams, it is currently unknown what is considered most attractive by their species.
Virilliams possess the ability to project emotions and basic mental states onto other species and machines. With an experienced recipient or a specially designed machine, this ability can allow full, one way communication equivalent, and sometimes superior, to standard vocalized language.
Human Half-Breed
Half-Virilliams are human in shape, typically with skin coloration similar to a Virilliam's and 4 to 12 tentacles of 60 to 120 USL [~90 to 180 cm] in length.
Half-Virilliams possess the Gift to project emotions up to 2 USBD [~10 meters] away from them, affecting all within that range. Common uses include a dread aura, a sadness aura, and a happiness aura.


Classification: Bipedal, Quadrupedal, Vulpine [the original yyyn word is based on appearance, not species family] Biological Role: Carrion eater, egg stealer
Physical Description
Hrumrums are furred quadrupeds made up of a body covered in thick fur, giving the appearance of a furball 17 to 23 USL [~25 to 35 cm] in diameter, with 4 arms, which are roughly twice the length of their furball diameter, that end in 4 fingered hands. The head of a Hrumrum is typically inside their furballs and is a small, vulpine head with small, solid black eyes, a wet, black nose, and blunt, dagger-like teeth within the muzzle. Hrumrums typically walk on only 2 of their hands at any time, but they may occasionally walk on all 4 hands. Hrumrums typically have a Unity Standard Body Ratio of 0.7 to 1.
Hrumrums are almost perfectly uniform in color with the only two known colorations being white and "dirty" white, which is a near-white, pale yellow color. They don't appear to notice the difference in colorations unless another points it out.
Hrumrums possess the ability to create sound originating within 1 USBD [~5 meters] away from themselves. The volume and range of sounds a Hrumrum can produced are based solely on skill with their Gift, with the vast majority being able to reach speech at a yelling volume by adulthood.
Human Half-Breed
Half-Hrumrums, sometimes called cottonballs, possess the standard human configuration of limbs with thick coat of long, straight, white fur and a head with a short, furry muzzle ending in a wet, black nose and a pair of black beady eyes. Via willingly shaving a half-Hrumrum, it was discovered that they have long, vulpine ears, which are typically hidden by their fur. Half-Hrumrums typically stand 90 to 113 USL [~135 to 170 cm] tall.
Half-Hrumrums appear to possess the same Gift as the Hrumrums, but with less control of the origination point.


Classification: Bipedal, Ovine [the original yyyn word is based on appearance, not species family] Biological Role: Climbing herbivore
Physical Description
Floofermuttins are wool covered bipeds that stand 80 to 120 USL [~120 to 180 cm] tall, have 2 arms with 5 fingers, that have bone plates on the outside of the hands as well as climbing claws, and 2 legs, that end in hoofed feet with an extendable climbing spike, and an ovine head with 3 eyes, 1 on each side with 1 forward eye with horizontal pupils, a long snout filled with flat, crushing teeth, and a pair of thick, curled horns that are present on both sexes. Floofermuttins typically have a Unity Standard Body Ratio of 0.8 to 1.5.
The wool of Floofermuttins is typically a stone gray, black, brown, green or snowy white. This appears to be regional, with Floofermuttins finding those with the best colors to camouflage themselves within a region most attractive, which has lead to Floofermuttins born in space slowly developing silver wool.
WARNING: Despite appearances and the "cuteness" (human description) of their name, Floofermuttins are highly territory and quick to anger. They also tend to be aggressive and blunt, but there is some variation in their personalities.
Floofermuttins possess the ability to be invincible so long as they are charging. It has been found [by humans] that this Gift can be "interrupted" by heavy kinetics or high energy explosives.
Human Half-Breed
Known as Satyrs, half-Floofermuttins possess a Floofermuttin lower half with a human upper half, with the curled horns of a Floofermuttin and ovine ears.
Half-Floofermuttins have the Gift to "ignore" inertia while charging, being unphased by forces that don't completely stop them (such as explosives, kinetics, or thin walls). They can still be injured while in this state.


Classification: Bipedal, Silicate Biological Role: "Herbivore"
Physical Description
Sfurnus are silicon based, gemstone-like bipeds that stand at 40 to 73 [~60 to 110 cm] tall and resemble a bipedal silhouette. They have a pair of eyes which are made of a different gemstone than their bodies. Sfurunus typically have a Unity Standard Body Ratio of 2.5 to 6.
Sfurnus are typically "made of" silicon or corundum based gemstones.
WARNING: Sfurnus produce a highly aggressive form of asbestos by respiration. While this is harmless to most silicate species, carbon based species with lungs, or similar forms of respiration, are vulnerable to respiratory damage from the asbestos. In some forms of respirating, carbon-based life, the asbestos can also cause damage to the toxin removal systems.
Sfurnus possess the ability to shape gemstones, and themselves to a limited degree. While this is mostly used for industrial purposes, Sfurnus have been known to create claws and eject shards via their Gift in self defense.
Human Half-Breed
A half-Sfurnu is virtually indistinguishable from a normal Sfurnu, with the only reliable way to determine human lineage being an adult height within the human range.
Half-Sfurnus have demonstrated that their Gift grants them far greater control of their own bodies enabling them to, for example, create defensive spikes, throw shards, grow claws, create denser sections that are more resilient to damage, etc.


Classification: Bipedal, Yyyn-like Biological Role: Ambush predator
Physical Description
Keredos are bare skinned bipeds with two arms, two legs, and a head, with 8 fingered hands and 6 toed feet, and limbs that are far too long for their bodies. When standing straight, most Keredos will stand between 140 to 183 USL [~210 to 275 cm] tall, however they find it more comfortable to heavily slouch most of the time. Keredos have a Unity Standard Body Ratio of 0.8 to 1.1.
Keredos skin is typically stone gray, pale brown or light green. Given 0.04 USBT [~15 minutes], a Keredos can alter their skin color to any color within the Unity Standard Color Spectrum, with exception to a narrow range of dark blues and purples.
The Keredos follow the Unity Standard Sexual Configuration of male and female, but given 19 USRT [~90 days] a Keredos can change its sex.
It is also worth noting that Keredos have skeletons made of a semi-muscular cartilage that can tense to become stiffer or relax to become more flexible. This cartilage skeleton is not capable of hardening to the strength of a traditional calcium skeleton.
Keredos have the ability to compress or expand themselves up to 4 fold. This compresses or expands in all physical dimensions, but does not alter their mass.
Human Half-Breed
There is no known half-Keredos. When a human and a Keredos breed, the result is a pure blooded human. This is considered an oddity with the human quirk on par with elves' pointed ears.


Classification: Octopedal, Saurian [the original yyyn word is based on appearance, not species family] Biological Role: Rushdown predator
Physical Description
Preadirs are long bodied octopeds covered in thick, hard scales with 4 arms ending in handfeet with 4 fingers and 1 thumb, and 4 legs ending in feet with 3 clawed toes. The eyes and mouth of a Preadir are placed at the front end of the body. While Preadirs normally walk on all 8 limbs, they can raise the front of their body over the 4 back legs, enabling them to utilize their 4 handfeet. Preadirs are typically 200 to 267 USL [~300 to 400 cm] in length, 30 to 50 USL [~45 to 75 cm] in width, and 53 to 80 USL [~80 to 120 cm] in height. Preadirs usually have a Unity Standard Body Ratio of 1.2 to 1.9.
The Preadirs follow the Unity Standard Sexual Configuration of male and female, with females attaching the eggs to the male's back after fertilization.
Preadirs have the ability to digest any material they eat, regardless of how it should interact with their stomach's biochemistry.
Human Half-Breed


Classification: Bipedal, Yyyn-like Biological Role: Omnivorous scavenger
Physical Description
Orisors are bare skinned bipeds with two arms and two legs, each of which ends in a hand or foot with 5 stubby digits, and a head with two forward facing eyes and long, wide, pointed ears on the sides of their heads. Orisors have thick hair that grows on their heads, forearms and thighs. Orisors' "soft" skin is thicker than is average for bare skinned species, protecting them both from attack and cold. Orisors average from 50 to 80 USL [~75 to 120 cm] tall, with females being roughly 5% larger than males. Orisors usually have a Unity Standard Body Ratio of 1.6 to 2.2.
Orisors are typically green, red or gray skinned, though obsidian black and blue are common enough to mention. Some Orisors are born with [concept that roughly translates to that of the golden spiral] "tattoos" of a silver, gold, or black color. Orisor hair colors are typically dark, dark red and black being common, which is contrasted by their bright irises, with yellow, pink and silver being common.
Orisors determine fitness to mate based off of a mix of boasts and pranks, though Orisors mate anytime they find a fitting partner that is ready to mate once they are ready to mate.
The Orisors follow the Unity Standard Sexual Configuration of male and female.
Orisors possess the ability to "displace" themselves, moving up to 0.014 USBT [~5 minutes] worth of movement, and acquiring the appropriate amount of fatigue for the movement, instantly. Orisors have admitted that the experience is like the world freezing, with them being able to move but unable to interact with anything not on their person.
Human Half-Breed
Known as Orcs, half-Orisors appear as normal humans with 4 abnormal traits: Skin and eye colors within the Orisor spectrum, pointed ears (wider than those exhibited by elves), tusks and greater muscle.
Orcs possess the Gift to "displace" physical harm for up to 0.014 USBT [~5 minutes], receiving all of the damage at once when the Gift deactivates.


Classification: Tripedal, [the original yyyn word describes creatures that use quills as a defensive measure] Biological Role: Digging insectivore
Physical Description
Qwell are fur covered tripeds with 3 arms, 3 legs, and a head, with each hand possessing 2 fingers, 1 thumb and a long, curved digging claw, and each food splitting into 2 forward toes and 1 backward toe. Qwell have short, round faces with small, beady blue eyes, a wide nose, and hidden ears. The backs of Qwell are covered in 15 to 20 USL [~23 to 30 cm] long quills that are kept flat while the Qwell is calm, however when a Qwell feels threatened they will curl up into a ball and their quills will stand straight out. Qwell typically stand 53 to 63 USL [~80 to 95 cm] in height and have a Unity Standard Body Ratio of 1 to 1.7.
Qwell typically have black, brown or green fur with white tipped, black spines. Green fur is generally considered the most attractive by Qwell, but the emergence of dark red fur has created a vogue around the coloration.
The Quell follow the Unity Standard Sexual Configuration of male and female, with two extra sexes: Hermaphrodite and queen. Hermaphrodite Qwell are less fertile than a male or female Qwell, but are perfectly capable of performing both reproductive duties. Queen Qwell implant their eggs into the wombs of females and hermaphrodites, which then carry the eggs until they are fertilized. Female Qwell are born without egg cells and contribute to the genetic material of their children during the child's embryonic development.
WARNING: Qwell quills are barbed and possess small poison sacks that eject their contents upon removal. Do not attempt to remove Qwell quills without surgery performed by an experienced, and appropriately certified, surgeon.
Qwell possess the ability to chew through any material, however the material's properties can make this process long and tedious. Their Gift does not harm their own mouths and makes their entire mouth effectively invincible while chewing.
Human Half-Breed
Half-Qwell are furred and quilled like Qwells, but otherwise human.
Half-Qwell possess the Gift to violently eject a portion of their quills. It is worth noting that this defensive attack is incredibly inaccurate, but can pierce grade 8 [grade 8 armor typically has enough kinetic resistance to protect the wearer from 3 hits from a full powered rifle] ballistic combat armor at a range of 5 USBD [~25 meters], but is typically only effective out to 1 USBD [~5 meters] due to spread.


Classification: Complete shapeshifter Biological Role: "Scavenging" omnivore
Physical Description
Lemhiths, in their natural form appear as shapeless, [roughly translates to semi-newtonian], gray masses. Lemhiths are rarely seen in this state, instead mimic other species down to said species' organs.
Lemhiths do not follow the Unity Standard Sexual Configuration of male and female, reproducing by exchanging genetic material between two Lemhiths, without any currently known restrictions, and splitting off a new Lemhith.
When assuming the form of another species, or individual, the Lemhith will know exactly how to act to blend in as an average member of that species or as the individual. This only covers actions, accents, languages, and idiolects, but not memories, important events, or other cultural/person knowledge.
Human Half-Breed
Known as doppelgangers, half-Lemhiths appear human except for a lack of facial features and unnaturally pale skin. Doppelgangers can mimic almost any yyyn-like individual from 60 to 183 USL [~90 to 275 cm] in height.
Doppelgangers have the Gift to know and understand what those around them believe the individual they are mimicking will do, and can usually take the expected actions as if it were second nature.

Ke'aveola/Ke'aveolas [Ke/Kes]

Classification: Pentapedal, Macropod [the original yyyn word is based on appearance, not species family] Biological Role: Pack-hunting rushdown predator
Physical Description
Kes are fur covered pentapeds, which resemble a tripodal creature when standing vertically. Kes have 2 dedicated legs (the largest limbs on their bodies), 2 arms (that serve as legs during typical movement), and a strong tail (that serves as a leg during typical movement). The head of a Ke is long and triangular with 2 large, solid black eyes positioned in such a way to allow almost rear vision and forward depth perception. The hands of a Ke have a large palm, 4 thick fingers and a thumb that curls upwards during typical movement. The feet resemble large paddles and have 3 short toes. Males typically stand at 20 to 30 USL [~30 to 45 cm], while females typically stand at 50 to 80 USL [~75 to 120 cm], with both sexes usually having a Unity Standard Body Ratio of 0.8 to 1.1.
Kes typically have two colors, one on their bodies and another on their limbs. These colors can be yellow, red, blue, purple, pink, or orange. The Kes consider a blue body with orange limbs to be the most attractive coloration.
The Kes follow the Unity Standard Sexual Configuration of male and female.
Kes possess the ability to cause plants to grow at 1,000 times their normal rate, and shape them while doing so. This growth uses up as much water and nutrients as if the plant was growing that amount normally, except all within the accelerated time frame.
Human Half-Breed
Half-Kes look like thin, furred humans with a powerful tail that drags behind them on the ground. They usually have a coloration that is a combination of their human and Ke parents.
Half-Ke possess the Gift to shape dead plant matter they are touching via will alone.
Continued in comments.
submitted by unseenshadow2 to HFY [link] [comments]

[Review] Plain Blue Watersnake Gucci Aces from TS Zippy and Comparison with Authentic Aces

TY for the award! Idk how to reply back bc I’m new to Reddit!!

Literally after I posted my first review for another pair, these Gucci Aces from TS Zippy arrived! If anyone wants, I'll do a detailed comparison of reps, but this is only against my authentic heart aces!
## **Intro**
## **Photos**
## **Quality - 9.5/10 (this is just averaging 10 and the Accuracy score)**
  1. Leather: Real leather, faint smell out of the box
  2. Detail: (see Accuracy description below)
  3. Price: Overall, these shoes are great especially for the price point! They come out minimum $20 cheaper than other sellers!
## **Accuracy - 9/10**
Overall, these shoes are great especially for the price point!
However, I think there's some differences you could notice if let's say your friend wanted to try on your shoes. (Just say no lol!)
  1. Insole: They are cut really roughly / jagged on the sides. (see pictures) - 0.05
  2. Outsole: near the band, there's a jagged-ness on the left shoe where the rubber meets it (see pictures) - 0.05
  3. Width: The rep is noticeably wider than the authentic. I think at the widest, it's off by 3 to 4 mm (see pics). If you lace them tighter, it might mitigate the problem from the top. I was debating about the score for this bc I think this only comes in men’s and maybe that’s why they’re wider? - 0.2
  4. Sizing / label: These are a size 40 (which are the same as the Euro 38 authentics). The number is printed ever so slanted in the left shoe tongue. - 0.05
But, the biggest thing I'm taking points off for is something others would notice while you're wearing them walking (in my opinion).
  1. Logo: Zippy and I went back and forth a few times about logos. The GUCCI is thick, bright, and peeling in some parts. I've tried the eyebrow powder on top and it's still very bright (see pictures) - 0.85 (i noticed the thickness and brightness in the PSP's but I didn't see the peeling).
Some negligible differences that I thought I'd point out:
  1. Laces: laces do not come laced correctly, I corrected before I took the photos FYI
  2. Scales: Apparently there's something hard about repping the blue watersnake. I've read other reviews but I'm bad at QC'ing. The scales are most probably not python and I didn't expect them to be.
Differences in the FEEL - not deducting points because I think unless you have the authentic in hand, you wouldn't be able to tell.
  1. Weight: The reps feel slightly heavier than authentic.
  2. Leather thickness: Authentic aces are thinner, I tried to capture in photos the rep is puffier in the tongue and the start of the sides. Especially on the toe box, the reps have no give.
  3. Insoles: Authentic insoles are firmer while rep insoles are more bendy and squishy (I think it makes them comfier).
  4. Sizing: Anyone with a true 40 would know these aren't real (since these equal a 38). The imprint in the tongue is also thinner than authentics.
Other things to note:
  1. I'm not sure if Zippy ships with boxes. I specifically asked not to just to make it easier fur customs!
  2. One thing that Zippy does great is the COLOR! These are not a stark white like other reps, the leather looks really really natural compared to the authentic! I'm giving this a bonus 0.2.
## **Satisfaction - 9.75/10 (Averaging quality score and Seller Communication Score)**
Zippy and I had so much back and forth about the other pair I ultimately RL'ed. And he had to remind me that reps aren't 1:1. So in my mind, I knew the shoes I was getting weren't going to meet my high expectations.
I'd still rock these out but not to the Gucci store. Also, the shoes are incredibly comfortable! Not sure if it’s bc they’re wider. I also again, give props to the color and shape being pretty much spot on!
## **Seller Communication and Service - 10/10**
Zippy is the MOST patient man in the world. (Or woman, I'm not sure.) Because I definitely have high expectations. We had over a month of back and forth about one pair of shoes, I asked for a bunch of extra videos, and photos, and measurements, but he was incredibly responsive (within 24 hours and it seemed around the clock tbh), nice, and patient in helping me through this process.
I was driving myself crazy with the QC'ing, and I think Zippy took the best attitude of just reminding me that reps, at the end of the day, are reps, and factories try their best to make customers happy. :)
I would buy again, the price point is excellent (much more affordable than other sellers for a solid mid to high tier rep), the actual material of the shoes is great, and I think overall, the shoe is beautiful! In fact, I have two more McQueens coming from him and Ive been eyeing some other Aces! Stay tuned!
submitted by Aware_Chemical_466 to RepLadies [link] [comments]

[Review] Dior Ultramatte Black Large Lady Dior, comparison to auth leather ++ BONUS [Reference] pictures of auth embroidered Guitar/Shoulder Strap in SHW

hullo! i wasn't going to write a full review for this bag, but given that it is probably my favourite rep ever, i felt it would be remiss of me not to share the love. however, if you want a much more succinct review (completely understandable given my tendency to be tediously long-winded), please check out this comment i wrote on the daily ootd post after i'd just received it. no hard feelings, i promise. i'll just go cry into my cornflakes.


NB: in some places i have made double deductions in both quality and accuracy, because with this bag there are areas in the former which have an impact on the latter
Quality - 9.25/10
Accuracy - 7.25/10
i know the score seems relatively low but i was BRUTAL with my assessment in a way i never am when QCing my purchases. to me, this bag is 100% passable. i wouldn't hesitate to walk into a boutique with it, it is that good in all the areas that matter. i will probably forget it's a rep soon, but for the benefit of my repfam:

Satisfaction - 10/10 with BONUS REFERENCE FOR GUITAR STRAP

i am besotted with this bag. i can't wait to use it properly!! but a gem like this deserves to be dressed up more, doncha think? i decided lady dior can have little a fancier strap, as a treat. i must stress that the one which comes with the bag is perfectly adequate, but my utter lack of self-control and fiscal responsibility means i am now the sheepish owner of a flippin' strip of cloth that cost about three times more than the bag it's going to be attached to -____-
i know our TSs have reps of the guitar straps; i dutifully read every single review of them. in all honesty, i don't think any of them come close to passing. the main flaw with the reps is that they seem softer, flatter, and more...wrinkly. none of them (that i've seen) have nailed the shade of cream used on the authentic either, it's usually too yellow. this strap did come in BHW late last year, but they are impossible to track down now to my eternal sadness. finding one with SHW was tricky as it is, but i was lucky enough to snag one!
the embroidery on the auth is noticeably 3D in real life. the cream is a tad whiter and brighter than the photos show. but please note how the embroidery is wonky on the A in 'christian', and P in 'paris' lmaooo. also, a common complaint with the reps is that the length falls short of the specified 95cm. well fear not, because SO DOES MINE. never thought i would be a size queen, but i am very sore that my strap is a full FIVE CENTIMETRES shorter than it should be!!! it currently retails for £760, and if you divide that by 95, we can assume that each cm of strap is worth £8. return me my 40 quid dior :@@@ !!!!!

Seller Communication and Service - 10/10
linda is a sweetheart. she responds promptly, sends great PSPs, and really strives to see customers happy. she calls me dear and sends me heart emojis. what more i could i want from a seller?
submitted by bobblebun to RepLadies [link] [comments]


Hi friends I’m back at it with another finds post since some people liked my last! Shameless self plug 😏 - a surprisingly good amount of those AE links are still up, the fun police didn't get them all! Also, my apologies in advance if this post is hard to read at times. English isn't my native language and I am writing this at 1 am as that is my only free time these days. I am also regretting not posting this sooner as I hope you all aren't sick of the finds posts! I just am sort of a perfectionist and wanted to make sure it was a list you can enjoy!
I think in general for the price you can get better stuff for the price from TB, as I mentioned in my last post once you factor in Superbuy/Basetao's scary conversion fees and shipping, often for things like clothes AE can be cheaper, and it's particularly nice when you only wanted to purchase a thing or two. There are plenty of grey market finds on AE which means authentic quality at a fraction of the price!
I'll try to not be as chatty this time around as I am sure no one is actually reading this part 🤣 as much as I like to pretend that I am actually entertaining! Just a friendly reminder to not use brand names when messaging the sellers on AE/TB/DHG as this can get their store shut down!
Now on to the good stuff that you guys came for! As always, these are finds I discovered while shopping for myself so there is a lot of streetwear clothing/ designer as I have delusions of grandeur and like to try to convince people I don't partially subside off ramen and shop at Dollar Tree 😂. Typical for an u/emmy1300 post you will get my inner monologue along with the finds.

👠Shoes 👠 - MAINLY TAOBAO/CNFASHIONBUY, I don't buy shoes often from AE/DHGATE
YSL Sandals - These are as expected for the price and a nice summer flex with a sundress.
The Famous Fisherman Chanel Espadrilles - I am a 6.5 and a 36 fits perfectly. I've seen other people who are a 6.5 saying they wear a size 37 or even 38 so not sure if sizing is inconsistent on these. I am actually quite happy with my 3 mid-tier pairs I purchased in black, beige, and pink lambskin. They are buttery soft and gorgeous. I receive tons of compliments every time I wear them, which is precisely why I STOPPED wearing them. Ya girl loves to flex, but in a more subtle way. I got tired of people always saying "OMG CHANEL SHOES! I LOVE THEM!" I am lucky my office has a pretty casual dress code as I am more of a sneaker girl anyway. 10/10 in comfort, but 0/10 do I recommend wearing to work if your office environment is pretty casual/ non-flexy.
Gucci Brixtons and Princetowns - I ordered the Black Princetowns and love them. This is more my type of low-key flex. I am sure the ones more reviewed on here from Tong or Zippy are better, but these seem like real leather on the outside at least and look like the authentic I have tried on in store. I mainly just wanted the convenience of ordering via Superbuy/TB since I am blocked on Wechat. I ordered a 37 and they fit great. Have gifted a pair to my sister in a size 39 (she is a US 7.5) and she loves them also!
Gucci Ace Sneakers - I purchased the "Bee Star bendable heel" model in a size 37. I like that these don't have visible branding, but if you prefer a less discreet flex, this store has every print of Gucci Ace! Naisan is seen as the top seller for Gucci Aces on Fashion reps.
unbranded Gucci fur princetowns - perfectly cozy, purchased in 37.
Common Projects Chelsea boots - purchased in size 37. Super comfy and cute with jeggings.
Common Projects Achilles Sneakers - more comfy and stylish than your typical sneaker, got in size 37.
Converse CDG Sneakers - got in black and run more TTS than my authentic white pair, which run large. Went with size 37.
Christian Dior Walk N' Dior Sneakers - Got the black AND white pair because I need more sneakers clearly. Size 37.
Hermes Oran Sandals - Bought these in size 37, they seem to run more narrow than auth and smaller, but still look cute on.
Rothys - one of the few pairs of BRANDED Rothys I have come across! Great quality, but I haven't tried washing them yet so I don't know how they will compare to auth on that front. Compared to my Chanel Espys, these are 10/10 for a lowkey work environment, very work appropriate and comfortable for being on your feet in.
YSL Slides - I forget the auth name for these, but they do exist. Added to my cart for days I'm feeling lazy but still want to look somewhat stylish.
YSL Tribute leather sandals - bought these in size 37.
AliExpress Shoes!
Alexander McQueen Oversized Platform Sneakers - have these sitting in my cart, but haven't ordered. They look like they use the 2018 logo. For less than $20, I might do it for science.
Stuart Weitzman? dupe square toe sandals - super cute summery shoes.
Christian Dior J’adior slingback heels and flats - has the correct word and font alignment on straps! Rare for reps in this price range.
Ugg Boots - I ordered these but haven't gotten. They look super cute from review pics.
Yeezy 350 V2 - have not ordered, but have in my cart. I am a huge fan of my Yeezys from PkGod Factory/Uncle Lin, but thought I would include these for those not ready to make the jump to Superbuy/CNFashionpub yet!

👜Bags (Taobao) 👜
Fendi Baguette bag in leather - Looks pretty decent from review pictures. Seller claims it is 100% leather, but not sure for this price. Debating the mini baguette in white as it looks so adorable.
Loewe Puzzle Bag in many colors - I ordered one and I think it was leather? Just not super luxurious leather. I ended up giving it away as I find the puzzle bag sort of annoying to get in and out of. It has more to do with the design of the bag than the quality, I think.
Chanel Gabrielle Backpack - looks decent for 280 yuan from review pics. In my cart.
Chanel Iridescent Mini Rectangle - I have been looking everywhere for this colorway! This seller is well known for their WOCs. This is in my cart and definitely going in my next haul. CAN SOMEONE WHO READS CHINESE PLEASE TELL ME WHAT "FIRST LAYER COWHIDE" MEANS ON TAOBAO? Does that mean this bag isn't full leather, but leather only on the outside? There probably wasn't a need for me all caps that question, but I have been dying to know. I promise all caps doesn't mean I'm yelling!
Chanel Croc Embossed Gabrielle - only 158 yuan and fully branded. I have not ordered as I feel it is unlikely to be leather at this price range, despite the seller saying it is. Might be good for someone wanting to try the style out.
Goyard travel bag - I got this as an alternative to my keepall. Around the same size as my keepall 45.
CHEAP AF Dior Saddle bag - for 188 yuan, might GP
Tory Burch crossbody bag 88 yuan! - I got this bag and think it is great for the price. It fits a lot for such a small bag. It is unbranded on the inside and not sure if this is a real design or fantasy?
AliExpress Bags!
Bottega Veneta Nodini bag - comes BRANDED if you pay an extra $10 for "customization". Perfect subtle flex bag for someone looking for a casual crossbody without obvious logos.
Chanel 19 Flap Bag - cheapest version of this bag I have seen. I'm not as fan of this bag but know a lot of people on here are looking to cop.
Givenchy Antigona - this was well reviewed on AE before the seller's store got shut down. This is the new link. For only $48, I might GP as I have been wanting this bag for a while.
Gucci Soho Disco $25! - if you're looking for a cheap version. If it comes out badly, you could always wear it flipped over with the GG side hiding 🤣
Louis Vuitton Pochette Felicie WOC - asked seller for photos and they looked good for the price ($30!)
$47 Louis Vuitton Multi Pochette Accessories - the Green one looked the best from the seller's pics.
YSL Loulou puffer - Another trendy bag like the Chanel 19. I am more a fan of this one.
Gucci Soho Disco - this version is the closest version to the famous TB one on Dhgate that I have seen for those who are TB impaired but looking for this bag.
Louis Vuitton Prism Keepall 50 - been looking for a more affordable version of this rep. I have purchased from this seller's store before and everything was pretty mid-tier -ish.
Louis Vuitton Speedy Nano - For such a small bag, I think this is a good price. I looked at getting this bag from Nancy or Apple and this version doesn't look too much worse for less than half the price ($43!). All reps have the common flaw of the area where the strap attaches to the bag starting lower than auth, so might as well get the cheaper flawed version right? Okay, maybe my logic is just flawed because I love cheap thrills.
Tory Burch leather WOC - debating getting the pink one. I think the style is gorgeous. Great lowkey flex bag. For $60, even if it is flawed, I don't really see people QC'ing a TB bag.

💍💎Jewelry and SLGs/Accessories! 💍💎
Burberry Scarf - super warm, not sure if cashmere as I have no idea how to tell, but feels very plush.
18K White Gold and Moissanite Screw back earrings - due to allergies, I can only use 14k gold jewelry along with a few other specific metals so these are perfect. I prefer screw back earrings as earrings are constantly trying to escape from me. Note that you need to order two if you want a pair as these are sold in singles.
Cartier JUC bracelet - got the rose gold and I have worn it occasionally without any irritation for those sensitive to nickel/copper.
Chanel Cardholder - 2019 was the year I became a tiny purse girl, and also converted to cardholders as a result. Before, I thought I couldn't live without massive totebags, but then my boyfriend pointed out how frumpy and disproportionately tiny I look carrying massive totes (ok going off on a tangent here, but I like cardholders now basically). I purchased the "high quality" version and am hoping it resembles leather when I get it.
Goyard Makeup Pouch - for $6, this is one of my favorite SLG purchases this year. Great for ensuring my chocolate bars and eyeliner melt in my $6 rep versus my $300 one.
Goyard Passport holder - to travel in style. Jk I always wear my ugliest pajamas when I fly.
Kate Spade wristlet - for less than $2, these make a great gift. I gave these to friends and coworkers fully disclosing they were reps and people still loved them.
Tiffany heart bracelet - pretty simple design, so not much to QC. I got the pink bracelet in 16.5 cm length.
Ray Ban sunglasses - came with full packaging, good for price.
AliExpress Accessory finds!
Bottega Veneta Cardholder - can come branded if you pay for $10 "customization"
Cartier Love Bracelet dupe - haven't ordered, but lots of great reviews.
Celine Knot bracelet - ordered this in rose gold and waiting for it to arrive.
Hermes Kelly long wallet - have not ordered
Louis Vuitton cell phone case - ask seller for real pics, looks like empreinte print!
DHGATE Accessory finds!
Gucci twilly -ordered the multi-color one.
Gucci belt - has more reviews with photos than the AliExpress version I posted in my last finds. Haven't ordered as I have one from Oli, but looks pretty good in review pictures.
Louis Vuitton Blanket Scarf - not super nice material, but looks decent and sort of classy in the black color.
Louis Vuitton "silk" twilly - got the pink one, great for hiding the ugly stamping on my Pochette Metis handle 🤣👌

👗👚👖Clothes(TB) 👗👚👖
Champion sweatshirt - ordered these in several colors for myself and my SO. Smallest size is medium for myself and I order XXL for him.
Dior Sweater - got in size small. Men's sizing I think. Soft and warm.
Lucky Jeans - got in a size 4. Fits TTS. I want straight cut jeans to be back in style as I am sick of jeggings.
Lululemon dupes - these are unbranded but the material feels sooooo similar to my authentic lululemons. They are quite buttery feeling and definitely pass the squat test. I ordered a small and they fit great. I am a 4 in auth lulus.
Lululemon - these are BRANDED. Got a size small and they fit fine. The material isn't as nice as the unbranded dupes, but they should hold up fine through most gym sessions.
ANOTHER Lululemon pant link - these have the Lululemon logo on the outside but are unbranded inside. Not on par with auth quality, but nearly as comfy. Went with size small again.
Off White baseball jacket - not the most amazing material but great for the price. Got size small, I think it's men's sizing?
Off White hoodie - purchased the black one in a size medium (they don't have small). It is super thick and warm. Very comfortable.
Anti-Social Social Club t shirt - fully branded inside. Got a size small and fits great.
Off-White t-shirt - got in size small, men's sizing
Saint Laurent t shirt - ordered in a medium. It is just a gildan shirt, but I enjoy it for a $6 shirt. No one sees the inside tag of your shirt anyway (at least in my case 😭) if you're more popular than me you may want to reconsider.
Supreme city t-shirt - ordered in the purple color, size medium. Fits nice and oversized on me. Great quality thick material.
Zara dupe of Acne Velocite jacket - I like that this jacket is a rep of a rep jacket. A rep within a rep. Repception 😎. Warm enough for California winters. Got a size small.
AliExpress Clothing Finds!
Max Mara Teddy dupe - my friend bought this and it looks great for $42. It feels quite warm and thick too, but then again we live in California 🤣 It literally makes every outfit of hers look more stylish.
Modest two piece swimsuit - I don't have six-pack abs so I prefer bikinis with more coverage like this one. I also have a 32DDD chest, so tiny string bikinis are just a no 🤣. This offers coverage up top and around the midsection. Super flattering on all body types. I am bringing this on my trip to Belize next week.
Another Modest two piece swimsuit - again, this style is flattering on my petite, yet curvy shape. Will rock this in Belize!
And another one (modest swimsuit) - seriously, this style of swimsuit is life changing if you're an insecure bitch like me. I don't have to worry about boobage falling out or sucking in my stomach after too many cocktails on the beach. These swimsuits all say "padded" but in reality they mean just enough padding so you don't have to worry about cold water, not too much padding that it adds size.
Warm turtleneck sweater - not a rep, but a great wardrobe staple. Looks great worn on it's own with jeans or layered. I own 4 colors.
Saint Laurent t shirt - I purchased this same shirt in black, size small a few months ago from a link that died. Inside tags are Gildan, but I don't care as no one sees those and you can rip it out if it bothers you that much.
Super cheap $16 Teddy coat - ordered this in small in 3 colors. I prefer this shorter style to the longer teddy coats as I am 5'3"... sigh 5'2" (and just barely).
DHGATE Clothing Finds!
Fendi Monster t-shirt - one of my favorite tees. I got a size medium. I think it's men's sizing, but runs small for men's.
GUESS Striped t-shirt - sigh, I love streetwear.
Supreme Box logo Anniversary t-shirt - men's sizing, but got in a medium for a looser fit. I opted for this over the embroidered version from the same seller as that one is fantasy and Supreme has never made an embroidered box logo tee, but they have made this printed on version.
Supreme Box logo hoodie - good material. One of my favorite hoodies. I actually got an XXL for an oversized fit as this hoodie seems to run super tiny.

Other random stuff I've bought and loved!
Every nail sticker from this store - great haul padder as they weigh next to nothing. Super easy to apply and looks amazing on.
AliExpress Nail Sticker Store - I replenish my nail sticker stock here in between TB hauls.
Cutest Cat plushie - my weakness is plushies. I think my plushie collection gives me more pride and joy than my purse or shoe collection. I wish I had discovered AE for plushies sooner. This $5 plushie would easily run you $30 from a local store.
Another Cat plushie - to keep your other cat plushie company. Honestly, AE is a rabbit hole of plushies and once you start clicking around and buying you can't stop... well this probably only applies to weirdos like me 🤣
I hope you're all still alive at this point. Thanks for hanging in there! 😁

Bonus Section: for the rep men in your life
His stats: 6'4" and 170 pounds, or 1.93M and 77 kg. Note, I have given up on buying my boyfriend rep clothing as even male Chinese clothing just does not seem to be designed for people over 6 feet tall. I purchased clothing finds that people on fashions reps who claimed to be similar height to my boyfriend bought, but either they were off in measurements 🤣 or I just got unlucky and every single piece of clothing I got ended up being a good 4-5 inches too short for my poor bf. I always ordered the largest size to accommodate his height, but found that Asian clothing tends to just get wider, but not any longer as you go up in size.
Adidas Socks - 3 pairs for $1! Identical to the ones I was buying for him from Costco for $12 a pack. They may run ever so small as he is a men's US 13. They are socks and will stretch though.
Burberry hoodie - XXL fits him decently. Not too short and sleeves are long enough! Good material. Nice subtle flex.
Champion reverse weave hoodie - feels just like my auth Champion hoodie. XXL fits him great and the sleeves are long enough!
Champion joggers - size XXXL fits him okay, would be better for someone 6'1" or under. Quality is nice though! Can't distinguish from auth.
Nike Tech Fleece hoodie - XXL fits him fine. Length wise is okay, sleeves could be a bit longer. The material feels nice, but be careful about overwashing these. My boyfriend washes them every time he wears them, so after a month one of the zippers came off in the wash. Otherwise, he loves these hoodies.
Nike Tech Fleece joggers - quality is good and he says they are comfy, but again, probably best for someone 6'1" or under.
CDG Play sweatshirt - Size XXL fits quite snug on him. Again, if the person you're shopping for (or you!) are slightly shorter, this may work. It's nice material for the price.
Ultraboost 4.0 - run TTS, just as comfortable as retail!. Got size 48, which is equal to a US 13.
Thank you so much for reading this list and I hope you found some stuff you liked! Happy holidays and happy New Year! 🎅✨🎉🎈💃🎊
submitted by emmy1300 to RepLadies [link] [comments]

[Review] Taobao Alexander McQueen Short Skull and Swallows Socks 5-pack and McQ by Alexander McQueen Men's Mouline Safety Pin Jumper dupe


Alexander McQueen Short Skull and Swallows Socks 5-pack

Shop Collection baby share it McQueen sock gift box packaging cotton socks jacquard pattern before and after the heel reinforcement treatment very wear-resistant socks
Price ¥65 · $10.72 · €9,36
Payment made via iDeal Wednesday, 02 January
Retail ¥700 · $70 · €65 per pair
Mobile users scroll👉🏼
Origin · Destination Dispatched Delivered Total
Domestic shipping - - ¥10 · $1.49 · € 1,31
DHL Express S1 Actual: 2.79 kg Volumetric: 5.33 kg 45 · 16 · 37 cm ¥360 · $53.80 · €49,77
Warehouse · Delivered Thursday, 24 January Monday, 28 January 4 days
S1 Pricing and measurements include 2 orders of sock 5-pack and 1 medium sized leather purse.
Specs McQueen Short Skull Socks Rep
Material 76% Cotton, 22% Polyamide, 2% Elastane Cotton, Polyester, Spandex
Size Not specified, assuming OS Small
Pattern Repeating skull intarsia in a differing color Fantasy - 3 swallows, stripe, 7 skull, stripe, stripe, 7 skull, stripe, & 3 swallows intarsia pattern
Wordmark -2 Heel - ALEXANDER McQUEEN - toe Two mirrored logos
Typeface -1 Baskerville - curved serifs, crisp lines and edges. Unidentified, most noticeable with "N" missing the upper serif
Miscellaneous -1 Ribbing at top Narrower ribbing at top

McQ by Alexander McQueen Men's Mouline Safety Pin Jumper dupe

Shop Vintage Vintage BF Wind Poppy Bitter Melon Joker Sweater Harajuku Retro Classic Thick Sweater F - #72
Price ¥ 23.80 · $3.55 · €3,13
Payment made via iDeal Monday, 14 January
Retail £215 · $370 · €230
Origin · Destination Dispatched Delivered Total
Domestic shipping * * ¥2310 · $1.49 · €1,31
PostNL S1.2 Actual: 1.34 kg · 12.83 L 26 · 21 · 23.5 cm ¥157 $23.45 · €20,62
Warehouse · Delivered Thursday, 24 January Saturday, 02 February 9 days
S1.2 Pricing and measurements included shipping of McQ sweater dupe and a Robocar poli building brick set reviewed by u/robusteggs.

Specs McQ Dupe
Material(s) 100% Fleece Wool Mouline yarn 70% Fleece wool
Neckline Crew Crew
Ribbing Neckline, cuffs, and bottom Neckline, cuffs, and bottom
Safety pin Diagonal, left top - right bottom, centered middle Diagonal, left top - right bottom, centered middle
Detail Melange look Melange look
Neckline fabric label Black woven silk square, centered brand logo: Q encompassing Mc above "ALEXANDER McQUEEN", inverted coloring on the reverse side None
Country of manufacture label Black square, white "MADE IN PRC" label sewn to bottom center of neckline label Black square "MADE IN PRC" label sewn to side bottom seam on top of care label
Size tag Black square, white lettering on bottom side seam, on top of care tag None
Care tag (front symbols) Japanese - Wash at or below 30 ° C, Do Not Bleach, Do Not Wring, Low Temp Iron, Do Not Dry Clean Japanese - Wash at or below 30 ° C, Do Not Bleach, Do Not Wring, Low Temp Iron, Do Not Dry Clean
Care tag (reverse side symbols) Wash at or below 30 ° C, Do Not Bleach, Do Not Tumble Dry, Low Temp Iron, Do Not Dry Clean Wash at or below 30 ° C, Do Not Bleach, Do Not Tumble Dry, Low Temp Iron, Do Not Dry Clean

Overall Satisfaction 10|10

  • I love:
    • amazing bargain finds
    • Alexander McQueen (the designer and FH) if you haven't already noticed.
    • thrifting
    • not ranking any of those things in order of preference. Blasphemy.
I'm often amazed at the random pieces of collections from decades past that can be dredged up with Taobao reverse image search. I guess I will also have to admit to sourcing those images from falling down Google Image rabbit holes at 4 AM, oh well...
On those such days, these particular items are ideal for the "IDGAF I'm lazy but I Kinda Do GAF" aesthetic. Paired with some skinny jeans and ankle boots or hi-tops, maybe some other accessorizing that I'm too momentarily indolent to type out at 1:30 AM, but you get the picture.
For the total product cost of less than €12,50 with the phenomenal quality and exceptionally comfy basics, what more can I say?
If there is that one person who could positively identify these items as being ingenuine then I have a nostalgic 1999 award that I'll gladly hand out.
submitted by azianfatale to RepLadies [link] [comments]

All Scientists should be Skeptics, No Scientist should be a Denier

I recently listened to a talk by a climate skeptic, or was he a climate denier? ( It was a mix of factual information, confused information and left out information. Most of the experiments presented in this talk supported the idea that more carbon dioxide can make plants, and some animals, grow bigger. While some of his points were interesting, overall I found his talk selectively misleading. The speaker frequently conflates carbon dioxide levels with other climate change factors.
It’s always good to begin a talk with points that everyone can agree on. Everyone agrees that carbon dioxide is necessary for plants to survive and grow. It seems reasonable that more of this important building block, carbon dioxide, could make a plant grow bigger, and maybe faster too. Carbon dioxide is plant food and if there isn’t enough, plants will starve. Not only that, the earth would freeze. But, that’s a problem for a different time. Currently, there’s plenty of carbon dioxide to feed the plants on earth.
Now, throw in a little water, and in return plants make oxygen and glucose (and cellulose from the glucose) for the rest of life on earth. That sounds like a fair trade. Glucose also supplies energy for the plant and anything that eats the plant and anything that eats anything that eats the plant. Glucose is also in equilibrium with many other bio-molecules that are essential for life (glycolysis, TCA cycle, ATP, NADH, electron transport and more). These are all good things. So, does that mean we would benefit from more CO2 in our atmosphere?
I offer this analogy. Human beings need glucose since our brain cells do not store any and they pick it up from the circulating blood. In fact, the brain requires about 20% of our daily calorie needs to keep itself going. If our glucose levels drop too low, we can become hypoglycemic, possibly lose consciousness, even to the state of death. When brain cells recognize glucose levels are falling they start switching to ketone bodies, which build up during times of fasting or starvation in order to keep the brain alive. This is ok for awhile, but not good long term.
How do we know this? Well, many, many dedicated scientists studied very complicated biochemistry over the past century, wandering through a maze of mysteries. There were many false leads and corrections along the way, where scientists debated competing hypotheses. The end result is that our knowledge of the biochemical world is vastly more certain than ever because of science. Our knowledge is not complete, and it never will be, because biochemistry is too complicated. But that doesn’t mean we can’t find useful predictors of health and disease from an imperfect blood panel.
Plants need carbon dioxide and our brains need glucose. According to the talk, the speaker’s main point seems to be “if a little is good, more is better” (repeated over and over with every example of bigger and bigger plants with higher and higher levels of CO2). We can apply the same logic to glucose in the blood, also necessary for life. If we continue our usual diet and add one large candy bar each day, our blood levels of glucose will be higher and we will start to get bigger. Let’s add 2, then 3 extra candy bars each day. Our blood levels of glucose get even higher and we will get even bigger. This is a good thing, right? If we were deficient in calories, that might be true.
But wait, too much glucose in our blood can lead to obesity and diabetes, which leads to inflammation of blood vessels leading to blindness, periodontal disease and loss of our teeth, kidney disease, pregnancy problems, nerve damage and diabetic foot (often requiring amputation). Maybe there are other factors besides getting bigger that have to be considered.
For example, in global warming, there is also increasing temperature to consider when CO2 levels go up. When the levels of carbon dioxide are just right, about 280 ppm over the past many thousands of years, they help keep earth’s average temperature around 15C/59F, which is good for much of life. It is claimed that without our greenhouse gases, earth’s average temperature would be more like -18C/0F, too cold for many life forms. The earth would be a big ice cube and growing enough food to feed life on earth would be a major problem. On the other hand, too much carbon dioxide causes the opposite problem, and the earth cooks. For humans on earth, we need the ‘Goldilocks amount” of carbon dioxide: ‘just right’.
The speaker presents a simi-quantitative graph showing different levels of carbon dioxide and water. He argues that when there is more carbon dioxide in the air, the stoma of leaves can be smaller and retain more water, but there is nothing on the slide that mentions anything about leaf stoma and water retention. Stoma are openings on the bottom of leaves allowing carbon dioxide to be absorbed. Both water and carbon dioxide are incredibly small molecules that have absolutely no problem diffusing in and out of leaf stoma. If water is present as 1% of air, it concentration would be about 10,000 ppm, while CO2 is just over 400 ppm. It’s likely that the size and number of leaf stoma is more related to the levels of carbon dioxide, than water. The main conclusion from the qualitative graph appears similar to his initial comments, that more carbon dioxide makes a plant grow better, no matter what the water level.
The speaker emphasizes that trees and sweet corn continue to do well, even up to 100F. Maybe some plants can adapt to 90+ F temperatures, but not everything is able to do so. To emphasize his point he uses Phoenix, Arizona as an example of how you can grow sweet corn anywhere in the US at high temperatures, and what could be higher than Phoenix in the summer. .
So, how does corn grow in Arizona? I’ve listed the top 5 corn producing states below, and Arizona’s ranking and production and the total amount of corn produced in the US. Maybe growing corn in Arizona isn’t quite as great as the speaker implied? Also, the very small amount of corn grown in Arizona was grown in late spring and early fall, not in the summer.
State/ranking (2016) millions of bushels percent of US production
Total corn produced: 15,148 bushels 100%
  1. Iowa 2,740 18.09%
  2. Illinois 2,256 14.89
  3. Nebraska 1,700 11.22%
  4. Minnesota 1,544 10.19%
  5. Indiana 946 6.25%
33-35. Arizona 11 0.07% (3 way tie with New Jersey and Wyoming)
Additional research on plants and carbon dioxide may find useful exceptions that provide greater insight about what factors are most important. Maybe special genes can be introduced or modified to make a plant more heat tolerant, able to live with less water and/or more salt in the water. There are many factors that can affect the way plants (or we) grow and many variables that can be affected by carbon dioxide (or glucose) in their own unique way. The outcome of one variable (size of a plant correlated with CO2 levels) does not necessarily correlate with all other outcomes (heat of the atmosphere, melting ice, acidification of ocean waters, etc.).
Even if some plants can live at higher temperatures, maybe other life forms have a hard time living at high temperatures, like us, for example. If the temperature gets up towards 105F, and there is very high humidity, we are cooked, literally. Our enzymes begin to denature and quit working in the vicinity of 105F. If the air is dry we can perspire and the evaporation can help keep us cooler, but if the humidity is high (> 90%), then we will succumb to heat exhaustion, and can die because we have no way to cool down. As long as one of the two variables is ‘lower’ we can survive, but if both get too high, we can’t.
If I took the speaker at face value with respect to high CO2 and temperature, I would expect these conditions to provide lots of green vegetation, thriving with the extra carbon dioxide and heat. However, when I hike through the Southern California foothills on hot summer days, I do not see green as the dominant color, I see brown everywhere (not to mention occasional smoke and fires). The brown is partly due to the other critical molecule, water (or lack thereof). While all of this seems reasonable, I’m certain we don’t understand every detail. Pretending none of this makes any difference can lead us to a dead-end, literally.
The speaker makes an emphatic point about the greening of earth, which shouldn’t be too surprising since plants are getting more carbon dioxide to munch on. This is a good thing for plants, but is it the only thing? The following comes from a web page on Popular Science titled: “Satellite Data Show the Earth is Getting Greener” (2015). Once again, we find there is more to the story than the speaker told us.

[ "It isn't often that environmental scientists get good news. But a new study in Nature Climate Change found that for the past few years, the earth has been getting a little bit greener, accumulating an additional 4 billion tons of biomass (vegetation) between 2003 and 2012. That's a good thing, because plants take carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere, locking harmful greenhouse gas away in the new growth.
Now to burst your carbonated bubble; this study wasn't looking at a direct connection between the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and plant growth. Even if the extra plants make a difference, the fact is carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has been rising steadily for decades.
The additional green came from a few places: In former Soviet countries, forest started to grow back over farmland, while in China, massive tree planting campaigns seemed to do the trick. The researchers also found that more arid areas had a lot of vegetation as well, including shrubs in savannas in Africa, Australia, and South America.
The researchers used numerous satellites to look at changes in vegetation over the years. They looked at microwave radiation bouncing off the Earth's surface, and by pulling together data from the different satellites, they were able to get a month-by-month idea of how much living plant matter was on our planet for the past 20 years.
While in recent years it seems like things are looking up, the prognosis isn't entirely rosy. The team still found huge amounts of deforestation in the rain forests of South America and Southeast Asia. Those findings line up with another report from earlier this month that noted that deforestation in rain forests seems to be increasing. Not only that, but the areas where vegetation is spreading (like the savannas) are highly sensitive to changes in climate. A particularly dry year (or years) could kill off the new vegetation and put us right back where we started." ]

Almost all of our heat on earth comes from the sun light (electromagnetic radiation = EM). The regions of the EM spectrum that are most important to earth are the high energy ultra violet (UV = dangerous), visible (the colors that we see) and lower energy infrared (IR we experience as heat). It is estimated that the sun puts out a tremendous amount of energy, 4x10^26 Watts (joule/second), but only about 2x10^17 Watts strikes the earth. About 30% of that is reflected back to space and about 70% is absorbed at the surface. If we could capture and store a fraction of that energy, we wouldn’t ever need to worry about fossil fuels. But we haven’t completely solved those problems yet, so fossil fuels are still part of our equation. There are some good ideas out there, solar, wind, tidal, geothermal, possibly nuclear and others. Deniers will tell you none of these ideas can compete with fossil fuels, but nothing ever competes in its early days of discovery, even fossil fuels. New ideas in science always take time, and trial and error to work the kinks out.
I am not a climatologist, I am a chemist and I have been for over 50 years (recently retired). In my job I took thousands of spectra (IR, various types of NMRs, MS, UV) and did lots of other experimental stuff. I looked at the IR spectra of water and carbon dioxide almost every day from 4000 cm-1 (2.5 mm) to 500 cm-1 (20 mm). It was the background IR spectrum of air that was subtracted from all routine organic IR spectra. Anyone reading this can Google “background IR spectrum” to see what one looks like.
The main IR energy absorbing bands in air are from H2O and CO2, and mostly, they do not overlap. This means that all the bands have heat absorbing potential from molecular vibrations (stretching and bending modes), as long as none of them have been maxed out by other greenhouse molecules (nitrous oxide, methane, ozone, chlorofluorocarbons, are all present in much lower amounts, though they are stronger absorbers). Water bands are around 3500+/- and 1500+/- and carbon dioxide are around 2250+/- and 800+/- cm-1. Once CO2 and H2O are excited by background heat (IR), those molecules quickly relax by transferring their energy via collisions with other molecular substances, and do it all over again and again and again for as long as they are in the atmosphere because the sun shines on earth every single day. By the slow process of convection, the heat is distributed throughout the atmosphere. It’s like a “bell” that can be rung over and over forever. It is this property that helps the atmosphere retain heat. As mentioned above, in the right amount, this is a good thing and helps make life possible.
Water is actually a stronger heat absorbing molecule than CO2, but since 70% of the earth’s surface is water, there’s nothing we can do about water. The variable that affects water the most is temperature because the vapor pressure of water increases as temperature increases. The more water in the atmosphere, the more heat retaining potential it has. The partial pressure increase is pretty small for a 1C increase (25C à 26C increases water vapor pressure by 23.8 torr à 25.2 torr, delta = 1.4 torr). However, the atmosphere is so large that even a small increase in vapor pressure, adds a lot of water. I estimate about 1.5x10^15 moles of water (3x10^16 grams) added, assuming a 10 mile deep atmosphere. That calculates out to about 10^17 joules to heat the added water 1C. Each 1C increase in temperature adds to this effect.
Because liquid water has a large heat capacity, it can absorb a lot of heat. In the short term, the temperature of the atmosphere does not go up as much as it might if the oceans weren’t there. This is an advantage when earth’s temperature is going up because it provides a long time lag for increasing temperatures. But, it also means that the oceans retain heat better and are slower to cool down. Oceans act like a giant heat reservoir that can affect our environment (like melting ice), and delay the consequences of increased heat for decades, or even longer.
You don’t have to take my word for it, test it yourself. Take two similar size ice cubes and put one in a medium bowl and at the same time put the other ice cube in a similar size bowl about half full of tap water. Start your watch and see how long it takes them to completely melt. When I did this, the ice cube in the bowl with water melted in 8 minutes, while the ice cube in the empty bowl took 92 minutes. This will give you a feeling for how fast a glacier on land takes to melt by absorbing heat from air compared to an ice berg out floating in the ocean absorbing heat from water. I didn’t actually do it, but try the same experiment with hot water. Make a prediction before you try it and see what happens. I bet you will be right. This is how science works and helps us to make decisions using the best information available. Believing in people who denigrate science and its methods will lead us back to the dark ages.
Yet another problem with glaciers is when the melt occurs at the bottom of glaciers it allows them to race to the ocean much faster, because of the reduced friction. Once the ice hits the oceans, the melt rate greatly accelerates and adds extra water to our oceans.
Even though water has a larger capacity for retaining heat, carbon dioxide is the key, because carbon dioxide is the factor that can throw off our balanced, comfortable world that we have enjoyed for almost all of humanity’s existence. In fact, this comfortable world is probably what allowed us homo sapiens to rise to dominance over the past many thousands of years. We owe a world of gratitude to those two little molecules, H2O and CO2, but we have to recognize when there is too much of a good thing, just like glucose in our blood.
Now, one little CO2 molecule hardly does anything by itself, but I calculate that there are about 10^40 CO2 molecules in the atmosphere. None of us know what that number is, but if you keep multiplying by 10 at some point it will start to have a significant effect, and If you multiply by 10 again and 10 again, it goes off the chart. But, is the amount of carbon dioxide large enough to do everything the climate scientists say it does?
It’s time for another analogy. Microwaves are lower energy than IR radiation and provide an everyday heating example that occurs much quicker than IR heating of the atmosphere. Because microwaves have longer wavelengths (lower energy), they can penetrate deeper into the food item cooked and heat everywhere at once, unlike IR radiation, which heats our atmosphere by convection. Lower energy microwaves tend to excite rotations of water molecules, which then continually relax by slamming into other molecules and transfer their kinetic energy (heat) throughout the sample. Just like the carbon dioxide “bell” that can be rung over and over, the water “bell” in a microwave sample can be re-rung (re-excited) over and over and over, with a result that our food gets hotter and hotter, until it cooks.
The energy source for a microwave oven isn’t the sun, but typically a 1200 watt (joule/second) energy source. Pretty quickly things heat up because the sample is so small and the radiation is focused. But, leave your popcorn in 1 minute over the required time and most of us know what happens: charcoal. IR energy is 100 to 1000s of times greater than microwaves, so it seems reasonable that IR radiation can also do some serious heating.
Because the world is so big (atmosphere and oceans), rising CO2 levels usually take 100s to 1000s of years to heat up instead of 2 minutes. We aren’t looking at a large temperature increase to cook food, we are looking at a small temperature increase that melts ice. And, we are heating 10^40 CO2 molecules, 5x10^41 water molecules, 5x10^37 methane molecules, etc, over and over and over. It seems reasonable to consider that higher CO2 levels can overcook the world, if we wait awhile. The worry for our time is that we are adding CO2 so fast that it may only take decades to centuries to do this instead of centuries to millennia. Do we have a choice?
Humans started recording an average world temperature in 1880-1889 (13.71C/56.71F). It’s hard to know what those early average temperatures mean, considering the state of the world back in 1880. Temperature measurements today are more reliable and more spread out, including satellite measurements. The most recent complete decade, 2000-2009 recorded average temperatures of 14.51C/58.12F. Those are pretty small increases, for the entire earth over 130 years (delta = 0.78C/1.41F). However, about 0.51C/0.92F of that increase occurred since the 1970-1979 decade. Even more disturbing is that above 64N latitude the temperature increase from 1880-1889 to 2000-2009 was 2.5C/4.5F, with most of the increases coming in the recent decades, 1.8C/3.24F. Overall recent decades show temperature increases of about 0.2C/0.36F per decade. If that were to continue for the entire 21st century, average world temperature would rise about 2C/3.6F. The flooding resulting from such a temperature increase would cause colossal problems for coastal cities, fresh water tables and food growing coastal deltas. Our current decade is not finished (2010-2020), but the 4 warmest years on record have all occurred since 2014. That means the last 4 years are the hottest yearly average temperatures on record! Deniers will tell you it’s a fluke, climate change scientists will tell you it’s a trend, heading in the wrong direction. It won’t be surprising if 2018 makes it 5 out of 5. (You can use the mouse scroll wheel to expand or shrink the graph.)
These higher temperature readings come with major consequences such as sea level rise and climate effects. Any sort of positive feedback mechanisms could make things worse (like increasing methane and/or changing ocean currents). Of course there is a big IF in front of all of this, because this is an experiment humans have never done before. The problem is we only get one chance to do it, and if we screw it up, too bad for those future humans. Deniers, such as the speaker in this video, advocate higher carbon dioxide, because the plants are hungry for more. However, to ignore the dire consequences of global warming would require iron-clad, 100% proof that there are no dangerous consequences. Considering the down side possibilities, this is a dangerous gamble. So far, deniers haven’t offered that iron-clad, convincing proof.
The speaker also discussed ocean acidity, which increases when atmospheric carbon dioxide dissolves in the oceans (lowering the pH). At first this was thought to be a good thing because it slows down the increase in temperature of the atmosphere. However, carbon dioxide reacts with water and makes carbonic acids, which makes the oceans more acidic. In a research paper, mentioned by the speaker, hydrochloric acid was used to adjust the pH of the solution. The speaker dismissed the use of hydrochloric acid and the research that used it as something totally different than carbonic acid. Once again, the speaker misled us.
First off, there is no hydrochloric acid in aqueous HCl. Since HCl is a strong acid, it dissociates completely to hydronium ion, H3O+, and chloride, Cl-. Chloride is in every living life form on earth, including us, and is essential to all cellular function. It is also present at significant levels in the oceans, so it is not really anything different than what we already see in our world. Hydronium ion is just a solvated proton on a water molecule, whether it comes from hydrochloric acid or carbonic acid.
The reason scientists use HCl to adjust the pH of acid solutions is because it only affects the balance between another acid (carbonic acid, a weak acid that does not dissociate completely) and its conjugate base (bicarbonate, the other part that forms when a proton is lost). The pH is just a number that helps determine the balance (ratio) between a conjugate base and its conjugate acid. The other variable to consider is the actual concentration of the acid, itself, in solution, independent from the pH. This too can go up when more carbon dioxide dissolves in the oceans. It is a moderately complicated equilibrium when considering all of the molecular species, and looks something like the following. The < arrows indicate equilibria and H (+1) represents hydronium ion.
H2O + CO2 < H2CO3 < H(+1) + HCO3(-1) < H(+1) + CO3(-2)
The same hydronium ion (H3O, +1) that forms when HCl dissolves in water also forms when carbonic acid (H2CO3) dissociates to bicarbonate (HCO3, -1). The bicarbonate can also dissociate to another hydronium ion (H3O, +1) and carbonate (CO3, -2), which is necessary for shell forming organisms and plankton. Plankton are clearly important and use carbon dioxide and water to make glucose and much of earth’s oxygen via photosynthesis. Plankton also form the base of the ocean’s food chain. More carbon dioxide can allow more plankton to grow (good), but is that the complete picture? Plankton also need other nutrients, and calcium, phosphate, nitrates, silicates and some, even fix nitrogen gas. They are also affected by water temperature, salinity, water depth, wind and what kinds of predators are around. The effect of all these variables can only be determined by laborious scientific experiments, something deniers detest and discourage at every opportunity.
Surprisingly perhaps, from the emphasis in the talk, plankton (and plants too) do depend on more than “just carbon dioxide”. So, once again, the logic of the talk “If a little is good, more is better,” is flawed. Too much acid (too low of pH) is bad for CaCO3 shells, because it drives the above equilibrium equation backwards, towards carbon dioxide and water. Does that mean that every single organism will be adversely affected the same way by lower pH? Of course not, but some might be, maybe even most. How do we find out? We do the research and scientists are doing just that. Deniers don’t want results, they want ignorance.
You can check this effect out yourself at a faster rate than decades or centuries. Next time you go to the beach collect a little shell and add a few drops of HCl solution to see what happens to it (remember, you are really adding hydronium ions). Another name for HCl is muriatic acid which you can find at a pool supply store because it is used to adjust the pH of a pool. (Just be careful if you use it because it a strong acid. It’s a good idea to wear gloves and wash off your skin if you get any on you.) You will probably see little bubbles on the surface of the shell, which is carbon dioxide forming from the reverse reaction of when the carbon dioxide dissolved in water.
Too much hydronium ion pushing the equilibrium back in the opposite direction is not good if part of your outer structure is made of CaCO3. Too much acid also throws off the many complicated equilibria in living organisms. Our blood pH needs to stay in the range of 7.40 +/- 0.05 pH. Each organism has its own special pH range to survive. Deviate from that tiny range and cells start to die. Ocean pH doesn’t affect humans’ pH, but animals and plants that live in the ocean can be greatly affected. To find out, we have to do the science, which scientists are doing. Just saying pH doesn’t matter is a misleading denier tactic. Being a skeptic means additional experiments to find out where it counts and where it doesn’t.
Clearly this speaker is talking out of his comfort zone. His agenda is not to present honest science, rather he seeks to discredit climate scientists by presenting very selective results that have nothing to do with what he is really attacking (If A is good, then B must also be good and everything else must be good.) He even throws in a cute shrimp and a crab making the crab bigger (more carbon dioxide) and smaller (less carbon dioxide) with a smug chuckle, getting the audience to laugh along with him.
Listening to this speaker, gives the impression that carbon dioxide helps all animals in the crab study. In the actual experiments, all of the animals in the crab study were observed in tanks (not in the wild) fixing all of the variables except carbon dioxide. In all, 18 benthic marine organisms were studied. Blue crabs grew the biggest of any of the animals (up to 4X bigger!) and lobsters and shrimp also grew larger with higher CO2. So, the point is proven, correct? No. What the speaker did not mention in his talk is that higher CO2 levels (lower pH) inhibited the growth of 10 other animals, including oysters and corals and one animal did not show any change. In some cases higher CO2 (lower pH) actually led to dissolution of the shells. The mechanisms for these different results were not discussed and are probably very complicated. That wasn’t the message the speaker wanted us to hear.
This would be ok if the speaker’s misinformation only affected him, but it doesn’t. It affects everyone listening to him talk. Seeing bigger trees and bigger crabs with more carbon dioxide and coming to the conclusion that everything else he says must be true: that carbon dioxide is the greatest thing around, and all the thousands of scientists of the world, getting “biased” grants, are conspirators trying to take away our freedoms and ruin our economy is the message deniers are shooting for. Skeptics, on the other hand, say “I don’t know. Let’s find out.”
In reality, this whole climate change problem is hugely complicated. Very dedicated scientists are working hard to find real answers to get us out of this potential predicament. Simplistic arguments that put us all in danger are not useful. We need solutions, not pretend information that makes fossil fuel companies richer at our expense.
It is the fate of the earth that we are contemplating over the next 100-1000 years. Are you betting pocket change, or are you betting the future lives of the generations to come? Do we just eat, drink and be merry, or do we care to make a better future?
So, I did enjoy parts of the talk and found it interesting how the plants and crabs got bigger with extra carbon dioxide. I’m pretty sure they were grown in some sort of sealed off environment, like a greenhouse or water tank, where the CO2 levels could be controlled. That’s ok because that’s the way science is usually done, one variable at a time. The speaker should have told us there were conflicting results and that there are other factors to consider, but he didn’t. He should not have pretended that his very limited points cancel out all of the other climate change research, but he didn’t. I, personally, don’t want the entire earth atmosphere to have that much carbon dioxide present, considering the current status of what we know. Who cares if blue crabs are 4 times larger, if sea levels are 3 feet higher?
For someone who is science-phobic, this is scary stuff and it’s hard to know how to sift through all of the complicated details. Deniers are counting on that. Even scientists can’t tell exactly how things will play out. It’s not surprising that people become very alarmed, or even hysterical. They are hearing consequences that will happen 100 years from now and thinking it will happen in the next 10 years. There are exaggerators on the alarmists’ side too. Exaggeration on the alarmists’ side leads to paralysis, while distortion on the denial side leads to inaction. Either result puts life on earth at risk, whether it be 10 years, 100 years or 1000 years.
From the YouTube talk, it seemed like the speaker was fine with CO2 levels over 1000 ppm, or even higher. I think anyone seriously considering this problem would have major reservations about having their family and friends live at such high CO2 levels, and probably wouldn’t want to treat them like a tree or crab experiment. We don’t get to do this experiment over and over in our nice little greenhouses. This is a one-time experiment and the greenhouse is earth, our house.
We all need to be more honest in how we view and present the facts. Where there are conflicting results, we need more research. We don’t need science-ignorant leaders trying to squash valid scientific research. We need leaders who believe in science and are willing to confront the problem of climate change head on. It is a very reasonable assumption that we are facing some tough climate change problems that require some cutting edge thinking, right away.
Cheap energy raised humanity above subsistence living and allowed us to live like kings and queens. However, we never thought ahead to more than the next moment and the problems snuck up on us. Society is more fragmented than at any time in my memory. Democracy is in peril in many places. Yet, there is only one way out of this dilemma that affects us all. The world has to come together if we are to have any chance at solving this problem. We did it with chlorofluorocarbons, but that was a relatively trivial problem compared to the energy problem of climate change. Unfortunately, it may take a few more monster disasters to convince humanity of the existential threat to our survival. If climate change scientists are correct, humanity will have to pay a little extra ‘late fee’ for the delay.
What we really need are alternatives that only require moderate sacrifice to switch over to. Forcing change on people won’t work, so we need something else. We need incentives that encourage us to do the right thing. Money is a powerful motivator, but maybe there are other approaches. The power structure is another huge problem. Fossil fuel companies do not want to give up their privileged positions. They have known for decades about the problem of climate change but have only recently acknowledged that fact. They are the most powerful source of denial and we all have to pay the price of that denial.
There are many other serious problems, such as increasing population, declining resources, pure drinking water, poverty, food distribution, global conflicts, mass migrations, nuclear weapons and more. Climate change will compound many of these. From all of the arguments I have looked at, on both sides, I would say climate skeptics and climate advocates are all pretty smart. We shouldn’t be wasting our time and energy demonizing one another. Denial is a dead-end road for all of us. We need to immediately start working together to search for every possible solution to the many problems we face. We have to start decreasing our use of fossil fuels. Immediately eliminating use of fossil fuels would be best, but clearly, that’s not going to happen. Possibly, we could reduce 5% a year for 20 years, as we substitute in alternative solutions. Reductions would have to be strictly enforced to do any good. There’s too much at stake to do nothing.
I’ll leave you with what seems to me to be a very hopeful alternative. If we could make hydrogen gas (H2) from water (bacteria do it and, on a small scale, we can too), we could take that H2 and burn it with oxygen to make energy and water, which we could remake into hydrogen gas as a never-ending, nonpolluting source of energy. No CO2 in the equation. There are some storage problems of this highly pressurized, explosive gas, but that sounds solvable. We already do it with propane. Also, the energy content of hydrogen gas is lower than hydrocarbons, such as octane.
There are always unforeseen problems, which is why we need to throw resources, money, creative minds and everything else we’ve got, to develop these ideas. We need to educate ourselves about what the problems are and what the possible solutions are. No more being ostriches, burying our heads in the sand. No more denial. Instead, eyes wide open now!
submitted by philthechemist to climate [link] [comments]

Bed sizes

Bed sizes in South Africa come in five different standard sizes. The smallest being single followed by three quarter (3/4), double, queen and king. Their individual measurements are as follows
These are all available in a standard length of 188 cm or an extra length option of 200 cm.
Each of these sizes are particular to some suggested uses. For example the single option would best be suited to a young child for their first bed after leaving the cot. This size has the right amount of sleep surface for the child to be able to be comfortable enough to get a restful night's sleep without being cramped as they were in the cot.This is very important when it comes to the growth potential of the child as an unrestricted sleep is essential for the body to rest and recover.
Single size beds are also often used in the hospitality industry where that can be used as space saving options in a room where two people would sleep apart. When a couple books the same room these two beds can be pushed together to create a king size bed. The join in the middle is often covered with a mattress converter to give a uniform and continuous sleep surface.
The next one up in bed sizes is the three quarter. It measures 107 cm wide. These beds are quite popular for preteens, student digs and hostels. The reason is that there is sufficient space for most average size adults and it does not cost and arm or a leg. It is also suitable for growing kids because it provides enough space to stretch out slightly to achieve the optimal sleep position.
The double bed is the next bed size up, it measures 137 cm wide. This is the most popular size in South Africa. it is becoming the increasing norm these days for people to congregate in a centralized area that is made up of a lot of town house and condo like apartments. That is just the way our modern way of living is progressing. And often these places come with a very limited living space which includes the bedroom.
The queen size bed is the next of the bed sizes and measures 152 cm wide. It is a perfect fit for couples and teens. Why teens? Well because in the modern era of tablets and smart phones, individuals tend to spend a lot more time in the room on the bed so it is now more than a just a sleep space, it is more of their "living pad" :) Also in the teen years it is vital that sleeping spaces are not cramped. It is essential that posture and sleep freedom be provided in order for the bod y to get the proper rest so that it can grow to it's full potential.
The king size bed is the daddy of them all and is ever popular with couples who need a lot of space to sleep. It is also increasingly popular with larger families who have kids, both fury and human who share the bed. The king size bed measures 183 cm wide. The king is also often found in the larger, upmarket hospitality suites.

submitted by thebedguyza to u/thebedguyza [link] [comments]

Ciaran Cerulean

Name: Team: Age: Gender: Species: Aura:
Ciaran Cerulean 17 Female Faunus - Water Deer Alice Blue
Mental # Physical # Social #
Intelligence 2 Strength 3 Presence 2
Wits 2 Dexterity 4 Manipulation 1
Resolve 3 Stamina 3 Composure 3
Mental -3 Physical -1 Social -1
Academics 2 Athletics 3 Empathy 1
Computer 1 Brawl 2 Expression 4
Craft 2 Drive 0 Intimidation 0
Grimm 1 Melee Weapons 3 Persuasion 0
Investigation 0 Larceny 0 Socialize 0
Medicine 0 Ranged Weapons 2 Streetwise 0
Politics 0 Stealth 1 Subterfuge 0
Dust 1
Merits # Flaws # Aura/Weapons #
Fighting Finesse (Gestalt) 2 Speech Impediment Free Aura 3
FS: Capoiera 5 Missing Arm (Right) 3 Semblance 2
FS: Light Weapon 1 Painful Semblance 3 Gestalt 3
Returning Weapon 1 Frail Frame 4
Dust: Lightning 1 Dark Secret 1
Ciaran is a minuscule water deer faunus, standing at just a hair under 4'8" (142 cm for you metric-users), weighing a meager 92 pounds, and possessing a lithe, subtly toned build with little fat on her, wrapped up in pale, almost sickly-looking skin and topped with a head full of cream-colored hair, the complement of both drawing attention to her vibrant ultramarine eyes, which are flecked with gold and possessing a dark, thin limbal ring around the irises. As a water deer faunus, Ciaran has a pair of long, teddy-bear like ears with fur the same color as her hair, with slightly darker colored tips and nearly white tufts of fur on the insides of each ear, along with normal human ears. Usually, she has her hair styled so half is drawn back into a braid, which wraps in a loop on the left side of her face and is tied back on itself, while the other is cut with flat bangs which hang slightly over her eye, and her hair on the right side hangs down freely to her shoulder blades. In addition, she has a pair of tusks, though some mistake them for large fangs, jutting out from the top of her mouth as per her faunus heritage, which measure 2 inches long each and are held surprisingly loosely in their sockets, allowing Ciaran to control their movement with her facial muscles and draw them forwards or backwards based on the situation.
For her small size, she has a slightly larger than proportional head toting an attractive, heart-shaped face with a pointed chin and slender jawline, with a small button nose and thin lips, which naturally sit in a smiling expression. Otherwise, Ciaran's body is proportional to her height with a relatively hourglass figure and faintly toned musculature from exercise and training. However, where her right arm would be past the shoulder is a stump 3/4 up her upper arm from her elbow, lost several years ago. Her left arm is also decorated with a sleeve tattoo made up of a picture of a demon and an angel circling a moon on her upper arm, and the rest of the arm's tattoo is of a made up script, which when decoded is actually Ciaran's favorite poem.
Ciaran has a wide range of fashion choices, but she normally wears one of two main outfits.
Ciaran's main outfit, dubbed by her to be called "White Queen of Cards," begins with Ciaran herself. Firstly, her hair is dyed jet black, letting it hang down freely and adding in a streak of cherry red on the left side of her bangs, keeping another streak next to them towards the right white, though still in the same general style. In addition, she wears a pair of colored contacts in the same red, and her finger and toenails are painted white with stylized card suits on her fingers, and chess pieces on her toes in alternating black and red, and dye her ears black as well, leaving the tips white. Makeup wise, she wears a slight amount of facial makeup to make her face a little more pale, and apply thick white eyeliner, with three red tears under her eyes, and white lipstick, with a black heart in the middle of her lips.
After putting on well, basic undies and a bra, she'd first put on a full-length black seamless fence net bodystocking (think fishnets but with larger holes, approx 1.25 cm across), of course designed for someone lacking a right arm past the shoulder. On top of that would go a pair of tight leather short-shorts which go approx. 1/4 the way down her thighs, dyed white with black thread tying the pieces together, with two pockets on the backs and front, capable of holding small things only. A thick black leather belt with white stripes near the middle is wrapped around Ciaran's waist, with several pouches made of black leather and closed with a simple snapping clasp on the left side for easy access to dust canisters. Each end of the belt passes through a large silver buckle, emblazoned with her personal three deer prancing around a warrior emblem, and on it's back is strapped a short, bushy bunch of black fur with a white underside to resemble a doe's tail.
Ciaran also wears a loose, sleeveless black tank top with an extra supporting strap on the back between the normal straps to hold it on her shoulders, and the top is cut short to expose her midriff. She also has a long sleeved black leotard that she wears in colder areas or when she doesn't feel like showing as much skin instead of the tank top, but usually this piece is not worn.
Over the tank top or leotard she'd wear a large white dyed leather poncho with red and black quilted cloth in a checkerboard pattern on the insides, which would reach to her navel and consists of two pieces, one which wraps around her shoulders and back to the insides of her shoulders, and another that covers her front. Black and red strips of cloth, one of each color on each side of the middle piece, tie the two pieces of the poncho/cape together, and on the end of these strips are small silver bells lacking clappers. On the poncho's shoulders are a set of five silver spikes, and on the insides are ample amounts of pockets, loops, and straps to hold things, though on the outside front are two larger pouches. Dust has been infused into the poncho in detailed patterns, giving an admittedly useless as Ciaran is not a dust-caster, but impressive looking set of patterned lines of glowing red and black at regular intervals down the poncho, three on the front segment and seventeen on the rest of the poncho. The patterns are connected vertically, and consist of the four card suits on the outside lines of each segment of the poncho in red, and four chess pieces of knight, rook, queen, and bishop on the other lines, alternating in card/chess/card pattern to end with cards on the outsides of all pieces. On the back of the poncho between her shoulder blades and interrupting a line of chess pieces is also her personal emblem, stylized specially to be made out of little card suit shapes.
Normally attached to the inside of the poncho are also a pair of detachable black bell sleeves, attached with buttons and cloth loops at the tops, the right of which is stuffed to give the appearance of a false arm, and a plain white cloth glove is attached on the end of the right sleeve. A fingerless version of the glove is also worn on Ciaran's left hand, the back of which is emblazoned a white knight chess piece inside a red diamond inside a black heart, and the right glove has pieces of black metal attached at the fingertips to look like small claws. A long silver chain is also attached to the end and beginning of each sleeve, dangling down to Ciaran's knees, with the lowest twenty or so links decorated with diamond, heart, club, and spade shaped card suit charms on the left side and literal rook, queen, bishop, and knight chess pieces on the right, each set of charms alternating in red/white/black pattern. Gestalt and it's winch and sheath sit on her left fore arm as always, though it's neon blue dust tube from the winch is wrapped tightly with red ribbon secured in place with water-soluble glue, preventing the colors from clashing, and the lightning dust is specially treated to emit red sparks when in use.
Her midriff is crossed with a pair of thick leather belts three inches wide, one black with red, black, and white studs, the other white with black and red chess piece and card suit patterns, starting with a red heart pattern, then rook, then diamond, knight, spades, bishop, clubs, and queen.
Ciaran's upper thighs are wrapped with several small belts, a few plain black or white, and some with red, black, and white studs, buckled with small silver buckles with the excess of each belt facing the outsides of her legs. One of the belts on each leg has a small black pouch attached to them and these belts are the last ones put on. For footwear she'd wear a pair of mid-thigh-high white boots, with visible amounts of black and red checkered cloth on the insides and around the laces, which also peek out of the tops of the boots and go a few inches higher than the boots themselves. Around the sides of the soles are more suit of cards and chess symbols, in the same alternating red/white/black pattern, however unlike the chain charms the chess symbols are on the left boot and the card suit symbols on the right. The laces are made of three separate laces per boot, one white, one black, and one red, crossing regularly and exposing the checkered cloth underneath. The ends of each of the laces are tied in a single large bow, with a small red heart pin on the left boot and a small white knight pin on the right boot to hold the bows in place. The soles of the boots are also white and have on the left side a painted black heart, and on the right side a red diamond.
Atop Ciaran's head would rest a lopsided white witch's cap, with a long tapering crown which hangs down to the back of her neck, and a wide brim which would hang down to just over Ciaran's human ears and covering her faunus ones. The tip of the crown of the hat is weighted down by large silver ring with a small link of chain carrying a large knight chess piece painted white, with gleaming red diamond shaped eyes, and a painted black heart on the bottom of the piece. A black band stretches around the hat's sideband, touching the brim, under which the ace cards of a deck would sit. The hat has a pair of little loops which go around her ears and she'll pull her ears down as much as possible, helping hold the hat in place.
She'd still be wearing her parents rings on her left hand on her index and middle fingers, but on her ring and pinky finger would be a pair of smaller silver bands, one decorated with a rook symbol made of onyx and the other a spade made of gold-veined quartz. A silver choker with black velvet lining is around her neck, with a small silver jingle bell in the center. She'd have toe rings around her big toes as well, plain silver bands without decoration, a pair of earrings on her human ears, the left with a black spade charm, and the right with a black heart charm, and finally her belly button is pierced with a small queen charm.
For the most part, Ciaran considers this outfit a true challenge of her fashionista skills, and finds the amount of effort, mostly in applying the makeup, though she'd happily wear it without, well worth given the remarkably fashionable results. The outfit itself also represents her flair for the unique and flashy, contrasting to her personality, but she wears it more for herself than for anyone else, taking immense pride in her skill and ability to be fashionable. She particularly enjoys wearing the outfit due to how the poncho tends to flap around when she fights, helping to conceal what she's doing with her arm and keeping her relatively dry.
Putting on the outfit itself, particularly tying her shoes, also takes a while without assistance, however Ciaran has specially made a method of doing so to compensate, able to tie her shoes with the one hand with the assistance of flexibility and her teeth, and each piece is tailored a bit for ease of wear and removal, along with much of it being waterproofed and made with tearing resistance in mind to avoid any embarrassing coloration differences or dampness due to her having to bite pieces of the outfit to put them on correctly in a timely fashion.
Alt. Outfit: Ciaran dons a sports bra and knee length black leather shorts, capable of being closed with a small button and zipper and have small belt loops, and have decently sized, but slightly tight pockets on the back. On top of this goes a long-sleeved black leather jacket with its inside made of padded, quilted cloth, which hangs down to her mid-thigh, just past her shorts. The jacket's sleeves are fairly loose with the left being slightly looser than the right, and by the wrists are a pair of small punched holes, through which a small bit of white and neon blue striped elastic cord is drawn through, concealed within the sleeve on the outer sides but hanging openly through the holes on the inner sides of the wrists, allowing her to keep the sleeves loose around her wrists or draw them tight. On the left arm is a series of leather straps, fastened tight with metal buttons. The right arm of the jacket also connects to a black leather full- hand glove with circular studs at the knuckle where the hand and fingers would meet, and the arm below Ciaran's stump is stuffed to give off the appearance of having an arm, although it is completely useless as it is merely fiberfill stuffing. It is usually either held loose or, using the elastic cord, can be tied across her chest to a metal stud on the left side of the jacket front.
The front of the jacket also has two zippers, which allow the jacket to be zipped up or act more like a cape, which is facilitated by no less than ten straps across the front of the jacket, also made of black leather, with buckle fasteners on the right side and held down on the left side with snap fasteners inset into each strap, and if used alone the straps leave the jacket partially open. Along the right side under the buckles is also a long line of pink cloth which hides a cord to a pair of black, white, and neon blue plastic, specially made to fit over her faunus ears so she can listen to music with her human ones, and on the other end the cord is linked to a small pocket on the inside of the jacket near the bottom, where a music player can sit comfortably and accessible by a small steel zipper. The headphones can be removed and put back in by threading the cord down the pink cloth strap, and normally rest on top of the jacket's collar, which can be fastened with a pair of steel buttons up to Ciaran's chin and has extra soft fur lining on the inside.
Most importantly, the jacket has no less than six pockets including the small one for her music player, with two large spacious ones on the outside front which can be sealed with snap fasteners of the same type as the jacket straps, two smaller ones on the insides about halfway up the front of the jacket and sealed with steel zippers, and a long, thin pocket on the inside left sleeve, accessible by a small snap fastener three inches from the sleeve's opening and normally used to hide a candy dispenser and her scroll. On the back, Ciaran's jacket has her personal insignia, of a trio of water deer prancing around a sword-wielding warrior in black, neon blue, and white fabric and stitching between where her shoulder blades would be, and at the hem of the jacket's bottom on the back side are a pair of long leather straps of the same black as the rest of the jacket, with a thin line of neon blue in the center and two lines of neon white on either side of the blue line. The straps lead down to the backs of Ciaran's knees, and are weighed down by large metal rings, one for each strap, which also have five more smaller rings attached, making them jingle with pronounced movement.
Normally with this outfit Ciaran wears a pair of black tights under her shorts, and her normal footwear consists of a pair of mid-thigh length black leather boots, closed by criss-crossing white laces all the way up and tied in bows, on top of which on the right side also go a series of straps akin to those on her jacket. These straps are fastened to the shoes with buckles on the outsides and snap fasteners on the insides. Accessory wise, Ciaran wears a white elastic cloth armband 4 inches wide around her upper left arm on top of the jacket, emblazoned also with her insignia and two black and one neon blue lines in black/blue/black order at the top and bottom hems of the cloth. Ciaran also wears a black cloth wrap around her lower face, akin to bandages and tied under her hair at the back to hide her tusks. The wrap goes from where her neck meets her shoulders to just under her nose, and can be quickly pulled down to wrap around her neck or pulled off. She also wears a jeweled hairpin which holds her braid in it's loop, emblazoned with a crescent moon and a line of script, the title of the poem her tattoos are of. Occasionally, Ciaran wears a black tricorne with a fake white rose fastened to the left side, and the hat has a small pocket on the interior accessible by a pair of plastic snap fasteners.
Ciaran also wears knee and elbow pads made of black metal and stretchy fabric with two Velcro clasps on each piece, increasing her defense and giving her knees and elbows a little more kick. Ciaran also carries with her a black and white plaid messenger bag with multiple pockets and made to look like a stuffed, knitted cat made with gray and white yarn with the head on one side, a small tail on the other, and four knitted legs at the bottom of the bag, with a long strap made of black fabric and fastened with metal buckles, and a white book of epic fairytales and poems, contained in a black book protector emblazoned with a white metal decoration of vines around the edges of the book and an oval shaped smiling mask, with the title "Loveless" in the same raised metal lettering, closed with a snap fastener and having a small carrying strap, which fits on top of her messenger bag or can be put within. On her left hand is usually a black glove the same as that on her right without any studs, and a pair of silver rings, one a thin band with an eye-shaped front, the iris of which is made of lapis lazuli with gold veins, and the pupil an onyx stone, worn on her middle finger, and a thicker band with a large rectangular ruby which is somewhat translucent, under which is a tiny picture of a pair of water deer faunus in wedding clothes which is magnified by the gem.
Ciaran's weapon, Gestalt, consists of three forms, with an emphasis on close and mid range combat. In melee form, Gestalt is a segmented, single edged curved hand-and-a-half sword approximately 3.5 feet in length including hilt, with twenty blade segments made of blackened steel flats and bright polished edge, each possessing a downward-facing saw tooth edge and a small amount of curved blade, and possesses an elongated pentagonal cross-section. The point is sharpened to a single sided angular edge of 45 degrees in kissaki fashion. Gestalt has an ornate basket hilt made up of folding segments, which can rotate around the hilt to either form a basket or a more traditional hand guard, and has a segmented hilt with a trigger assembly just below the blade inside the basket. On it's flats, Gestalt is etched with dust-channeling grooves in the shape of a painted stormy sea, with a warrior in a boat in the middle, surrounded by a great sea serpent which runs from tip to hilt of the blade, with the same image on each side. The hilt is made of a similar metal as the blade, and is wrapped with textured leather, on top of which cloth is wrapped around it in a crossing pattern. This cloth ties at the top and bottom of the hilt. Gestalt's pommel is spherical in shape, and on it's end stretches a thin steel chain of about ten feet in length with a hollow cord wrapped around the links, connecting to an arm-mounted winch/dust canister combo which rests on Ciaran's left forearm, which attaches via a small wire to a strap on her hand with buttons for drawing, sheathing, and firing the weapons ranged mode.
In addition, on the same side of the hilt under the basket is a small pull-lever, which shifts the weapon between formed when pulled back or pushed down from sword mode. Pulling the handle down instead of forward/back will sheath the weapon, where the blade segments fold in on one another telescopically, exposing the gun barrel within the blade before it too telescopically folds, and the hilt and basket guard segments move in until the hilt is about half-length, from which the weapon is pulled up into Ciaran's sleeve by the winch, and securely fastened in a small pouch with a tension spring quick release for ease of drawing.
To shift to ranged mode, the pull lever is pulled out, and from sword mode the blade segments open up, moving to be straight before pulling back to make the blade about half it's length, and the gun barrel is exposed, with iron sights flipping up from the non-bladed portion of the weapon. The hilt angles itself at the guard, with the basket guard splitting on either side of the blade, and the hilt then adjusts its segments in a hand-friendly curve, forming a long pistol with a bayonet.
Gestalt's third form can be shifted to with the handle being pushed all the way in, upon which the basket hilt's segments fold on either side of the blade, making an upside down U shaped guard, and the blade folds in half with an inverse curve and then a full curve with the last six segments of the blade, with the segments aligning themselves in the same direction on both sides. The tip of the blade expands and angles to make a bell shaped blade, with the gun barrel becoming exposed as well. This mode is used primarily as a bladed chain whip, using the ranged component to further accelerate the blade, and Ciaran uses her legs, stomach, shoulders, and left elbow to redirect the momentum of the whip.
Aura Pool: 6 Semblance Cost: 4 Ciaran's Semblance, called "Mordstreich" is a last-ditch tool for Ciaran to eliminate single or multiple targets. Mordstreich summons five ethereal blades, taking a minor action to do so. Mordstreich is a single hit against a single target, resolved as a ranged attack of [dex]+[ranged weapons]+[semblance]. Ciaran must use Mordstreich within 2 rounds, or the swords will dissipate, refunding half the total aura cost.
Upon a successful hit dealing damage to the original target, the blades explode in a vibrant Cerulean and White burst of electrical energy, and make a further standard ranged attack against all targets within 1 yard of the original target, resolved as an attack of [expression]+[semblance], however the explosion will not further damage the original target. Mordstreich drains Ciaran significantly, and upon use she immediately suffers from intense nausea and a migraine, and must pass a Resolve check. If she fails, Ciaran suffers a -1 to all mental skills and attributes until gaining a full night's rest, in addition to suffering damage concurrent with Painful Semblance.
The swords Mordstreich summons are 2-yard long broadswords with a slightly elliptical tip and a slight, with a simple rectangular guard and a long straight hilt with a spherical pommel. The flats of the blades each have a 'living' sea serpent motif, which moves throughout the blades, occasionally unleashing a silent roar, which causes a crackling electric effect across the blades.
Within one of the hospitals along the coast of Vale, Ciaran was born four weeks premature to her mother, Ivory Cerulean, and her father Noir Cerulean due to intense complications. Due to the nature of her birth, it was suspected that Ciaran may not live long out of the womb, and was immediately placed on life support. In addition, Ciaran was born intersex, a fact which caused her parents much concern, though Ciaran herself would not learn until much later. Within a week, though, she and her mother recovered from the ordeal and went home to the island of Patch. Growing up as the youngest of three siblings, Ciaran was the only one to inherit her father's water deer heritage, whereas the remainder of her siblings turned out to be whitetail deer like her mother. A very sickly girl for her first few years, Ciaran spent most of her time at home in her youth, with her first few years of education handled by either a private tutor or her grandfather, both paid for by her father's position as a teacher at Signal Academy, and her mother's status as a small corporate executive for a chain of stores in Vale. Despite her sickly nature, Ciaran was a capable student, spending much of her time studying and learning not only basic education, but learning about the nature of the world and the inhabitants of it, both human, faunus, and otherwise. From this tender age her grandfather, Royale Cerulean, and her father inspired in Ciaran a desperate desire to one day become a huntress, enthralling her with tales of heroes and huntsmen, of dark, far off forests infested with grimm, and the brave men and women who ventured forth to protect humanity.
With the assistance of a physical therapist, Ciaran's condition improved, and though she was identifiably behind the growth of her peers, she managed to become much more physically active, though her physical development being so far behind led to her being very short, and becoming the cause of several speech issues, including a slight lisp and, due to her isolated nature, a stuttering, stammering manner of speech. For this, and her faunus heritage growing in tusks by the age of eight, Ciaran was often made fun of when she did go outside, which eventually led to her fleeing one day into the woods after a particularly rough day of being bullied. She walked for several hours, eventually collapsing, tired and afraid, after climbing a small tree in the middle of the forest, coated in mud and grime, with scrapes, cuts, and bruised from the long journey. Alas, her fear and ill-feelings attracted the attention of a nearby beowolf, which rushed the tree the poor girl was resting in, knocking it over, causing her right arm to be crushed underneath the tree's trunk. Unable to get past all the branches atop the poor girl for some time, the Beowolf's snarling and Ciaran's screams of fear and pain eventually attracted her father and grandfather, who had been looking for her since she had been reported missing. The two huntsmen vanquished the Beowolf, however Ciaran's arm was beyond repair, having to be removed surgically due to being crushed and losing blood flow for so long.
Feeling her dreams of becoming a huntress had been crushed, Ciaran once more became isloated in her room, refusing to even look at the tales of heroism she once so enjoyed. However, her parents and grandparents refused to give up on her, and though she was unable to be fitted with a prosthetic due to still developing physically, her father brought in several friends of his at Signal, and her grandfather had his old teammates visit the young girl, including an amputee who, like her, had also lost an arm. These constant visits were at first met with incredible resistance from the young faunus girl, however they continued, and eventually, she agreed to train to become a proper huntress, under the tutelage of her grandfather, and his teammate, a man by the name of Blake Royale, the same man who had lost his own right arm many years prior in a grimm attack. In addition, she finally learned about her being intersex after reading about particularly womanly things, and finding out she didn't have several... particular issues. This discovery led to her entirely devoting herself to femininity, as she fully and vehemently felt if anyone found out she'd be seen as even more of a freak. However, she continued learning from the many resources available to her, and under this tutelage, plus with the assistance of a speech therapist for her impediments, Ciaran began to slowly improve, to learn how to fight with only one arm, and with her small stature how to use her knees and elbows to add weight to her strikes. The speech therapy was an immense help to her lisp, diminishing it, however she continued to be shy and stutter, to which her therapist assigned her a variety of stores, poems, and songs, suggesting to her to constantly practice. When singing, Ciaran was surprisingly free of most of her stuttering, revealing the psychological cause underlying her difficulties in speech, and sparking in her a great love of words. As another set of interests, Ciaran became enthralled not only in becoming a huntress, but with music, art, and dance as well, learning from the older guests her grandfather had over how to formally dance, and from Blake how to incorporate the moves she learned into her fighting style. With this tutelage she became a Capoierista, a style of fighting she felt was key to her success when it came time to attend Signal.
At Signal, Ciaran learned not only about furthering her movements in combat, but how to use her small nature as a plus, using her elbow and knees to not only fight, but to disable her opponents with careful strikes. She also learned how to design a weapon, and, feeling that she wanted a weapon that could not only be wielded with just her one arm, but also have significant reach, began designing Gestalt, named such after one of her favorite fairytale characters. When Gestalt, along with other weapons, were finally made, Ciaran and the other first year students at Signal were sent into the forest for an initiation, during which Ciaran made multiple friends despite her speech impediment. Many of the students at signal thought that she was not only adorable due to her small stature, but that her tusks and missing arm made her look like a total badass, a feat of which impressed and embarassed the young girl to no end. Finally, Ciaran felt accepted and cared for by her peers, inspiring confidence in the girl for the first time in many years. During this time she was partnered with another girl, a fashionable person by the name of Viridian Royale, Blake's great-niece. Viridian was the perfect partner for Ciaran, providing a ranged accompaniment to Ciaran's flowing melee attacks. During the initiation, Ciaran also unleashed her semblance for the first time.
On the return leg of the journey, the two girls encountered a large group of Beowolves, which first made Ciaran freeze up, remembering the day so long ago when she frist lost her arm. Unable to snap her friend out of it, Viridian was forced to fight mostly alone, and it was only after seeing her friend, someone who barely knew her but was so kind and amazing, fight so hard for her that Ciaran snapped back into attention, with a rallying cry using Mordstreich, the ethereal blades cutting through the Beowolf ranks, killing several and causing the remainder to flee. This first use however was incredibly taxing, causing the young girl to pass out. When she awoke, her family and Viridian were all waiting for her, and she returned after a week recovering to Signal, furthering her development. Viridian herself caused an interest in Ciaran for fashion, later designing her own outfit to compliment Gestalt and her manner of fighting, combining fashionable tastes and effective armor into one, and mixing them all with her unique fighting style, taking the essentials of Capoiera and adding to them other elements as well, giving Ciaran great ability in combat. At the end of their time at Signal, Viridian and her family moved away to Mistral, and with a tearful goodbye and a promise to never give up, Ciaran applied into Beacon, and was accepted, eager to continue learning and to one day, become the best one-armed huntress anyone ever heard of, and as a legacy to her family, her parents had made for her a pair of rings, which she wears to the day, further driving her desires to protect and serve, just like the heroes she grew up among.
Ciaran is at her core an incredibly shy girl, typically speaking only when spoken to or asked to speak unless something of desperate importance arises. When she does talk, Ciaran prefers to speak in short, simple terms to minimize the impact of her stutter with a soft tone, rarely ever going above just-loud-enough-to-understand, and is always conscious of how she sounds to others. This insecurity is diminished when Ciaran tells stories from her book, or sings, allowing her to ignore the issues and stresses of well, talking to other people. She continues to stutter and her lisp may impact her performance, but overall she has a beautiful singing voice, and a knack for knowing just how to tell a story. She also has some degree of dancing skill, particularly with formal dances, though she also knows and takes great pleasure in knowing how to sword-dance.
Despite her shy nature, Ciaran is certain of her combat ability, and while she won't boast or undermine her prowess in a fight, she can get carried away when she has a passionate cause to fight. Against bullies she has no tolerance, and attempts to demean her faunus heritage are met first with silence, and second with revenge equal to the transgression. She is very protective of both her rings, and her book of tales and poems. Despite her shy nature and troublesome past, Ciaran is typically very happy-go-lucky, glad to make friends where she can and happy to help others, with an understanding that hope is the most important thing she can have, and inspiring it is simple as being nice to others and believing in them, just as so many people in her life had believed in herself.
In addition, she treats the origin of her birth as a very deep and embarrassing secret, and endeavors to appear as feminine as possible, affecting both her combat style and her wardrobe. When angered, Ciaran is a long burning fuse, able to withstand significant faults and accept many transgressions before she'll finally snap, feeling that she doesn't want to make trouble for anyone anymore. Her ears and her tusks are a good way of understanding her mood, and she'll flatten her ears and bare her tusks if she's angry or upset with someone, otherwise holding them high with a wide smile on her lips.
Speed Health Defense Armor Initiative
11 7 4 3 / 2 7
Attack Value
Unarmed 4
Melee 9
Ranged 9
Thrown 10
Changelog: April 13: Added Alternate Outfit/Changed outfits
submitted by RedAnze to rwbyRP [link] [comments]

queen size comforter measurements in cm video

Oversized comforters typically have more width. For example, a queen comforter will usually measure 86 to 88 inches wide, while an oversized queen comforter will measure about 115 inches wide. If you have a thicker mattress but do not want the extra length that comes with sizing up, you may want to opt for an oversized comforter. Conclusion 99 cm x 191 cm: 90 cm x 200 cm: Twin XL: 39 in. x 80 in. 42 in. x 75 in. 36 in. x 80 in. 39 in. x 79 in. 99 cm x 203 cm: 106 cm x 191 cm: 91 cm x 203 cm: 99 cm x 200 cm: Dorm Size: Super Single: Single XL: Large Single: Double/Full: 54 in. x 75 in. 55 in. x 79 in. 137 cm x 190 cm: 140 cm x 200 cm: Queen (U.K. King) 60 in. x 80 in. 63 in. x 79 ... A queen size bed will need a comforter that measures between 86 to 88 inches wide by 96 to 100 inches long. The width of your mattress plus the thickness will tell you the exact comforter width you should purchase. Because mattress depth can vary, measuring your bed first will help you find the perfect size comforter. What size is a full/queen comforter? In the case of queen comforters, they are usually about 98 inches wide, and for king comforters, they are about 115 inches wide. If you want a wide comforter but do not want to jump up to the next standard size, this option can be a good compromise. Metric Measurements (cm) Imperial Measurements; Single/Twin Bed size: 99 cm x 191 cm : 39" x 75" Twin XL size: 99 cm x 203 cm: 39" x 80" Double size: 137 cm x 191 cm: 54" x 75" Queen Size: 152 cm x 203 cm: 60"x 80" King Size: 198 cm x 203 cm: 76"x 80" Super King Size: 183 cm x 213 cm: 72" x 84" Standard queen bedspread sizing runs longer and wider than sizing for comforters, with bedspreads measuring 102 by 116 inches. Queen blankets measure nearly the same size as comforters at 90 by 90 inches. Consumers should account for the style of mattress when selecting which end of the size range to look in for their comforters. QUEEN: KING: CALIFORNIA KING: 167 x 219 cm 66 x 86 in: 167 x 229 cm 66 x 90 in: 203 x 203 cm 80 x 80 in: 229 x 224 cm 90 x 88 in: 259 x 229 cm 102 x 90 in: 264 x 239 cm 104 x 94 in

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